XXXXI - Silence

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It's been a week since I started avoiding Rivers and the guys have been helping me out a lot. Whenever he tries to approach me one of them always stops him and covers for me as I walk away. I don't know how I could ever repay them for looking out for me, I really can't be any more grateful for brothers like them. They've even been comforting me even though Matt and the twins don't ask any questions, I still think they get that something is wrong and they're just patiently waiting for me to speak up. I loved them for that and I couldn't ask for a better family.

Zach has been especially kind to me as well, he's been letting me sleep in his room and even keeps sneaking back into Rivers room when he's asleep to get me some clothes. Though I think he enjoys doing it, the feeling of doing something for someone else. The feeling of him doing that for me still feels like it's the first time he's done anything for me, like I still feel the smile creep on my face even though I try to hide it whenever the clothes are waiting for me on the countertop of the bathroom. I never let him sleep on the couch though, that's just rude and I feel like I'm intruding. He doesn't even let me sleep in a guest room because he thinks I might have another nightmare and he wants to make sure I'm okay. I grin just at the memories of the guys protecting me from Rivers' stares and glances, I just can't help but still feel hurt from him.

I mean it still feels like yesterday when Zach confessed that what I said may be true of him cheating on me, I just try my hardest to avoid Rivers when I can so I can eventually forget him, even though he lives in the same house as me.

Though, the guys always watch a movie with me before I go to bed because Zach said, "I don't want you to go to bed with the thought of pain in your heart, you need to go to bed with ease and I don't care if we stay up all night watching movies with you, I want to make sure you go to bed feeling content." It was so heart warming, I've never felt so loved by anyone like that except my mom. It's truly the little things that make a girl happy, even if it's just words. If you learn to use them right then they might just go straight to her heart. I loved my brothers now, I loved them for making sure I was okay, I loved them for making me feel a way I've never felt before.

Anyways, it's currently 5:00 in the afternoon and we had gotten back from the main base awhile ago. The men are getting better and I'm glad that the guys helped me pick out the right people to train the members. I did a check up on them today, they were improving more than the last time I checked up on them, I almost felt like a proud mom.

Today, I also provided a lesson that I am sure will be on their minds for the rest of their lives: speed. Yes, one of the most important things to learn in the gang world because it's a way to get in and out of things smoothly if you take advantage of the right timing.

"This is a quick lesson on something that I hope will forever be carved inside your thick skulls. I will give you a lesson on speed today. Just a quick one, no pun intended, but one I hope you learn from. Speed is more than important and the only time you don't need it is when you have strength. I used it many times to get out of situations that were almost risky but I survived, and that's all that matters." I announced to many members, " I outran bullets, knives, spears, heck I even outran the moon itself, and I don't expect you to be as quick as me but I expect you to watch as I take advantage of a little thing called time," I pointed over to Matt at one corner and Zach on the other, both looking unsure, "They are going to try and shoot me before I can get that blue flag at the end there," I gestured toward the blue flag that was swinging on the other side of the balcony, "Catch is, I have to start from the bottom and I have to go through the whole obstacle course to get to it. Now everybody get as close to the wall as possible unless you want a bullet your way," I warned.

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