XXXIV - Fear

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Rivers had woken me up at 8:00 a.m. this morning telling me to get ready in an hour before we left. I was too stubborn but when he spanked me and repeated himself more seductively I immediately shot up and made my way to the shower. I exfoliated, scrubbed, washed, and rinsed my body before I got out and moisturized my body. After I had brushed my teeth I made my way to the walk in closet to pull out a white button up shirt and blue washed out jeans with rips at the knees. He told me 'something presentable' but I didn't want to question him any further as that might just result to another spanking.

 He told me 'something presentable' but I didn't want to question him any further as that might just result to another spanking

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I curled my hair into loose beach waves and applied just a bit of makeup to make myself look presentable. After I was done I got dressed and put on my white slip ons, a small silver watch, and my beige handbag. I grabbed my phone and wallet and made my way down the stairs.

As I reached the bottom of the stairs I was greeted by five boys wearing all black with their signature black leather jackets but father wore a white v-neck, letting others know that he was the White Knights leader. They all approached me and greeted me with 'good mornings' and kisses on the cheeks. I was a little taken aback by their kind gestures but I just thought that we were getting closer everyday. The memory of the twins calling me their little sister yesterday at the grocery store came flooding back into my mind and it made my heart swarm with happiness.

I greeted my father with a kiss on the cheek and Rivers a small kiss on his lips, "You look beautiful kitten." I blushed and chuckled a 'thanks.' They led me to the limo that was patiently waiting for us outside and I sat there with curiosity practically radiating off of my body. As if he was reading my mind Rivers said, "Don't worry you'll find out soon princess." I nodded my head in understanding and waited to reach our destination.

After at least 20 minutes we had stopped, I looked outside to see gates ahead of us and decided to not question it any further. After a few seconds we stopped again and the driver rounded the limo to hold the door open for us. I held his hand as I stepped out of the car to be met with a mansion that was almost as big as the mansion we were staying in. I was confused at first but Matt gave me a nod, telling me to just wait.

A man in a tux opened the door for us and we stepped into the beautiful foyer. The same man led us through a hallway and stopped at the huge double doors at the end. I looked at father in confusion but he just gave me a reassuring smile, "wait just out here sweetie," I nodded my head hesitantly but did as I was told.

After almost ten minutes the door knocked from the inside and the man in the tux held it open for me to enter. As I stepped in the large room I gasped at what I saw before me.

At least thirty men had their eyes on me, some hungrily and some mixed with curiosity. I took a step back in caution and lowered my head to look at my feet. I was really shy around new people because I didn't know how to act, it was as if I had lost all of my senses and I would just cower in nervousness. I heard a man scoff towards my far right and I lowered my head a little more.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and I slowly looked up to see Zach and his goofy smile. He took my small hand in his large one and walked me toward the front of the room where a group of men were standing. Some I recognized as the boys and my father, the man across from him I recognized as Yousif Rowling, but the other five I didn't recognize.

Zach led me behind Matt and Dill as they both blocked me from the hungry stares. Zach stood back between Rivers and Will and I suddenly wondered why I wasn't standing by Rivers right now. But when I looked at him he looked deadly serious, I've never seen this look on him before.

Yousif scoffed and looked at me up and down, "Is this a joke? You're telling me that this girl is the one who killed the men at the ball? Richards, this is no time for jokes, you know that. We're here for business, we're here because of a war. We don't have time for messing around," he said defensively. I felt a little uneasy at his words, sure I was guarded by high walls but the men in here were making me feel way too claustrophobic. I slid my hand into Matt's and he squeezed it letting me know it's okay.

I kept my head down as the men chuckled at my sudden gesture, "What's wrong cupcake?" Matt whispered to me. Of course it didn't make sense that I was the most dangerous person in this room holding onto someone's hand because it looked like I was scared.

I had to answer truthfully because if I didn't it wouldn't make sense, and plus I don't like lying, "I get nervous around new people Matty," I said in a small voice. I knew Dill heard me because then he whispered into Will's ear, who whispered into Zach's, who whispered to River's, who whispered to my father. He nodded his head in understanding and cleared his throat to gain back their attention, "We apologize but she is just a little nervous around new people. She doesn't feel quite comfortable yet and if you would like her to join us you must introduce yourself," he said in a deep authorative tone.

I gripped onto Matt's hand a little tighter at the thought of me talking to new people. I watched as Yousif looked between my father and I and shook his head, "A woman who takes down 34 men single handedly does not act nervous around new people Richards," he stated matter of factly.

"Well she's not a woman, she's a girl, a pretty strong one too. So if you want her to fucking join us then you cooperate with her requirements Rowling," Father said almost annoyed.

Yousif let out a defeated sigh and walked over to me, I started to hide a little behind Matt as he stalked closer to me. He held out his hand and introduced himself, "Hello darling, my name is Yousif Rowling, I'm the leader of the Black Dragons gang," he said with an amused smile. I hesitantly took his hand and shook it, "I know," I said softly.

"You know? Well isn't that splendid, would you like to meet my inner gang?" I looked up to Matt and he gave me a small nod before softly pushing me towards Yousif.

He walked me over to a man who had brown hair with green eyes who looked roughly 23 years old, he stood up from his leather chair when we approached, "This is my second in command, Kyle Woods," he stook his hand out with a cocky smile and I shook it gently, "Pleased to meet you." I said a small 'hello' to him and we walked to the next man who had shiny blonde hair and ocean blue eyes who looked 18 but could be older, "Patrick Winters, my third in command," he took my hand and kissed the back of it gently while maintaining eye contact, "I'm truly honored," I blushed as I felt Rivers glare at him from the back of my head. He led me to a man with dark hair and eyes as dark as night, he looked at least 25 with a permanent cold stoned face, "Meet Liam Franchise, my fourth in command," I held my hand out for him to shake and he looked at me up and down before shaking it, "hmm." Finally he led me to a man who looked almost 26, light brown hair and light brown eyes, "Last and not least, Ethan Rims, fifth in command," He gave me an amused smile and shook my hand, "hey," I gave him a small 'hey' in return and Yousif led me back to Matt.

"So darling, do you feel better now?" Yousif asked as he made his way back to his previous spot. This time I lifted my head up and nodded my head with a better attitude. He chuckled and before he could say anything he was cut off, "I'm sorry but how do we know if she's the real deal? How do we know she's the real girl who killed those men?" Liam asked suspiciously.

My father looked at me which were followed by more eyes, "Sweetie, would you like to have a little 'fun'?"
They all scoffed when I nodded my head at his question.

My father chuckled nervously then looked back to Yousif, "Do you have a a fighting room by any chance?"

"Do you really think that lowly of me? Of course I do, we'll have some of my men fight her off, good?" Yousif answered almost amused.

Father sighed in amusement, "You're men are fucked Rowling."

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