XXXII - Business

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I couldn't get out of this room. The wire that held my hands back were on tight, so even if I wanted to move blood would seep through my hands. I waited anxiously at what my next punishment was. They had repeatedly turned on the gas causing me to pass out multiple times, I even think it's causing some damage to my brain but I didn't know.

What I did know was that I was dying, I knew I was. I could feel it in my limbs, hell, even my soul knew that I was dying.

My breathing was rapid as I heard the familiar sound of boots hitting the floor coming closer. I could kill these guys easily but they were smart to tie me down with wire. Instead, my body tensed ready for any impact from my boss that it must take.

Even through all this pain, I didn't cry. I didn't scream, I didn't beg. All I did was wait for the perfect time to escape. Even though I was skilled at hurting, I was also skilled at surviving.

The loud handle of the metal door echoed throughout the room, causing me to hold my breath for anything that might occur. I watched through the dim lighting of the handle turning slowly, teasing me of scaring me.

The door flew open and the light blinded me from identifying who came to pay me a visit today. They stalked closer to me taking long strides as I stared at the floor to cover my eyes. I tensed as I felt the warmth of their body radiating off them as they were now in front of me. I felt so much pain as he scarred me in so many places of my body.

He used lashes, he used knives, he hurt me. I did not scream once, I did not show him a reaction, I showed him I was stronger than he thought. All of the pain shot through my body with each hit, and I knew it would send me to sleep. I looked up to see my torturer but before I could -

I jerked up from the bed with beads of sweating trailing down my face. My lungs felt like they didn't have air in them as I clutched onto my stomach. Black dots swarmed my vision but went away as I slowed down my breathing. I released my last breath and took in my surroundings, only to be met with five men surrounding my bed and one right next to me, all looking at me in concern.

I visibly gulped at the realization that it was just a nightmare, that I was just dreaming. But it all felt so real, like I was back there again. Like I had never left that goddamn box.

"Are you alright sugar?" Dill asked in a soft voice. I looked out of the window to see that it was still dark outside. I glanced over at the digital clock on the nightstand, 3:54.

"What happened?" I asked in a whisper. I felt like I had lost my voice, though I wasn't sure why.

"You were having a nightmare, and judging from the way you were acting it seemed like a bad one," Zach commented. Why did he say it like that? What does he mean, 'by the way you were acting?'

I looked at him in confusion, "How long was I like that for?" I asked in an expectant tone.

"Almost an hour cupcake," Matt said concerned. I closed my eyes shut at the realization of what he was saying. I was showing these symptoms again, I have to be prepared. I know what I have to do, these types of dreams only come for a reason, and it wasn't a good one.

"Hey hey, take it easy sweetie. Are you alright? Is there something wrong? Do we need to know something?" My father asked in a concerned but soft tone. I couldn't tell them what was happening. He would be coming after me, not these boys. Though my father is the most powerful gang leader in the world, and standing before me were powerful men, but I was more powerful. I didn't want to put him into harm's way, I would just kill him and go.

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