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"Did she taste just like me?"

I watched as her eyes were glossy as she looked deep into my eyes. She knew. She fucking knew. I can't believe I was so stupid to think I could get away with it but Karma was being such a fucking bitch. I hurt her, I fucking hurt my princess in the worst way possible, anything could feel better than this. Hell, a bullet to the head could feel better than this, I fucked up, I fucked up, how in the hell could I no-, how did she know?

I looked down at her and scrunched my eyebrows, "How did you-"

"So it's true. I really-" she took a sharp breath as she leaned her head back into the wall, "I really didn't want to believe my dreams but, it just felt so real. Everything felt so real and I wanted to confront you about it but Zach said I shouldn't worry and-"

"What the fuck did Zach do?" I said a little louder than I should've. I was angry that my best fucking friend went against me and decided to keep the only thing that calmed my sanity away from me. How could he do this?

"He's been helping me Rivers, don't be like that, " she scoffed.

"Don't be like that? Don't be like that?! Are you fucking serious Blu?! My best fucking friend decided to betray me all for some fucking bitch and-" but before I could continue I noticed how Blu jumped back at what I had called her. Regret instantly washed over my body like cold water being poured onto me as I had realized what I said. Her eyes filling with tears and her face turning pale as she looked at me like I was a stranger. I walked over to her trying to apologize but she only backed away, "Blu I'm so sorry-"

"Rivers don't touch me please-" She looked down to hide her face.

"I didn't mean it, " I said as I stopped in my tracks. She held her hand out for me to stop talking and I watched as it shook a little when she steadied her breathing. She held onto her stomach to try and gather the oxygen before she finally decided to look up. My heart shattered at the sight in front of me, the once caramel skin I desperately craved now pale, her brown eyes that held life were now red holding in tears that I never wished to see. Her lip trembled as she looked at me, as if her heart had just... just... broken.

"Blu I'm sorry I never meant to," I tried to explain, but it seemed like I lost my words as I watched tears stream down her face. She shook her head disappointedly and slowly approached me.

When she was only inches away from me she lifted her hand up as if to slap me. I tensed, waiting for the impact to come but it never did. I opened my eyes slowly to see Blu sobbing quietly in front of me, she softly cupped my face in her hands and placed a gently kiss on my lips. She pulled away and looked deep into my eyes, tears still blocking her vision and letting them slide down past her jaw. She drew circles on my cheekbone as I was stunned at her skin making contact with mine. She quickly stopped and whispered, "It doesn't matter how angry I am with you, it doesn't matter if I'm stronger than you or not, I would never hurt you the way you did me, " and she ran out the door.

I heard the front door slam but I just stayed in my spot, letting her words sink in and letting my tears stream down my face. I don't know how long I was there for but soon all five men rushed into my room and stared at me. Zach rushed over to me and grabbed me by my collar, pulling me out of my daze, "Where the fuck did she go huh? What did you fucking do to her?" I tried pulling him off of me but kept failing, his grip on me was unbelievable holy shit. He was pulled off by Matt and the twins and held him back, "What the hell did you do to Blu Rivers?" Boss asked sternly.

I looked around the room, desperately trying to find those brown locks anywhere but I couldn't. I looked back at the guys who all had awaiting looks on their faces, "I hurt her..."


I left. I didn't think I just left. I rushed out of the front door and straight into my car. As I started the engine I couldn't help but cry. I cried like never before and I haven't cried in a long time. I didn't cry when my mom had to leave me all alone, I didn't cry when I killed those men, I didn't cry when my father found me, I didn't cry.

But this, this was, I couldn't explain it, all I knew was that I needed to leave. I started driving for what felt like forever but was actually thirty minutes to my phone ringing. I picked it up when I saw the called ID, "Hey father," I said trying to hide my cries.

"Hey pumpkin, we just wanted to know where you wanted to eat when we got back," he asked cheerfully. I couldn't help but cry, I cried just thinking of the boys and leaving them. As much as I didn't want to leave them I just needed my time to breathe.

I pulled the car over and cried my heart out just by the thought of Matt, the twins, and Zach. I wouldn't be gone forever, I would be back but I just couldn't stand the thought of breathing the same air as Rivers right now, not for awhile. I cried at the thought of my father not having his daughter around for awhile, how he seemed so happy and content being around me. I cried because of how much these boys changed my life and how much I affected theirs. I cried because I missed my mommy. I really did, but I couldn't contact her yet. Not until I know it's safe.

It's been a minute or two before I heard a voice, "Blu are you alright? Why are you crying?" I had forgotten that I was still on the phone and immediately put it to my ear. "Hello? Yeah I'm alright," I said wiping my tears away.

"Bullshit Blu, tell us why you're crying," Zach demanded. Us. Of course he was on speaker so they could listen, of course they would want to listen to what I had to say.

I sat there for a second to steady my breathing, but none of it was working. I just kept sobbing and letting the tears stream down my face before I finally spoke back into the phone...

"Dad?" I whimpered.

There was silence on the other end of the phone before I heard his voice, "Y-yes sweetie?" He asked unsure. I knew why, this was my first time calling him dad and not father. I honestly didn't deserve a dad like him, I felt like a burden to them all and I was more than grateful for them to take me in. But that was when I realized that this big man was more than a gang leader, he was a friend, an ally, he was my fucking dad and I couldn't help but hurt at my next words, "I'm going to be gone for awhile. I'm sorry but I need you guys to take care of everything while I'm gone. I'll be back before you know it okay? I love you guys so much, bye."

"Wait Blu no wha-" But I hung up before another word was spoken. I turned my phone off and kept driving. I needed to clear my head for awhile.

I was driving for maybe hours before I needed to get gas, I pulled into the nearest gas station and pumped my gas, using cash so the guys couldn't track my credit card.

As I turned back to get into my car I felt a pinch on my neck and I started to feel dizzy. I looked behind me to find a swirling silhouette as I kept going in and out of consciousness. I looked to the employee working at the register only to find him in his own pool of blood on the counter. I watched as the all too familiar man stepped out of the store, wiping his blood covered hands with a white rag.

The last thing I saw before I fell into darkness was the mischievious smirk plastered on his face.

Baby Blu Assassin// COMPLETED✔️Where stories live. Discover now