IX - My Name Is...

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When she put her hand on my chest I almost lost it. Just her touch made the feeling of sparks go through my whole body. She looked so innocent when she said 'hi' to me. Even more innocent when she bit her lip to respond to my question. I just wanted to kiss her right there, I was actually so close to doing it when our faces were just inches apart, but she looked back down and she pushed me back so she could have space to head to the car. "Shall we go?" She asked quietly.
I nodded my head slowly while looking at her up and down to take in her outfit, cute.

That's where it leads us to right now, we are in the car and we are headed to a little restaurant downtown.

She looks a little nervous because whenever I look towards her direction, her head is down and she's looking at her fiddling hands like something's so interesting about them. When I checked her hands to see if anything was wrong I noticed how perfect they were. Her nails looked manicured and the skin, soft as always. She kept playing with her fingers like they'll make her nervousness go away some how.

When I turned my head back to the road I watched in my peripheral vision as she looked outside of the window. I heard her gasp and I quickly snapped my head in her direction.

"What is it?" I asked concerned.

She looked at me with a blank face, "Nothing."

I repeatedly kept looking back at her, then back to the road. Why did she just- I saw the restaurant come into view and I had forgotten about what I was just thinking about. I pulled into a parking spot near the front and I rushed out to open her door. When she got out she gave a me a shy smile and quietly mumbled, "thank you."

We were welcomed at the front by a girl who had one too much makeup on. She gave me a flirtatious smile and asked, "Do you have any reservations?" In a seductive tone.

I wanted to gag but I wanted to make an impression in front of- fuck I should really ask her what her name is. "Yes, under Jackson." She looked me up and down before checking the screen in front of her.

"A table for two?" She asked.

"Yep," I said popping the p. I then put my hand on Kitten's back and started drawing circles. At first she tensed up but she soon relaxed to it.

The girl behind the screen had looked her up and down before scowling. I wanted to say something to her but kitten beat me to it, "I'd do the same thing if I saw a clown," with a scowl of her own.

To say I was shocked was an understatement. I mean, she was all shy and quiet one second, but once one person looks at her wrong she bites back.

I chuckled a bit with my hand still behind her back and I let go. The woman quickly cleared her throat and told us to follow her.


The clown quickly cleared her throat and told us to follow her. We were walking through other tables to the back when Rivers caught my eye. He was glaring at people who looked our way, I didn't know why but I didn't care. I mean he is hot, I'll admit to that, but I'm not his.

We made our way to a secluded dining area with no one else around. What in the fu-

"Your waitor will be here shortly," and with that, the clown had walked away. I mean I enjoy makeup, but let me tell you she literally looked like flashback Mary.

While we were looking through the menus a young man who looked at least 18-19 walked up to us. His skin was brown and he had dark black hair with black eyes, and of course, an award winning smile. His eyes met mine and he lingered on looking at me before Rivers cleared his throat.

"Ah yes, I'll be your waitor tonight, what can I get you guys?"

"I'd like an orange juice, and for her-"

"Cranberry juice if you have any, " I finished for him. He looked up at me giving me an ' are you serious ' look.
I gave Rivers an innocent smile before the waitor walked away to get our drinks. I continued examining the menu and found what I wanted to order.

"You already know what you want?" He asked surprised.

"Yeah, why? You wanna order for me this time?" I playfully asked.

"Yeah sure, if you don't mind," He answered jokingly.

Soon the waitor came back with our drinks and took out his notepad for our orders. "I'll take the 'Smokehouse Burger,'" Rivers said. "And for the lady?" The waitor asked with a lingering smile. " I'll take the 'Chicken Caesar Salad,'" I replied. He walked away as soon as he got our orders.

"So, tell me kitten," emphasis on the 'kitten, ' "I couldn't help but keep thinking about yesterday, care to explain?"

"Nope, " I replied, popping the 'p.' I sat back into my chair realizing that if he's asking me about something like yesterday, then he won't stop until I crack.

He looked at me in amusement, "Do you even know what I'm talking about?"

I smiled innocently at him, "Don't really care..." He looked taken back by my sudden attitude.

"Now, why'd you want to meet up today?" I asked him slowly.

He chuckled a bit before replying, " I just wanted to get to know you, is that too much to ask for?"

"It is if I'm not getting the same thing back." I replied rudely.

"And what do you want in return?"

" I would like questions answered as well. Might as well say we're playing truth or truth here."

He looked me up and down, probably trying to look for a change in composure to see if I were bluffing, "Alright kitten, lady's first."

I let out a sigh of relief, "After I repeatedly kept giving you signals that I didn't want to be around you, you still try and hangout with me, why is that?"

"I wanted to get to know you, and I wanted to say sorry for what I did yesterday morning. It was rude for me to come off to you like that and you didn't even know me. And I sincerely apologise." I looked him in the eyes, it's not a lie, but it's not the full truth. "Ok, you're turn cowface."

He looked at me, trying to figure out a good question that's worth it.

"What's your name?"


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