XXV - On My Way

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It's been a week since I had killed the Blood Diamond's leader, but that didn't matter to me because he tried killing the White Knight's leader as well. We've had a quiet week and Rivers and I had been going to school regularly. He even switched seats with Theo because, and I quote, 'Didn't want his dirty hotdog water hands on me again'. But the good thing is he explained to me why he had given me the cold shoulder on his first day and it was because he thought I didn't want to be around him anymore and asked father to give me more test runs as an excuse to not see him. I giggled at how pouty he looked and gave him a kiss on the cheek which made his face light up immediately.

He's also been making excuses to sneak into my room in the middle of the night just to sleep with me. Saying things like, 'My bed isn't as comfy as yours,' 'I couldn't sleep,' 'Your sheets are soft,' and 'Theres a monster in my closet.' He's the second in command of the top gang in the entire world, in most people's eyes he IS a monster!

I walked out of the training room to take a shower when I was almost run over by a 6ft tall man with dirty blonde curly hair, "Blu! I'm sorry I was just looking for you! Boss says for you to pack and head downstairs when you're ready, we're leaving in 2 hours," Matt said as he turned to head back downstairs but I quickly stopped him.

"For how long?" I decided to ask the where's and why's later on because I know there will be time.

"A month, " and he rushed back downstairs.

I took a shower and put on some denim 90's shorts with a white long sleeve shirt. I tied my hair into a sleek low ponytail and slipped on my Air Force 1's and started packing. I had my large suitcase, a duffel bag, and a backpack ready to go in almost 2 hours.

I heard a knock on my door and opened it to be met with two unfamiliar middle-aged men with suits on who says my father sent them to take my luggage. I let them into my room and they started down the stairs ahead of me. I made sure I had packed the essentials and started heading down the stairs as well, not really needing anything since I still don't have a phone and stuff.

They were all waiting for me downstairs and I noticed that my father had his back towards me which gave me a perfect chance for a sneak attack. We have also been getting closer this week with him teaching me how to deal with shipments and paperwork, and might I say I thought I was suffocating with the mountains of paperwork surrounding me.

I jumped off the stairs and leaped onto the big man in front of me which sent him stumbling forward but he quickly caught his balance, "Who is this," he asked as I covered his eyes.

"It's the Baby Blu assassin, and I'm hear to rob you of your drugs, money, and prized possessions, " I growled in a low voice but quickly blew it when I let out a low giggle.

He stopped moving and chuckled, "Oh really? Well you can take whatever you want because I sure as hell will destroy you when I can, " He said matter of factly.

I uncovered his eyes but still held on to him, "Wow, remind me to rob you of your huge ego father," I said sarcastically. The other guys chuckled and I greeted them with a quick good morning.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked looking around to see the men loading the black SUV with our luggage. They all nodded their heads and we walked out with me still on my father's back. They all got in the back as my father sat me down in the front passengers seat and jogged to his side. I buckled my seatbelt and we were off to the airport.

We stopped in the middle of nowhere with a red carpet leading us to the stairs of a white private jet, "Is this yours?" I asked astonished at the beautiful creation in front of me.

"It'll be yours soon," father assured me. I almost squealed at the thought of me traveling the world with my own private jet but quickly settled down. I climbed the stairs and my jaw hit the floor when I saw how luxurious the inside looked.

Everything looked so cushiony and shiny and I think I even almost cried, "Close your mouth kitten you're giving me ideas, " Rivers whispered from behind me. I closed my mouth and started looking around, trying to get familiar with things.

When I was done I sat down on the cushiony sofa and admired the land outside. There wasn't much but I liked to think what the land could be later on in the future.

"Blu I have a gift for you," I quickly turned my head towards my father as he pulled out a white paper bag and set it in front of me. I gratefully took it from him and sat on the floor as I opened it like a kid on Christmas morning.

I looked inside with Dill and Will on either side of me eagerly watching as I took out my gift.... gifts.

I immediately recognized the two boxes in front of me and I couldn't contain it anymore, I danced around crazily while I was still on the floor. I pulled out the IPhone XS Max and MacBook Air from the bag still dancing around. I unwrapped the plastic from the box and opened the box carefully drooling at how shiny the screen was on the phone. I gently put them down and jumped onto my father's lap to thank him and excessively kissed him on the cheeks.

Once I settled down I started setting up my devices right away before a question popped into my head, "Where are we going?" I asked.

"We're going back to America for awhile sweetie," my father answered gingerly.

I immediately felt like cold water had just been dumped onto my body at the thought of... him.

"We have to attend the Masquerade that's in 2 weeks in New Hampshire. The Black Dragons are hosting and we have some business to attend to as well," Zach explained.

New Hampshire, he won't be there. He's almost half way across the country if I'm in New Hampshire. He can't get me if I'm that far away.

I nodded my head in understanding and went back to my laptop to do a bit of research while still criss crossed on the floor, ignoring the eyes that were being burned into the side of my head. A flight attendant had given the boys some snacks and gave me a bowl of chicken Caesar salad. I was eternally grateful that my father had chicken Caesar salads ready for me wherever we went, I mean, they're my favorite!

I took a bite of the deliciousness and set it back down, continuing my research. I started digging in to the Blood Diamonds to see the things they were involved in. I was reading a police article when a line had caught my eye: ' The man was arrested and later identified as part of the Blood Diamonds gang, his last words before being shoved into a police car was, "In a matter of time, all creation will be grateful for what is, and what is yet to become."

Where have I heard that line before?

I started doing a little digging on the quote and found out they were said by a man who had started a massacre in the early 2000's, 'Finis Omnium Nostrum' is what he called himself.

I started doing more research on him and found out that he had committed several crimes across the U.S. and maybe even some in Canada, leaving behind his name on walls or even on his victims' bodies.

"What does this have to do with the Blood Diamonds?" I thought out loud.

I did more digging and froze at what laid across my screen.


What did Blu find?


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