14|Where is Jimin!?

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Taehyung's pov

I knew Jimin wasn't feeling well, the poor thing is stressed too much due to the  upcoming release of our album. Plus his anxiety issues were getting out of hand. It had been a few minutes since I had reached the nearest bar, he was supposed to meet me here, we had planned to have a drink together. Oh! there he is ......."Yah! Park Jimin ...over here.", I waved to him.

He came running towards me and we entered the  small bar. luckily the bar was empty or else people would identify us and we wouldn't be able to converse properly.

"What's up with you...huh?!....Hey are you ok ?", I asked after we both ordered our drinks.            He gulped down his glass of whiskey and took a deep breath before finally answering my question, " Fine...huh...I don't actually freaking know Tae .....I'm nervous and yup I'm acting weird cause I'm taking  pills for my anxiety and panic attack problems... I'm done struggling....ughhh... I feel wierd.", he faltered and went on to order  more glasses of whiskey.

"No wonder you lost your temper back in that company....Ummm...Jimin I'm sure things will get better...ok...I think you said take a little rest or vacation for a few days you know.... you'll definitely feel better I'm sure....and I'm always there if you need me ,okay. And, yah don't drink so much what if the pills have side effects along with the alcohol , you can get drugged unknowingly... !", I said pulling away his fifth glass of whiskey.

"I can take care of myself ok don't teach me Kim Taehyung....I think you should head back to the dorm...the members will be worried... I'll come back within half  an hour...go home." he said.       I did as he said as it was useless arguing with him.



Namjoon's pov

"Where the fuck is Park Jimin? ", Yoongi bellowed.

"He said that he would be back soon ", Taehyung said with a tensed tone.

"Are you serious , how could you leave him alone you know he has panic attacks , how irresponsible!!", Jungkook said with annoyance.

"Calm down everyone....no point in arguing and blaming each other... and I'm sure Jimin is an adult ...he is fine , he will be back soon ...lets not create anymore commotion and confusion", I said to calm the situation although I was freaking out from inside. I was tensed but had to calm the members .

"Namjoon is right calm your asses people, we will contact Bang Pd tomorrow morning...maybe Jimin is in some of his friend's house...like the last time.", Jin said.

"But he had informed us last time right?!", Jungkook said.

"No more discussions on this topic kookie, is it clear, go to sleep everyone", Hoseok said.

"Fine, but we better do something tomorrow morning asap.", Jungkook shouted and went inside his room. 

______________________________END OF FLASHBACK________________________________


The boys had gathered up together in the morning to discuss about their precious member Jimin who had not returned home since the previous day. Everyone was tensed especially Jungkook and Yoongi. Namjoon being the sensible leader had not delayed anymore and called their mangers and company head to discuss. Everyone was tensed except for Taehyung who looked calm and had a serene look on his face.

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