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The moment YeonSeo had got up from her drunken slumber everything in her brain was a blur and she was confused not knowing what had happened the previous night. Her mind kept on processing weird things and she was a mess. But obviously she just couldn't sit and cry over spilt milk since what was done was done,  she had to move on. Plus Jimin was  hot and handsome so losing her virginity to him was kind of okay for her although she wanted her first time to be special. She momentarily decided to act like nothing happened since she didn't care anymore or maybe it was still bugging her internally.
But she had to move on right.

12:45 pm

YeonSeo's apartment

YeonSeo's pov

I had been bawling my eyes out for the past  hour and I finally decided to get over it.                         Like losing my virginity to Jimin isn't a biggie and I'm a badass and I'm a legal adult so screw it......and I finally decided to take a shower and clean myself.

I took a nice long shower ,put on an oversized t-shirt ,put my hair up in a messy bun and built in a fake confidence and decided to walk out of my room.  

As soon as I stepped in the living space my nose tingled with the smell of fresh pancakes. I was soo excited to eat them but the only minus point was that it was made my most hated person Park Jimin. As soon as he saw me, he came jumping with two plates of pancakes garnished with maple syrup towards my couch. He sat beside me and gently cut a piece of the soft and warm pancake and nudged me to open my mouth. He was probably being too nice because of the previous night, but I wasn't in a mood to be happy along with him as I was pissed. He was about to shove the pancake into my mouth when I blurted out.

"What happened between us.....like exactly what happened...?"

"Do you seriously not remember.....how much fun we had last night?!.....woah!! I'm disappointed that I couldn't please you.....I thought you enjoyed....", he stated and took a bite from his pancakes.

"Mmmmm....these pancakes are soft.. just like your skin felt on my finger tips, YeonSeo...", he chuckled again.

I just couldn't believe that this man right in front of me to whom I had probably lost my virginity to didn't even care about my feelings and how I felt.....I was embarrassed and pissed and angry with myself as I couldn't control my drunk self.......all these thoughts formed heavy tears and soon I felt them rolling down my cheeks.

"Now what happened what are you crying for......?!",he asked

"Jimin.....did....we.....seriously.....like have you know.....huh....huh....", I asked with a squeaking voice.

"Do you think I'm kidding about such a serious thing.... I'm not even complaining cause you were so good last night....like generally I don't make out with any random creature.....but you my girl have potential."

"Potential?!", I gasped.

So I did lose my virginity to this shit head and all thanks to Yoora who had given me a genius idea of seducing him.....but it isn't her fault completely as I couldn't control myself and I myself had dragged him in bed with me. I wasn't angry on Jimin completely but something just didn't feel right. Like why would a hallyu star  like him have interest in me...ugh whatever.

Tears escaped my eyes continuously as I was an emotional freak and Jimin was of literally no help as he was giving me weird smirks  the reminded me of the night that I wanted to forget desperately.


Jimin's pov

Nothing literally nothing had happened between us......we just slept beside each other. I was just trying to goof around with YeonSeo but she seemed to take the situation seriously and I saw her crying like a maniac.

"Will you kindly stop crying.... I'm getting super annoyed.", I said nonchalantly.

"It really doesn't impact you huh....like whatever happened between us....how could you take advantage of the situation...... you're such a pervert like I'm done with you.......like this will remain a one night stand for you......but I wanted my first time to be special.....you'll never understand Mr. Park.......never.....never...", YeonSeo yelled in anger as she continued bawling.

" Calm...down Miss. Lee to make things clear nothing happened between both of us. We just slept beside each other that's it......only slept....and how dare you call me a pervert...huh....you were planning to seduce me right....you wore that dress.....you were drunk....you tried to undress me.....you pulled me beside you in your bed....so what's my fault here...huh.....tell me....and even though I might look easy going but lemme tell you I would never do anything with anyone, without their consent cause I have common sense....so I would never do anything that would make both of us uncomfortable.", I replied.

She looked at me with a look of shock and happiness, she rubbed her tears and scooted closer to me and whispered in my ears," Thank you, Jimin for understanding and bearing with my misbehavior last night.....it genuinely feels nice.", and she gave me a slight hug.  Then she picked up her plate of pancakes that I had made for her and started devouring them.

"Yah! but are you a virgin....huh?!!!",I asked with a mischievous tone.

"Hmmmm...yahhhh...but why do you care huh......go find someone else to disturb."

"It's said that virgins are usually good in bed if trained......."

"Hold on Mr. Feisty pants Jimin......control your hormones....."

"Ugh!! whatever I was kidding....like as if I'm even interested in you....lol"

"Better stay away......"

"You were the one who tried to seduce me and hugged me a few minutes ago ."

"That's because of the pancakes and for being a good human being.",she said and her phone started buzzing and she walked away.

I quickly finished up the rest of te pancakes and got comfortable on YeonSeo's couch when she came running and jumped on the couch beside me.

"Yay!!!! you're company isn't cancelling the contract with our company.....infact the entire team will be there for the shoot.....Yay!!!....Yay!!!!",she squealed in excitement but my heart broke as she uttered those words.

Kim Taehyung I hate you, I thought and gritted my teeth. Like what even was going on in his head.


Hi !!!!

ok I'm having issues with my update schedules cause I'm still recovering from my illness

so this is a filler chapter but I really like this chapter as the main characters kinda get closer in this chapter.....
Don't hate on me for making Taehyung like that.... ok it's a fan fiction

Anyway a plot twist is coming on its way soon.......

stay tuned and vote for my story......

ok bye now.......

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