23| Jealousy??

38 3 3

YeonSeo's apartment

9:30 pm

Jimin's pov

It was night time when I found myself cooking dinner for YeonSeo and me as if I had been doing it for ages. I didn't even feel irritated cooking for YoenSeo and it felt weird cause generally I would not do any chores for a random person. However it was getting late and YeonSeo would be home soon so I decided to prepare something quickly.

I  decided to make some cream pasta which I had learned making in a run episode alongside Taehyung my now so called best friend. I actually had given up the tiniest hope of any of the members looking for me so I decided to take matters in my hand. I finally had decided to trust in YeonSeo cause something maybe my sixth sense or I didn't know what told me YeonSeo  hadn't tried to murder me and she was indeed speaking the truth.

In these few days of my stay in YeonSeo's house I had come to know a lot about her like that she was a fitness freak, she loved pizza and she was also caffeine addicted just like me.  I also had started appreciating her tiny cute habits like how her tongue would curve when she spoke Korean in her  slight American accent or when she would lousily put her hair in a messy bun and stay like that for hours with out giving a damn. I really liked these tiny little things about her and I also realized she really had some charm in her which I failed to notice earlier.  It had been over a week since I was captured in YeonSeo's house, but now I did not feel offended or weird when she was around. Surprisingly I was also not having my anxiety issues which I generally had although I wasn't on medication at the moment.

I quickly finished preparing the pasta and garnished it with some basil leaves when I heard the door opening. I was  sure that YeonSeo had arrived. As soon as she entered her crib she gave me a big smile and I smiled back at her.

" How was your day Miss. kidnapper ?", I casually asked.

" Will you kindly stop calling me that , you are staying  with your consent over here okay......and about how my day was today, it was fucking amazing", she babbled.

" Hey! calm down and give me all the details  plus I made you some pasta so lets eat our dinner and you can give me all the juicy gossips."

"Wow! you can make cream pasta ......your talented Mr. Park", she said as she sat beside me after washing her hands.

" Mhhm....I learned along with my so called bestfriend Kim Taehyung for show"

" This cream pasta is bliss I literally could marry the person who made it but sadly its you so I regret saying that.", she giggled.

" We are living together so we might  as well get married we would make a great couple, what's your age by the way? ", I asked squiggling my eyebrows.

" Yah! don't start flirting Park Jimin...... but anyway I'm the same age as you."

"But if I remember correctly you were calling me oppa that day in the office right....",I smirked.

" Yah! stop triggering me ok......but on a serious note today your group came in our company and they left a great impact on my obstinate boss."

" What happened did Yoongi hyung do something savage again ?!"

"Nah! he was least interested in the interview...that friend of yours Kim Taehyung.... like I must admit that he is indeed a charming person.....like I'm so grateful to him for what he did today.", she said with a spark in her eyes.

" Why is he great all of a sudden?!", I said.

" He convinced my boss to select me a transfer employee as the manager of  the entire shoot. He said that he was pleased with my contract that I had drafted last time , which you had rejected.....but he liked it, Jimin....... I initially was a bit hesitant to work with your group but now on my way back home I thought that it is a  great opportunity for me to showcase my full pontential.", she spoke excitedly.

It hurt me when I realized that she was impressed by Taehyung's actions and how she actually didn't like me since I was the one causing so many problems in her life. I envied Taehyung for the first time in my life........ I didn't even have a proper reason to be jealous but I was. Was it the fact that he had helped YeonSeo and I wasn't the one helping her. It was true so far I only had brought problems in her life. But one thing that surprised me was Teaehyung wouldn't stand up  for a random girl and that he wouldn't be so nice to a stranger, something was definitely weird.

I wanted to release YeonSeo of all burdens today by telling her that I wouldn't  give her name to the police and I  trusted her but I was pissed at YeonSeo since she had praised Taehyung and not me. I knew it was childish of me to act like that but I wanted to see what Kim Taehyug's next move was. Was he trying to hit on girls instead of looking for me......ughhh Kim Taehyung why are you like this.

" Isn't he really handsome as well .....like perfect boy friend material", YeonSeo asked suddenly and smiled.

" Whatever leave me alone and  go to sleep.", I said clearly annoyed.

"Why do you have to be so rude all the time  can't you be like your friend...huh", she mumbled.

I was so irritated with her comment that I got up and shut the store room door with a loud bang and went of to sleep cursing Taehyung. 



Chef Jimin in the house ya'll .......

So this  is just a filler as another plot twist is waiting for you guys.

So I'm planning on writing another story if this story hits 1k views so lets hope for the best.

Any way vote for my story......



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