Chapter 6

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Liam ^^

Liam's POV

Mum started to ignore me after that. It really hurt, because I knew she was disappointed in me as a son, and in herself too, that she raised me.

Oddly enough, Paul didn't seem to hate me. He nodded at me when we passed each other, and was willing to make conversation whenever mum wasn't in the room. It was nice, knowing that there was still someone who accepted you.

I can't say I love Paul. He's not my dad, and I'm not sure he ever will be. However, I do greatly appreciate his efforts. It can't be easy for him to see what's happening to this family.

It really crushes me that mum is willing to act like I don't exist. She barely looks at me anymore, and certainly doesn't talk to me. I get the occasional monosyllable answer sometimes if I ask questions to her, but most of the time she tries to leave the room if I enter it, as if she'll catch some sort of disease from me.

When school came around, everyone seemed to notice that I was upset, even the teachers. None of them called on me and a few even asked me to stay back to check that I'm doing okay. Perhaps it's because I was always eager to learn and very diligent in class. I don't think I'll ever really know.

I can't deny that my mother's reaction to me coming out took a huge toll and me. It's pretty obvious in my actions I suppose. I don't think I smile much anymore, and... I don't know. It's almost like I can't really believe what's happening.

Mum's always been there for me, so I suppose suddenly having her support taken away is shocking and has really thrown me off my feet.

When I get home, mum's not there, but Paul is seated at the dining table. Papers are strewn everywhere as he completes paperwork.

"Good afternoon Liam." He says distractedly, continuing to write something down.

"Um, H-hello." I mumble, still not used to this newfound interaction.

"Your mother is working a couple hours overtime, and she has a meeting today so she won't be joining us for dinner." Paul informs. I nod silently. Is this her attempt at avoiding me? Or is she actually busy?

"What would you like to eat for dinner?" I ask quietly. Paul pauses and looks up at me.

"Whatever you like. Let me know if you need help, I just need to finish a bit more paperwork." He sends the tiniest smile my way, the corners of his mouth raising ever so slightly before returning to it's neutral state. 

I do any homework I have, hang out with Bella for a bit, and then head downstairs around 5:00pm to cook dinner. Bella sits on the far counter while I take out some defrosted fish from the sink and start to cook some pasta. 

"Want some help? I'm not the most knowledgeable, but I can... peel carrots or something." Paul calls out from the living room. I feel a small smile appearing on my lips.

"If you'd like." I respond, and for once my voice doesn't stutter or tremble. I hear Paul get up from the couch and start to walk over to the kitchen. 

"What should I do?" 

"Uh, perhaps you could take over the pasta? Just stir it once in a while and make sure they don't stick together. Once they feel soft enough, you can drain them." I suggest. Paul nods and grabs the wooden spoon, stirring the pasta before waiting patiently.

In the meantime, I start heating up the pan with oil on it. Once it's heated, I start to fry the fish. Bella comes over, interested in the fishy smell. I smile and pat her head gently. 

Once the fish is complete, I take a small piece and feed it to Bella, who takes it with glee. I don't feed her human food like this a lot, but this is a little out of the ordinary anyway, so why not give her a treat while we're at it?

Paul has already drained the pasta into the baking pan, so I place the fish in there too. We cook the vegetables and add those into the baking dish. The sauce is added and then we bake it. 

I must say, even though we didn't talk much, cooking with Paul is making me feel closer to the man. 

Dinner started off in silence, only the clanking of utensils against our plates could be heard.

"I'll talk to her." Paul says suddenly. I look up at him.

"You will?"

"Yeah, I think it's stupid, what she's doing. Ignoring your own child just because he likes the same gender? Come on." He scoffs, digging back into his food. The room remains silent for a few moments.

"Thank you." I murmur quietly. He nods at me.

"No really, thanks. I know we're not... terribly close. So, this means.... it means a lot." I feel my hands gripping my fork so tight my knuckles are white.

"It's the least I could do. I realize I've been a pretty shitty-" He pauses when I flinch, "sorry, pretty bad step-father to you, so I'm trying my best... and no one deserves to be shunned by their own mother, I don't think. But definitely not you, you're a good kid." He pats my shoulder. I send him a genuine smile, and he returns it.

After dinner, we do the dishes before Paul goes back to watching his TV while I head upstairs to my room, Bella trotting after me.

I decide to just relax and do whatever that interests me for the rest of the evening. I chat with my friends here and there and scroll through some social media before starting to do some more research on animal biology. It fascinates me, and I love working and learning about animals. I'm even thinking of becoming a vet one day. 

It's all because of Bella.

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