Chapter 19

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Liam's POV

"How was it?" Mum asks me as I enter the house and close the front door behind me. Bella trots over, winding herself between my legs.

"It was... good." I say, my mind still lingering on the fact that Rowan currently has a crush.

"You sure? It didn't sound too good." Mum raises an eyebrow. "I can read you like a book Liam. If something was wrong you don't have to tell me, but it might be helpful."

"I mean, it was good. I got to see my friends. There were a lot of people but Rowan stayed with me so it wasn't so bad." I tell her. I take a seat on the couch and Bella jumps up to lie down on my lap. My hands instantly make their way over to pet her.

"That's good. Glad you had fun." She smiles.

"Yeah." I smile back. I didn't lie. It was pretty good... I just can't stop thinking about Rowan and his crush. I need to stop. It doesn't concern me.

I sit there for a while, letting Bella rest on my lap.

"Paul's out for tonight, by the way. He's meeting some college friends. Won't be back until late." Mum informs. I nod absentmindedly.

"What's for dinner?"

"Oh, I dunno. Probably just a mash of whatever's in the fridge. That's alright with you?" Mum asks, glancing at me.

"Yeah, I'm sure we'll find... something." I nod, wanting to head to my room. Bella's on my lap though... I don't have the heart to move her.




It's 2 in the morning when I'm awoken by a call from my phone. I blearily open my eyes, reaching blindly for my phone that's glowing super bright. The caller id says it's Rowan- why is he calling at 2am?

I pick it up in fear of an emergency.


"Hey- ugh shit. It's 2 in the morning. Sorry Liam I didn't even realize-"

"Oh, it's okay. Is something wrong?"

"Well... My parents have just been... A bit much after I came back from the picnic. I guess it's just been eating at me. Sorry, I shouldn't have called. You should get back to sleep."

"Oh. Are you alright? If you want to talk then let's talk. I'm awake anyway."

"Are- are you sure?" He asks. It's the first time I've heard Rowan sound so insecure. He's usually so confident, so... composed.

"Of course. I'm here if you need me."

"Well... my parents.. you know they're not fond of the fact that I'm bisexual. I guess today they had a bad... day or something? I don't know, but when I got home they were kind of nasty. They kept saying how it was a phase and that I'm just confused and that I only like girls... it just really got to me today."

"I'm sorry you have to go through that." I murmur quietly. "I understand that your parents are very important to you, but I hope you know that you can still seek support in your friends who love and support you."

"Yeah... thanks. Could- if you don't mind, could we talk about something else?" He replies.

"Yeah, of course. What would you like to talk about?" My mind instantly flits to Rowan's crush, but I shake my head to clear the thought. Not the time.

"Oh. I don't know.... Um.... how about your secondary school? What was that like?"

"I transferred to a new school in year 10 because we moved. My old school was okay. People basically didn't really talk to me much. They left me alone and I left them alone. In year 10, I met Ethan, Theo, and Brie."

"Oh. How was the transfer for you?"

"I think the transfer was one of the best things that happened to me. I met Ethan on the first day. He was super friendly and was in my first class. He introduced me to Theo and Brianna. Ever since then I had a solid group of friends. Before... I never had that."

"That's great. I'm glad you had a good time in secondary." Suddenly Bella jumps up onto my chest, making me grunt at the sudden weight. She lets out a soft meow.

"Is that Bella?" Rowan chuckles from the other end of the phone.

"Yeah. She just jumped on me." I respond, running my hand through her fur.

"Anyway, sorry for calling you so late. I should let you get some sleep. Thanks for talking with me." Rowan says.

"No problem. You can talk to me anytime. Goodnight." I say just before I let out a huge yawn.

"Goodnight." I hear Rowan say softly before hanging up.




In the morning I texted Rowan to make sure he was doing okay.

He replied that he was fine and thanked me for chatting with him last night.

There was a fleeting thought as to why he didn't call up Michael last night since the two are so close. However I quickly brushed it away. Michael was probably busy, or perhaps Rowan couldn't reach him or something.



A couple of days pass with not much happening.

On a Thursday, I receive a text from Rowan.

Hey, on Saturday do you wanna come with me to the gym for a work out session?

I contemplate the offer for a bit. I love having another reason to spend time with Rowan, and I do work out enough to keep me healthy and fit, but I'm nothing like Rowan with all his muscles. Doesn't he usually go with Michael anyway?

Me: I should be able to go. Is Michael coming along?

Rowan: Not this time. He has to attend a family birthday or something like that. I'll pick you up around 3?

Me: It's okay, I can get there myself. I just need an address. Is it a community gym or is there a fee?

Rowan: Oh yeah. I've got a membership but drop ins are £20 for as long as you want per day. You just can't exit the facility. I'll pay for you, since I'm asking you to come.

Rowan: and as for transport, if I don't give you the address then I'll just be forced to pick you up ;)

Me: ugh fine but I'm taking you out for food next time and paying!

Rowan: Deal 

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