Chapter 11

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Michael ^^

Liam's POV

Theo and Ethan both ask me about my impression of Rowan on separate occasions. I tell them that he's a good friend, because what else am I supposed to say? There's no point in disclosing my little crush if I have no chance, right?

He's probably not even attracted to guys anyway.

Life continues on as normal for a bit. At the vet clinic, someone brought in a stray dog they found that was hit by a vehicle on campus, and it really breaks my heart to see the poor dog in such a state. Luckily, we took care of her and she's on her way to a full recovery! All of us at the vet clinic are just hoping to find her an owner soon, since we're not exactly equipped to care for a healthy dog  in long term periods.

Exams come and go. Those are always stressful, but my friends and I are usually pretty diligent in our studies, so hopefully we did well. 

I get to know Rowan better as time passes. We exchanged numbers at one point and we chat mildly frequently. We've gone out together a couple times- just the two of us -to get to know each other better.

I do feel guilty that I've clicked so well with Rowan, because I can't help but feel like I'm leaving Ethan out. Theo has Michael, and Rowan and I are pretty close, so when all five of us meet up it appears... I'm not sure how to explain it. 

During one of our meet-ups, Ethan offers to get us tickets to see his dance on August 16th, which I thought was very nice of him. I'm not even sure if he can get so many tickets, if he's planning on inviting Brianna and her boyfriend, Sean, as well as the four of us.

It was a day in May when I got a call from Michael. That alarmed me immediately, for Michael and I don't communicate much, and he has almost no reason to call me other than an emergency.

I pick up my phone, "Hello?"

"Hey Liam, it's Michael. Uh, not sure how to tell you this... but Theo's in bad shape. Not physically, but emotionally."

"Oh no! Where are you guys right now? Would it be okay if I see him or does he need to be alone?"

"Well, we were actually thinking of asking Rowan and you to meet us for lunch at this sushi place? Ethan's busy with dance practices and your other friend- Brianna, is unable to make it as well." 

"Of course. Just send me the address and I'll be over." I reply, my fingers dancing anxiously against my leg. Michael agrees before hanging up and sending me the address of the restaurant. I quickly get ready and take the bus over to the restaurant as fast as I can.

I manage to get there first and I await in my seat, fidgeting.

Rowan comes in not too long after I do, and I send him a small greeting before we both lapse into silence again. It doesn't feel right to have carefree conversations when Theo's obviously going through some serious struggles and needs help.

I glance up and notice Michael and Theo heading over. Theo's eyes are red and puffy, and his face is splotchy. He's just been crying.

"Theo! What happened? Did Michael do this? I'll murder him." I glare at Michael.

"No." Theo mutters quietly.

"His parents kicked him out because they're homophobes." Michael sighs, agitated. 

"Theo, I'm so sorry. You can always stay over at my place. I'm sure my parents won't mind." I instantly offer. My parents know Theo pretty well anyway, and they're nice people. Hopefully they wouldn't mind...

"Thanks Li, but I don't want to bother you." He replies quietly, "I'm going to see if I can stay with my aunt. I don't think she's homophobic."

"Okay. If it doesn't work out, don't hesitate to come over." I state firmly, looking at Theo directly.

He nods minutely, and we continue to have our lunch.


Rowan and I say goodbye to Theo and Michael after lunch. Once they've left, I can feel my shoulders subconsciously sag to show my sadness.

"Hey, you alright?" Rowan gently places his hand on my shoulder. It's light and not intrusive, but I'm still not completely comfortable with touch. My shoulders tense, and he immediately withdraws his hand, apologizing.

"It's fine, I'm just... not used to touch. Also, I'm okay I guess. I just wish there was more I could do to make Theo feel better." I sigh, crossing my arms around myself. 

"You're extremely caring and compassionate, Liam. I'm sure Theo sees that and understands that you care and that you're there for him." 

"... Thanks." I send him a small smile. He returns it.

Rowan offers to drive me home, which I politely decline. There's no way I'm making him drive out of his way to drop me home. I'm perfectly fine with taking the bus. 

Before we part ways, Rowan asks if I want to meet with him this weekend, to just hang out. 

"Not to discount Theo's issues right now or anything-" He adds hastily, "You know what? Never mind, sorry. It was insensitive of me to ask when Theo obviously isn't doing great-"

"Rowan, it's fine. I'd love to hang out with you this weekend. Also, don't be sorry. I know this may sound a little mean, but just because Theo isn't at his best right now absolutely does not mean you can't have fun and accomplish your own things."

"Yeah, but I just figured... Maybe you wouldn't want to hang out with me if you're worried about your friend." 

"Well, I am worried about Theo, and that's something I can't exactly help because he's my friend you know? I can see where you're coming from, but it's not like I'm mourning or anything. I'm still perfectly fine with going out and having fun with others. As long as it doesn't take away from me looking out for my friend, I'm okay with it... and... I like hanging out with you." 

"You're really one of the most genuine and amazing people I've ever met." Rowan says softly, so soft it appeared as if I wasn't meant to hear it.

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