Chapter 26

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Liam ^^

Liam's POV

My breath catches in my throat as I replay the words in my head. This- this isn't some dare or prank is it? Silence falls between us for a few moments.

Why would someone like him be interested in someone like me? He could have anyone he wants. He's attractive, kind, caring, and can get along with almost everyone. Why would he choose... me?

"Is this some sort of prank or something?" I mutter softly, not meeting his gaze.

"What? No, absolutely not." He says instantly, his tone sharp and incredulous before softening, "I wouldn't joke about something like that."

So this means he really wants to be with me. As boyfriends. In a relationship. My face splits into a giant grin.


"Really? Yes?" Rowan asks, his voice laced with happiness,

"Yes. I'll go out with you." I say shyly. He stands up abruptly and walks to the other side of the table where I am before crushing me into a hug.

"God, I'm so happy." His voice breaks, face buried into my neck, which is really ticklish by the way. I squirm uncomfortably, letting out giggles of laughter. I'm so embarrassing.

"Ticklish?" He breathes, the air warm against my neck. I let out another burst of giggles.

Rowan presses a soft kiss to my neck, making me continue laughing while desperately trying to squirm out of his hold.

He finally relents, holding my waist loosely, our faces close to each other.

"Can I kiss you?" He whispers.


He slowly leans in, my gaze flickers from his eyes to his lips and back again. My eyes flutter closed as I feel his lips on mine. He's gentle, his lips just grazing my own, allowing me the decision of how much I'm comfortable with.

I hesitantly bring my arm up and tug him closer. Our noses bump awkwardly together and it's a little weird since I have no idea what I'm doing- Oh my god this is my first kiss.

The realization makes me freak out a little inside and I pull back abruptly. My gaze darts around the room frantically before resting on Rowan who looks at me worriedly.

"Was I that bad?" He feebly jokes.

"N-no, it's just... That was my first kiss." My voice tapers off into a whisper, not looking at Rowan.

"Your... first?" He says with awe. I nod shyly, staring at my sock-clad feet.

Rowan moves slowly over to me.

"That's okay I hope? Me being your first?" His voice is soft, as if not to disturb the fragile atmosphere.

"Yeah. It's-" I swallow, "It's more than okay."

"Could I be your second too?" He smirks, his eyes sparkling playfully. A smile appears on my face before nodding.

Rowan leans in and connects our lips again. His hands gently place themselves on my waist, making my breath catch for a moment before exhaling.

"Okay?" He murmurs against my lips.

"Yeah," I whisper back, my eyes closing, relishing the feel of Rowan's lips on my own. My head is tilted up, but not to the point where I have to strain and stretch.

I pull back after a while, leaning my head against Rowan's chest while my mind whirls to catch up to the events that just happened. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me flush against him.

"So... it's getting kind of late, I should probably head home soon so my parents don't worry about me, but I had an amazing time, as usual." I smile, neither of us making any indication of moving.

"I'll drive you back." He replies instantly.

After a little bit of "arguing" over how I should get home, Rowan drives me back to my house.

"So... um... if you don't mind, could we maybe... keep this relationship quiet for a bit?" I ask timidly, my hands sweating from where they're settled in my lap. Rowan glances at me for a second before refocusing on the road.

"Sure. Any particular reason why?"

"I just... want to make sure a relationship is what we both want. That it'll be stable... I'm not making much sense, am I?" I sigh.

"No, I think I get what you're saying. Making sure that the relationship won't fall apart two weeks after it starts, right?"

"Yeah." A small smile appears on my face.

"No problem. That's actually pretty smart." Rowan hums. My face heats up at his compliment.

Soon enough we pull up to the driveway of my home.

"Goodnight Li." Rowan murmurs, leaning over to give me a chaste peck on the cheek. "That's not too much, right?"

"Y-yeah, it's good." I send him a shy smile before saying goodbye and heading home.

When I enter, Paul is sitting in the living room watching TV with mum. Bella comes trotting over, meowing inquisitively. She winds herself around my legs as I walk.

"Hi Liam. Had fun?" Mum asks.

"Yeah, it was great." I send a smile back. Paul nods at me in acknowledgement before I head upstairs, Bella following me.

Once I reach my room, I lay on my bed and contemplate the days events. I feel an urge to tell someone about the relationship between Rowan and I, but we both agreed not to mention it to anyone for a couple of weeks, so I can't do that.

I just... feel so incredibly giddy with excitement. My first relationship! How... how do I have a relationship? How do I maintain it? What happens if we break up? What-

I take a deep breath to calm myself. I shouldn't be panicking this early into the relationship. It's not even a day old yet!



A couple of days later, an idea pops into my head. A double date! With Michael and Theo! That sounds amazing, but I'd feel terribly guilty for leaving Ethan out.

I mention this idea to Rowan, who thinks it would be nice, and we both agree that perhaps in a couple weeks time we'll ask Michael and Theo if that's something they're interested in.

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