Chapter 9

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Ethan ^^

Ethan didn't end up going on another date with that girl he met online.

He said she was rude, stubborn, stuck-up, and many other expletives I am unable to repeat.

On the other hand, apparently Theo as met someone when he was working at the cafe! Unfortunately I couldn't hear much about him because I had to go for a class. They just met though, so we're not even sure if this is going anywhere.

I kind of hope it does. I hope Theo finds someone in his life...

Although I do wonder how he plans to deal with the whole Stephanie scenario with his parents. I've met his parents a few times, and they seem pretty invested in Theo and Stephanie's relationship. Who knows how they'll deal with Theo wanting to be with a guy.



A few months pass by without much happening. Mum and Paul video call me a few times, whenever we can. Mum says whenever Bella hears my voice she runs over. I think that's cute. I miss her.

I get home one night after a class, tired and ready to jump into bed and relax.

"Lima Bean! You're back! I got some news for ya!" Ethan exclaims gleefully. Theo rolls his eyes from where he's seated on the couch.

"Hi E, hi Theo. What's up?"

"So, Theo went on a date-" Ethan began.

"It wasn't a date, you dim-witted twig!" Theo interjects, glaring at Ethan. The latter simply chuckles.

"Anyway, Michael, the guy Theo's been crushing on, came over for a brief period of time. Had a small chat, he took a bottle of water before leaving. He thought I was your boyfriend." Ethan snorted, amusement evident on his face. I can feel my face start to heat at the thought of Ethan as my boyfriend.

Preposterous! E and I are way too close to be dating each other. Not sure Ethan and I are even compatible. He's way to outgoing and spontaneous for me. It would probably drive me crazy if I had to have him as a lover.

Now that I think about it, I don't think any of my friends would even be mildly compatible with me.

Brie is extremely stubborn and forward, but she's also very caring and kind. I don't know if I could handle her attitude and loudness 24/7. (Not to mention, she's female...)

Theo would probably be the most compatible with me. We would hardly argue or fight, and we get along quite well, but I feel that there would likely be a huge lack of communication between us simply because neither of us are very open people.

"Oh yeah, and Theo's going out with him again on Friday! They're going to bake." Ethan crows excitedly. Theo just rolls his eyes, muttering under his breath about how it wasn't a big deal.

"I wish I could have met him." I sigh, "but I'm happy for you Theo, since you said it was a bit difficult for you to meet new people." I send him a smile.


Things continue on as normal until the Saturday before Christmas break. Theo leaves to meet Michael. It's pretty quiet for a few hours, with me and Ethan at the dorm doing our own things.

"E! LI!" I hear Theo call out when he returns.

"What is it Theo?" I ask, entering the living room.

"Michael just admitted that it was a date." Theo says. I take a moment to process what he said.

"I knew it." Ethan smiles.

"H-how?" Theo stammers, looking at Ethan in disbelief.

"He doesn't seem to be the kind of guy who bakes for fun. One on one interactions, right? Doing something you love, he has a good excuse to do it too. It's almost Christmas after all."

"He gave you the cookies to take home too right? Why would he ask you over, bake, and get rid of all the cookies you guys baked? Like a gift! He obviously loves you." I tease, taking the box from Theo's (really really cold!) hands and putting it on the counter.

"I didn't say anything back when he admitted it! I need to call him. What if he's still driving? How long should I wait?" Theo says, eyes wide. His hands start frantically patting his pockets.

"Send him a text?" Ethan suggests, lying down on the couch.

"What if he doesn't check it? Should I wait until tomorrow? Is that too late?"

"Calm down Theo. Call him in about 10 minutes. He should be home by then. He lives near right?" I assure him. We all leave the conversation at that and go off to do our own things.

A while later, Theo timidly informs us that Michael and him are now officially boyfriends, and we all shout and hug him in excitement.


After that it was Christmas break, so I went back home. As soon as I stepped through the doors, Bella came running over to me, meowing loudly. Honestly, she acts a lot more like a dog than a cat. I give her some pets before gently picking her up and giving her a cuddle. I relish in her loud purrs.

"I missed you guys." I say to mum and Paul, giving them each a hug.

"Welcome back." Paul says warmly.

The winter holidays were great. I still had to put aside time to study and keep up with some work, but other than that it was really great to see my family again.

Life is uneventful after that. After the winter holidays end, I had to say goodbye to my family and head back to the dorms.

Theo continues going out with Michael, and Ethan attempts some more dates that don't really work out.

It's not until March when Theo proposes a meet up of me, him, Ethan, Michael, and Michael's best friend Rowan. Brianna would have come too, but she has an event that she needs to attend so she said she wouldn't be able to make it.

We're going to meet up for lunch before heading back to our dorm. We're going to be at our dorm because Michael and Rowan have another roommate that they're acquaintances with who's going to be at their dorm.

I'm personally terrified. I've met Michael a few times. He's pretty nice, but he's also... a lot taller than me. I can't help but feel nervous around him.

Hopefully I'll feel more comfortable around him as time goes by. He seems great, I don't know why my body doesn't understand that. 

So if Rowan is as imposing as Michael is, I'm pretty anxious about meeting him. 

Hopefully he's nice.

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