Chapter 7

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Theo and Brianna ^^

Liam's POV

"Liam, you okay? You seem... tired..." Theo asks, concern evident in his face. I pull out my phone and look at myself using the front camera. Wow, I look terrible. There are deep bags under my eyes and I can't find it in myself to smile much anymore.

"I'm fine." I mutter. 

"Are you sure? You know you can talk to me, right? I won't judge you. I want to help." Theo informs. We're currently sitting in Biology, waiting for class to start. I pause, thinking. Perhaps I should inform someone of how I'm feeling. Maybe it will make me feel a bit better.

Then again, I haven't known Theo for very long and I'm definitely not the type of person to disclose personal information easily.

"Maybe later." I sigh. I'm not keen on the possible consequences if I tell Theo and he spills my secrets out to the rest of the school. It's also not a great time to spill all my feelings considering class starts in about 30 seconds. Theo just nods and leaves the conversation as is, but I can see the worry etched into his face. At least I know he cares.

Class continues as usual. I like biology, and think it's very interesting. I've considered becoming a doctor before, but I don't really want to deal with people, so I opted for focusing on becoming a vet instead.

Brianna and Ethan also voice their concerns for me on separate occasions, but I end up brushing them all off. I don't have it in me to trust them enough with something so personal. 

This goes on for about two weeks. It was pure torture to see the one person I loved the most completely ignore me, but Paul was there to support me. He talked to me late at night to reassure me that I wasn't alone, and put effort into talking to mum to convince her to see that being gay is nothing wrong. 

I can now firmly say that I care for Paul, and appreciate all that he's done for me. Bella too, she was always there for me to make me feel less lonely. She never failed to cheer me up through her weird shenanigans around the house.  

One night I'm sitting in my room at my desk, studying for an upcoming quiz, when mum stands at the doorway to my room.

"Hi Liam." She whispers so softly I barely catch it. I turn to face her hesitantly.

"Hi mum."

"I... I've been doing some thinking, and I just wanted to let you know that I'm okay with... you... liking boys." She says slowly. Tears start to well up in my eyes, but I blink them away.

"Thanks." I murmur, a small smile on my lips. It feels like a huge weight has been lifted off of my chest, knowing that mum accepts me for who I am.

It's only then do I notice Paul standing behind mum, giving me a small smile and a thumbs up.

"Now, I want some things clear here." Mum states, walking over to sit on the corner of my bed.

"I don't want you having boys over in your room alone, okay? And if you do have friends over, keep the door open." She says firmly.

"Mum!" I exclaim, embarrassed, "I'm not going to... do anything with my friends. That's gross." Paul's eyes widen slightly when he realizes what we mean and he quickly leaves the room.

"And we're going to have to talk about how to have safe se-" Mum continues.

"I- I'm okay mum, really. I promise I won't." Mum gives me a look.

"Liam, it's important to be educated even if you don't plan on having sex anytime soon- which you shouldn't by the way, seeing as you're only seventeen."

So I had to sit through an agonizing 15 minute talk about how to have safe, gay sex with my mum.

I could feel that my face probably resembled something akin to a volcano in temperature by the time she left.


When I got back to school, I pondered telling my friends about what happened with my mum.

"Hey, what's up?" Ethan asks as he sits down next to me in English.

"I'm feeling better now. I'll let you guys know at lunch." I inform him with a smile. He smiles back, sending me a thumbs up before turning to the board to pay attention to class.


During lunch, all four of us meet up in our usual spot in the cafeteria. Ethan glances at me expectantly, but doesn't open his mouth to push me.

"I wanted to tell you all something." I say quietly. They all pause, turning to me and waiting.

"So, these past couple of weeks I haven't been... at my best. I didn't tell you guys before, but I suppose I can tell you now." I took in a deep breath.

"I came out to my mum and step-father two weeks ago and... my mum didn't take it too well." I pause, clearing my throat. Stupid tears are forming at the back of my eyes. Why am I so emotional?

"Anyway, she came to me yesterday and told me she had done some thinking, and that she accepts me now." I smile. My friends break out in grins, leaning over to hug me one by one.

"I'm proud of you for coming out. It's scary." Ethan tells me. Theo nods in agreement.

"Yeah, I still haven't. I admire your courage, it must not have been easy." He speaks, looking at me directly. Brianna doesn't say anything for a few moments, but her eyes are shining with pride as she looks at me. She goes in for another hug, and I don't deny her it.

I've never been good with hugs from people other than mum, but I feel so close to this group of friends already. They've been very supportive and kind, respecting boundaries easily while knowing how to make me feel included in conversations.

I close my eyes and savour this moment of joy.

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