Chapter 22

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Liam's POV

After confirming with everyone, we all agreed to meet at Ethan's house at 7pm and sleepover for the night. 

My parents were okay with it after I reassured them that I wouldn't drink and would keep in contact with them to make sure we weren't doing anything stupid. 

When I arrived at Ethan's house I recognized Rowan's car parked in the driveway, along with another car I wasn't entirely sure of. 

Ethan opened the door for me and Rowan was seated on the couch with Sean and Brianna.

"Hi." I send a tentative smile. I don't know why I feel so nervous. Perhaps it's because this is my first sleepover. Everyone echoes a greeting back to me. Suddenly a young girl walks into the living room carrying a bag.

 Suddenly a young girl walks into the living room carrying a bag

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"Oh, your friends are here already." She says, "Hi, I'm Sasha." Everyone greets her as well, although Rowan and Sean look a little confused as to who she is.

"This is my sister." Ethan introduces. Brie and I have met her briefly a couple of times, but Rowan and Sean haven't seen her before.

"She's having her own sleepover, so she doesn't annoy us." Ethan explains teasingly. Sasha rolls her eyes and smiles.

"I'm leaving now, so bye. Nice meeting you all." She waves before leaving the house.

A while later Theo and Michael arrive and we all sit around deciding what to do.

"Do you guys want snacks?" Ethan offers, heading towards the kitchen.

"Depends. What do you have?" Brie asks.

"Chips. I dunno, crackers? Pretzels, uh, fruit or something? There are some veggies in here."

"Who eats vegetables as a casual snack?" Sean snorts in amusement.

"I mean, those vegetable platter things I guess." Rowan shrugs.

"But aren't those for like... old people or something?" 

"What- no! I've seen them at potlucks before." Theo laughs.

"Potlucks for adults." 

"We are adults." 

"Sure as hell doesn't feel like it." 

While everyone else was bantering, I helped Ethan prepare different kinds of chips and some pop for everyone to drink.

"Thank you Liam. See? Liam's the only good person here. He helped." Ethan huffs, setting down all the food and drinks.

"Oh come on, Liam being a good person is a given." Brianna protests, grabbing a chip as Ethan mock swats her hands away. My face flushes at the compliment, and I take a hesitant seat next to Rowan, who, upon seeing me hesitate, pats the space next to him as an invite.

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