Chapter 23

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Brianna ^^

Liam's POV

By the time the horror movie ended, it was around 12:30 in the morning. I was honestly pretty tired by now, since I usually sleep early. Everyone else seemed to be fine with staying up super late, although I could tell that Michael was starting to want to head to bed too. Whether it was to sleep or just get some alone time was debatable though.

It's interesting how different people can be and still get along like a key in a lock. This group of friends is pretty drastically diverse in personalities, with Ethan and Brie being on one end of the spectrum and me and probably Michael on the other end.

Michael and I are both very quiet people who greatly value our alone time, while Ethan and Brie are loud and outgoing, loving every second they get with people.

And yet, we all work as a giant friend group. (not that giant, only 7 people, but it's big to me.)

"While I don't mean to be rude, could we discuss sleeping arrangements please? You told everyone not to bring a sleeping bag." Michael says tiredly. Ethan grins.

"Of course! Unfortunately my parents' and sister's beds are off limits, but we do have a guest room and two air mattresses if you guys don't mind sharing. Two people each."

"Maybe you should have asked if we were okay with sharing before you told everyone to not bring sleeping bags." Brianna says, amused. "but Sean and I don't mind sharing."

"No sex." Ethan glares. Brianna and Sean looked affronted.

"Come on dude, we have common courtesy." Sean scoffs, although everyone could tell his tone was lighthearted.

"Well, I personally think Liam should get the guest bedroom for being such a good guest and putting up with everyone's bullshit and the horror movie. Thoughts?" Ethan proposes.

"Agreed." Basically everyone said. I'm secretly glad that I get an actual bed, but I couldn't help my cheeks starting to heat up at the compliments.

"So, how about we draw for the other person who sleeps in the guest bedroom?" Ethan asks, and I swear I can see some sort of glint in his eye. It made me feel instantly suspicious. Everyone else nodded. It seemed fair after all.

"Brie, why don't you do the honour of writing down everyone's names, and I'll shuffle them up in a bag?" Ethan asks. Brianna smirks before agreeing... even more suspicious.

Brianna goes to the kitchen where Ethan has paper and a pen to write our names before Ethan quickly shuffles them into a small paper bag before picking one out.

"Aaaand the lucky winner is... Rowan!" Ethan announces dramatically. I stiffen at the thought of sharing a room with Rowan... they planned this, didn't they? I bet all those names were Rowan's.

Rowan sends me a small smile when I look at him with apprehension. At least he's not freaked out at the thought of sharing a room with me for the night.

"If that's the case, then I could share with Sean and Michael and Theo could share?" Brie offers, glancing at the three other boys. They all nodded, fine with the arrangements.

As everyone mills around for a bit, I pull Ethan aside quietly.

"What are you planning?" I ask quietly, narrowing my eyes in suspicion.

"What are you talking about?" He asks, confusion on his face. My grip on his sleeve falters. Was I just reading into things? Was Rowan's name really just a coincidence?

"Was picking Rowan's name really a coincidence?" My voice comes out more serious than I anticipated, and I see Ethan's expression soften.

"No, it was planned, but it's in your best interests. And his too, to be honest." He admits, looking me in the eye. I can't find any lie in his expression.

"Who else is in on this?"

"...Everyone except you and Rowan." I open my mouth to say something, but he continues, "Before you say anything, we just want you to be happy, Li." I close my mouth, confusion flooding through me. Yes, I can see why they'd want me to be happy, but why did they have to bring Rowan into this? It's not like I told anyone about my crush... oh no was I just super obvious? Does Rowan know? Does he-

"Hey, Liam." Ethan's voice snaps me out of my thoughts. His eyes search my gaze, worry etched into his features. It's only then do I realize that my breathing had gotten faster and shallower. I had started panicking.

"All of us see how happy Rowan makes you. Right from the start, the two of you clicked ridiculously well. I haven't seen you open up or talk to anyone so much so fast, ever. Even with Theo, Brianna, and I, it took you months of knowing us to open up, for us to learn more about you. Also, Rowan's a good guy. Almost anyone can see that. He's not someone who would hurt you or anyone else if he had a choice. Correct me if I'm wrong, but you do like him, right?"

I nod, my brain whirling with all the information Ethan unloaded on me. It felt nice that the whole friend group was rooting for Rowan and I, but I wasn't sure how I felt in terms of how they tried to play a very obvious matchmaker.

"I think you should go for it. He may even like you back." Ethan grins, patting my back before heading back to where Theo was talking to Sean. I stand there for a few moments longer, watching as Michael grabs his stuff and starts to bring it upstairs.

"Are you heading to bed too?" Michael asks curiously.

I pause. Should I go to bed? On one hand I am pretty tired already. On the other hand, going to bed only brings the reality of having to sleep in the same room as Rowan even closer.

Eventually my tiredness wins and I nod at Michael, who nods back and continues carrying his stuff up. I do the same, grabbing my stuff and heading over to where I know the guest bedroom is. I walk in and it's a lovely double bed, all the sheets arranged neatly. There are minimal decorations, which are pretty standard for guest rooms-


A double bed?

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