Chapter 27

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Liam's POV

Time flies by, and school is almost going to start. Imagine being in my fourth year of uni! I'm busy reading up on some pre-course material when I get a call from Theo.

"Hello?" I answer

"Hi Li, got a question for you."

"Yeah Theo?"

"When were you going to tell me you and Rowan started dating?"

I twitch in surprise. It's been about a week or two past the two-week mark Rowan and I had set, and I wanted to tell Theo, Ethan, and Brie sometime soon. "Oh! Oh I'm so sorry Theo. I swear I was going to do it soon, but back to school preparations have kept me so busy that it completely slipped my mind and I'm really sorry-"

"That's fine Li. I know you didn't mean to hide it from me." I hear a chuckle on the other end of the line.

"That's good, but I still feel bad. Er... by the way... I was wondering since you and Michael are together, would you like to go on a double date with Ro and I sometime?" I have to admit, I have been mentioning this double date idea to Rowan a lot. It's just... So exciting? It feels like being in a relationship opens a lot of doors and opportunities.

"I'd be delighted to, Li. Michael told me that Rowan informed him you wanted to go on a double date sometime. You really don't have to hesitate to ask, you know? We're all friends."

"Yeah, I know. It's just... I feel terrible for wanting to do a double date when Ethan can't really be included? I think we both secretly know... despite him covering it up, that he's lonely and really does want a significant other. I feel bad that I'm in a relationship so fast while he's been searching for someone for so long without any results."

"I mean, as D. H. Lawrence once said, 'Those that go searching for love, only manifest their own lovelessness. And the loveless never find love, only the loving find love. And they never have to seek for it.' Maybe part of the reason why he's having so much difficulty finding someone special is because he keeps looking for them. We never actively searched for our boyfriends, they just came into our lives."

"That's true, but I still feel terrible because he always tears himself up about it, and I can't really do anything to help him."

"Look, you're a really good guy, Li. I think you have the biggest heart out of anyone I've ever met, but some things you really can't rush or change. The most we can do is just be there for Ethan and support him. However, this doesn't mean inhibit our own love lives. It's your life, Liam. You can do whatever you want with it."

"I guess you're right. Thanks Theo." I say, mulling over his words,"When would you be okay for the date?"

"Do we want to do it sometime soon? In the next few days? Since Rowan and Michael are going to be moving into the apartment soon, and they'll probably be really busy after that."

"Yeah that works. How about this coming Saturday? If they're ready, we could also help them move in if they don't mind."

"Sure. We'll have to double check with them but for now we can say Saturday. Wanna meet for lunch or dinner?"

"Yep, maybe lunch? That way if they do need help with the move we still have time to do it."

"That works for me. Alright then, I'll see you Saturday, assuming Rowan and Michael have no objections."

"Yeah, see you then!"

I text Rowan about our plans and within a couple hours he replies that he's good to go on the double date.


We all go to a cute restaurant called "Spring". It's a lot of fun, chatting and eating some really expensive food and Michael and Rowan wouldn't let Theo or I pay for. I'm still peeved about that.

After lunch, we assisted in helping Michael and Ro move into their rented apartment. Rowan asked me to help him decorate his room if I wanted to. He asked me! I still find it a little bizarre that he views me so highly and... would want me to be his boyfriend.

I think it's actually really sweet of him to ask me. He mentions how he wanted us to decorate this room together since his room at home is so impersonal. This is kinda like his big opportunity to "escape" this strict world of standards his parents have put him in. The fact that he wants to include me in it makes my heart feel all warm and fuzzy.

Although we can't do too much in a rented space, we manage to make it look nice.

There's a lot less room here compared to his parent's house, but it definitely looks more personal and

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There's a lot less room here compared to his parent's house, but it definitely looks more personal and... homey than his old room.

A small smile graces his lips as he looks around the room.

"I like it." 

"Yeah?" I ask, a smile starting to form.

"Yeah. It's great. It's pretty simple, but I'll add to it as time goes by. I'm not one for very fancy things anyway. It's perfect. Thanks Li." His hand brushes against mine and I don't even have to hold it to understand the gesture of appreciation.

I take his hand anyway, and gently lean on his shoulder.

"I'm glad you like it."



By dinnertime, Theo and I are still at Michael and Rowan's apartment. Theo and I suggest cooking dinner this time instead of going out. 

"Maybe you guys could teach us how to actually cook." Rowan chuckles. They don't have any food in the fridge at the moment, so Theo and I volunteer to go get what we need for dinner while Ro and Michael can continue to get settled into the new apartment,

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