~We don't want him here~

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Felix jumped of sudden sound when someone sit so close to him, but then he memorized the voice of the boy next to him, he looked up.

Felix: "You need something?"

Changbin: "Not really..."

Felix: "Then go?"

Changbin: "Only if you will come with me!"

Felix: "What no?!"

Changbin: "Come sit with us Felix, we don't bite!"

Felix: "No, those people hate me"

Felix looked up to the group of Changbins friend's who were looking back to both of them. Some of them were whispering, some of them were in shook about Changbin's decisions.

Felix wasn't stupid kid so he didn't trust Changbin yet. He wasn't thinking of the possibility that these other 7 boys would actually be pretty nice guys, however he still thought that those boys were going to bully him, like one of them did in first school day. Han Jisung, he thought was his name. That boy was so rude to Felix, even tho Felix now acknowledged that it wasn't Changbin's fault but his own, Jisung didn't have to disturb him and Changbin.

But the thing was that Felix trusted Changbin, he doesn't know why... maybe because the smaller one was always kind to him and wasn't hurting or judging Felix.

Changbin: "They don't hate you Felix"

Felix: "Are you sure about that, look at them, they gona rip my head off"

Changbin: "Don't let that happen, no one will hurt what belongs to me" Changbin didn't know why he said the last part like this, but he just felt like it.

Felix: "What did you said? Didn't hear you that well"

Changbin: "Nothing...i said it will be oky..."

Felix wasn't sure what to do. Of course he didn't mind to meet new people and get to know someone new in this school, but the thoughts about them being actually rude toward him was sitting inside him.

Changbin: "So are you coming cutie?"

Felix was disturbed out of his thoughts when he hear the word "cutie" came out of the boy next to him.

Felix: "Why are you calling me cutie?"

Changbin: "Because it really suits you!"

Changbin smiled while he took Felix wrist and stood up with Felix in front of him. He then placed his hands on Felix shoulders and lightly pushed him towards his friends group.

Felix felt something in that moment when Changbin's hands were resting on his shoulder's. It gave him warm feeling somewhere in he's stomach. The unfamiliar feeling that he was kinda scared of, why does he have this feeling, is he alright...he again though to himself. But warm feeling stopped when the arms were no longer on his shoulder's.

Felix then looked in front of him and saw everyone looking at him with disgusted face, he immediately tried to turn around and run away, but couldn't because Changbin was again holding him. Felix admitted himself that he only felt safe in Changbin's arms, even they don't know each other, but more he thought about the smaller he started to get used to it.

Jisung: "Why the fuck is he here?"

Minho: "Language Jisung!"

Jisung: "Sorry hyung"

Hyunjin: "Answer the question Binie"

Chan: "Why is that boy, who hurted you is near by your side Changbin?"

Minho: "We don't want him here! He hurted you, nobody hurts you ever."

Jisung: "Come on Changbin speak, what's happening lately? What's about this boy..."

Changbin can see that his friends don't like Felix the way he hoped they will. He didn't know what to answer because he just wanted to introduce Felix to them, but they seemed not to be interested in that. Changbin could feel Felix hand tighten in his arm, it was signal that he didn't want to be there.

Felix felt disgusted, he again tried to run away from Changbin's hands, feeling tears in his eye's. Felix again felt weak like in old days, he didn't have the confidence like before. Maybe because he opened his soft side again and let someone inside.

Jisung who was sitting Infront of the two boy's who were standing in front of the table, decided to unlock Changbin's hands what was holding Felix hands, and when Felix tried to run away- this time he made it.

Felix run out of the cafeteria and disappeared in hallway of the school.

Changbin: "What the hell boys?"

Seungmin: "Trust us, you and us don't need him"

Changbin looked kind of angry, and just left the cafeteria as well.

Jeongin: "What's wrong with Changbin hyung?"

Jisung: "I think our binie had catched some feelings"


Felix was already home and after entering his room, he automatically took his phone and texted his best friend.



Gyu...Can we talk?


Suddenly one more massage jumped out.




I'm really sorry!

I just tried to make you some friends.

I really thought that they will like you.

Like i do.

Felix please answer!

But please forgive me about what happened
before and day's before.

Oky, i will stop spamming you, bye Lix!


Don't like the chapter ;(

Today i changed story's home photo, hope you like it 💕

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