~Like what you see?~

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Changbin placed his phone on the little table next to his bed and layed Infront of Felix who was still in he's Instagram.


Changbin:"Can you please give me your phone?"

Felix lifted his head and looked at Changbin with questionable expression.

Felix:"Why would you need my phone?"

Changbin didn't want to tell the real reason why he needed Felix phone, in Felix phone there's still those hate coments from last year and some from this year. Changbin will not let him see them.

Changbin:"Trust me, just give it to me"

He smiled towards the blonde boy. Felix didn't saw the reason why not give Changbin his phone, so he did.

Felix:"Alright, it's just because i trust you Binie!"

Felix smirked and passed his phone.

Changbin:"I'm glad you trust me Felix"

He took the phone and started deleting all hate coments and saved the positive one's, he even blocked all the people who texted him. When he was over he passed phone back to Felix, who took it right away to see what Changbin did.

Felix:"Did you just blocked my followers, Changbin i had so many!"

Felix now was pouting while looking at his phone. Changbin knew that Felix wasn't even mad, because he saw that little smile on Felix face. He softly squeezed Felix cheeks while looking inside he's eye's.

Changbin:"You don't need all those followers, you have me baby!"

This totally made Felix speachles, he started inside Changbin's eye's and couldn't hold the blush what came after that word what Changbin called him. Changbin smirked and removed his hands from Felix now red cheeks.

Changbin:"My words are that effective huh?"

Felix turned his head around to avoid Changbin's glare, he felt Changbin burning holes inside his head.

Felix:"What do you mean, I'm fine... nothings from you is effective towards me"

Felix knew that he was lying to himself, he didn't want Changbin to know, but he was already in love with him...from all good memories he remembered with just Changbin and the all feeling when Changbin was jokingly saying all these little things what made Felix heart explode, when Changbin called Felix a baby and when he held him close towards him. Felix remembers all the times when Changbin came to hospital just to be next to him, he remembers him holding his hand and saying soft things and talking about how he feels and how much he miss Felix, but Felix still thinks that Changbin doesn't feel anything towards him and is here just because they are friends and he have no one, he doesn't know that Changbin really wants to be that someone.

Changbin:"Will see!"

Changbin stood up and left the room, Felix was left alone. He chose to look around the room. There were a lot of book's and posters on the walls, even one caught his attention. Photo of lot of girls, Felix looked closely and then he memorized some faces, he looked down and saw a name "TWICE"?. He knew he saw them before, but will try to remember later. He moved on to desk and noticed something blue under it, he took the blue object in his arms and when he saw what it was he screamed.

Felix:"Noo way Changbinn!"

He started laughing and turned around to meet Changbin with pillow's in his arms. Changbin quickly throwed pillows inside his bed, then runed towards Felix and pulled the blue plushie out of his grip.

Changbin:"You didn't saw anything!"

Changbin quickly hid plushie under desk next to his school bag.

Felix:"Does he have a name?"

Changbin:"No, why would i..."

He looked at Felix who was now sad, because he took away the plushie, Changbin didn't want to make kid sad.

Changbin:"Gyu, he's name is gyu"

Changbin smiled towards Felix who looked puzzled.

Changbin:"What's wrong Lixie?"

Felix:"No, no... it's just that...my other friends name is GYU"

Changbin suddenly wanted to change the topic, so he quickly took Felix pillows and then his wrist.

Changbin:"Let's go, i will show your room!"

They went outside of Changbin's room and closed the doors.

Changbin:"Your room will be Infront of mine, so if you need anything then you can ask, the bathroom is inside your room, but I don't know if it works, if not then just use mine"


Changbin:"Ohh and you can come when you want, even when I'm sleeping haha, just wake me up!"

Changbin smiled and passed Felix his pillows..

Felix:"You will go sleep?"

Changbin:"Yea, it's kinda late and I'm tired... finally i can sleep knowing that your safe!"

Felix smiled and hugged Changbin.

Felix:"Thanks Binie hyung!"

He quickly kissed Changbin's cheek and runned inside his room while giggling and closed the doors after him, now leaving Changbin alone in hallway. Changbin tried not to scream from excitement what would scare Felix, he stood against Felix doors.

Changbin:"I will go now, good night baby boy!"

He stood away from door's with little smirk after he heard through the door's Felix screaming inside his pillow.

Changbin went back to his bathroom and took a shower to finally clean him off after long day. Changbin washed his hair and went out of the shower still completely naked, when suddenly he heard a knocking sounds against the doors. After some seconds Felix spoke up.

Felix:"Hey, Binie hyung?"


Changbin wrapped towel aroun hes waist and opened the door's, he was meet with blonde boy in pink pyjama. Changbin was ready to hug Felix, when he noticed boys eye's, they were wide open. Changbin then realized that he had only towel around his waist in this moment, he smirked and looked again to Felix.

Changbin:"Like what you see? then take a photo.."

Felix jumped out of his thoughts and took his phone and pointed camera on Changbin.

Changbin:"Wait really???"

He then blushed and closed the doors leaving giggling Felix behind the door's.

Felix:"I was joking Changbin, come out.."

Changbin:"What do you need?"

He said in shy voice, Felix could read by his voice that Changbin was embarrassed.

Felix:"You said i can come when i want!"

Changbin signed and came out of the bathroom.

Changbin:"Ohh yea right!"


Changbin:"Yes baby?"

Felix:"Can i do that again?"

Changbin:"What? Try to take a photo of me, i was just joking Lix?"

Felix smiled and looked on Changbin.

Felix:"No babo! I was talking about this..."


Finally updated huh? hahaha, sorry for waiting!

Oky, but the next chapter...sorry but hahah...

Vote and coment 😉 💕

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