~Ohh yea, they know~

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Jisung: "Felix is what?"

Jisung held Minho's hand tightly and covered his mouth with other hand. He didn't expect anything like this.

Changbin looked around the room, everyone was staring at Felix with sad eye's. Hyunjin sat down on the floor with mouth in :O shape. None of them knew what to say, something like that doesn't happen every day.

Jeongin: "What did you done to him Binie!?"

Changbin was kinda scared right now, thoughts in his head were killing him. The boy's didn't said anything just stared. Changbin was scared that they would be angry or even worst.

Changbin: "I can explain...it wasn't me who wanted that to happen, he just..."

Chan came closer to Changbin who had tears in his eyes and kneeled down in front of him and Felix. He smiled.

Chan: "Hey...tell me what happened?"

Jeongin's face went O_o and he sat next to Changbin.

Jeongin: "Did you two did that, you know..."

Minho: "Of course they did that otherwise how the hell there's baby in Felix stomach!?"

Jisung still didn't know what to do or tell, his bestfriend for who knows how long will have a baby. The small Changbin who's himself is just like a baby will have a children. Jisung looked into Changbin's eye's and tried to smile, but nothing happened. He couldn't smile at someone who did that to Felix, even if that someone is his bestfriend.
Jisung turned around and went out of the house with no emotions in his face. Minho following after him.

Minho: "I'm sorry, i will go"

Everyone stared at the door's who just closed after Jisung and Minho went out. Changbin tried to hold back his tears, but failed and hugged the boy in his hands. He was so sorry, he didn't mean to do this to Felix and his friends. The fact that Felix probably will not keep the child and his bestfriend Han now is not talking with him either makes everything so difficult.

Changbin: "I'm so sorry Felix"

Changbin kissed Felix cheek and left the room leaving sleeping Felix and all of his friends in the room. They were still staring at Felix. They felt bad about him and Changbin.

Seungmin: "Someone should talk with him..."

Chan: "I will...you guy's take care of Felix"

They all nodded and Chan left.


Chan entered the room where Changbin was sitting against the bed on the floor, hands in his hair and head down preset on knees. Changbin let out quiet sobbing sounds.

Chan: "Hey Binie?!"

He went closer to boy and wrapped arms around Changbin's small figure. Changbin let out one more sob and looked up.

Chan: "Why are you crying?"

Changbin: "Everyone hate's me"

Chan: "Wait, wait...no one hates you Changbin, why are u saying that!"

Changbin smiled a little bit and Chan was about to hug him again, but Changbin let out one more sob and broken into tears again.

Changbin: "Chan...Jisung hates me!"

Chan hugged smaller boy again.

Chan: "No he doesn't, you know Jisung...he would never do that"

Changbin: "But he left!"

Chan sighed.

Chan: "Just give him some time, he probably needs to think"

Changbin stood up and left the room, Chan after him.

They entered the room and all eye's now was on Changbin. It was the first time ever they saw him crying. Changbin's eye's were red. The boy's went closer to Changbin and hugged him.

Changbin: "Wha..?"

Hyunjin: "Don't worry Binie, were not mad at you"

Woojin: "I'm even happy, i was the one who said i would love to see little Changlix running aroud!"

Changbin smiled and chuckled softly against Seungmin's shoulder.

Chan: "Amm boy's?...Felix is awake"

Changbin went out of the hug and run to his lover in speed of the light. Felix held his head and smiled.

Felix: "What happened...and why is everyone staring at me?"

Changbin intertwisted their fingers and smiled.

Felix: "Binie were you crying?... I'm sorry!"

Changbin: "It's alright babe, you don't have to worry about anything!"

Felix leaned into Changbin's touch and smiled.

Felix: "But why is everyone staring at me?"

Changbin: "Ohh, i told them that your pregnant with my child"

Felix: "YOU WHAT!?"

Chan: "It's alright Felix!, we are fine with that"

They all smiled and Felix nodded while hugging Changbin tightly, Changbin's hands around blonde boy's waist.

Felix: "But were is Minho and Jisung hyung?"

Hyunjin: "They left sooner, their parents told them to go home..."

Hyunjin tried to think of excuse, because Felix would break into tears if he knew the real reason Jisung left.

Felix: "Do they know?"

Chan: "Ohh yea, they know..."

Felix: "What was their reaction, they were happy about us right, happy that i have a baby!"

Felix looked so happy that all of his friends were smiling.

Changbin: "They both were so happy Bokie!"

They all faked their smiles and hoped that future will not break Felix heart.


This is so bad.

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