~I will like, live here?~

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Both boys stepped out of the room, Changbin's hand around Felix waist and Felix hand around Changbin's shoulder. It wasn't that hard to walk for Felix, but Changbin really wanted to help.

Felix: "It's really fine tho, i can walk by myself Changbin!"

Changbin: "No, i will not let you fall..."

Changbin smiled and they went into elevator, only when Felix leaned against the evevator's handrails Changbin let go of Felix. He began to look at the boy with warm smile on his face. Felix noticed and looked up, he was a little bit embarrassed. Changbin today was different from other day's, he knew that he can be really flirty, and it's not like Felix didn't like that. Felix really liked boy's attention, but sometimes it was pretty hard to understand him.

Felix: "Umm...why are you looking at me like that?"

Changbin jumped out of the thoughts when Felix waved his hand Infront of Changbin's face. The smaller one looked with questionable expression.

Changbin: "Ohh, what, i didn't heard what you said actually"

Changbin was now smiling awkwardly.

Felix: "I was asking, why are you looking at me like that, is there's something on my face?, let me check!"

Felix looked into mirror next to him and his little smile dropped. He saw his own reflection, the reflection of really pale and week boy, his eye's looked really tired and freckles were standing out as well, it looked like you could see them from the moon, Felix hated his look right now and those stupid freckles. Only if he knew how much the boy next to him loved them, and everything about Felix was perfect to him.

Felix: "I'm so ugly, sorry Changbin, you don't have to look at me..."

Felix tried to cover his freckles and looked down. Changbin giggled and lift up freckled boy by his chin. Felix felt so embarrassed aroud Changbin now, he didn't even looked at him.

"Hey, Bokie...look up please!"

Changbin realised what he just said, but he hoped that Felix didn't noticed. He finally looked inside Changbin's eye's and in that moment they stopped and went out of the elevator, of course Changbin holding him.

Changbin: "Felix, you don't have to feel bad about your looks right now, you were in coma for 2 month's...and by the way i think you still are very pretty!"

Felix smiled a little bit, but on word was replying in he's mind. Pretty, pretty, pretty..... Felix now had big smile on his face, he looked up to Changbin who was looking at the entrance of the hospital.

Felix: "Aww, Binie really thinks that I'm pretty?"

He said in really childish voice, that even Changbin shivered after hearing that, but only smiled and held the blonde boy closer to him.

Changbin: "And cute, and adorable, awesome, smart..."

Changbin was cut off by Felix.

Felix: "Oky, oky i get it...if you're saying all this to make me feel better, well you did! hahah"

Changbin: "I was just saying the truth!"

They both stood out of the hospital and looked around. Felix finally felt alive again, the soft wind and fresh air was all what he needed, of course Changbin was number one privilege, he was the only one who supported him now.

Changbin: "Come on Felix, jump into my car, I'm already starving and I'm sure that hospital food for you wasn't that great either"

Felix wasn't gona object anything, he jumped into Changbin's car and Changbin started driving. While driving both boy's glared at each other when other wasn't looking. It was more like Changbin was glaring and Felix was looking out of the window. It was hard for Felix to don't remember these streets and town, even he lived here only year, he still felt weird. Everything looked so new to him, it was really scary to not remember.

They drived around 20 minutes, Changbin was pretty fast, because he badly wanted food, of course he drived safe, but pretty fast. He pulled away from the street and drove into his property.

Felix: "Ohh, i actually remember this place Changbin!"

Changbin: "Hahah, that's great, because this will be your home for a while!"

Changbin smiled and opened the door's, stepping out of the car he went to Felix side and quickly like gentleman opened for Felix as well.

Felix: "Haha, thanks!"

Felix blushed, because how sweet Changbin acted towards him, they must be really close Felix thought. There were some moments before the accident where Changbin acted like that.

He suddenly remembered that "fake date" they had...and what happened after. (He didn't remembered the part one the living room's couch). Changbin is something different, but Felix liked him for that, he made Felix happy, and that's the most important thing towards Felix. He needs someone like Changbin.

Felix: "I will like, live here?"

Changbin: "Yes!"

Felix: "In your room?"

He didn't know why he asked that, but he needed to know. Felix was kinda scared of the elders response.

Changbin: "Of course no Felix!, but if you want..."

Felix: "Ohh oky, I'm glad you have more than one bedroom, i always sleep alone, so..."

Changbin: "Fine, now come in... nobody's home so we have all fridge for ourselves!"

They went inside.


I feel like I'm writing different story after the accident what happened to Felix... I'm sorry if this is so random, but I NEED SOME FLUF, and I'm pretty sure you as well!☺️

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