~Are you jealous again?~

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Changbin was so pissed in the moment, because of those people who hurted his boyfriend. He was storming out of the school don't minding others who passed him, Changbin never looked up.  People never saw Changbin like this. He was so angry, red eye's and hand's covered in blood just like his lips after kissing Felix one's. It more looked like someone beaten Changbin not Felix, but who would ever do that.

There was this place some minutes aways from school, where usually some of his classmates and other student's liked to spend their free time. Changbin never went there, because he hated places like that.

After 5 minute's Changbin was Infront of the building and went inside, he looked around the place with his dark look searching for one person. Everyone stopped talking and looked at Changbin who was just standing right next to door's and angrily staring at everyone. People in the room knew the reason why Changbin was here, but no one dared to speak up or not even breathe in this moment. Changbin seemed to be so pissed that he could actually kill someone. No one knew this gonna happen.

Changbin: "Where is he?"

The silence.

Changbin: "Fine, i will find him by my own!"

Changbin went inside one of the room's on the left meanwhile pushing some people out of the way. When he closed the door's with loud sound everyone let out a deep breath.

Wooyoung: "What's up with that guy, i have never saw him like that"

Lucas: "It was such a bad idea for those boy's to hurt Felix like that, now Changbin is hurting"

Mina: "I hope he will be alright, those boy's are stronger and bigger then him!"

Mina was about to open door's, but Suho stopped her.

Suho: "Mina, Changbin will be alright, no one in there will hurt him i know that for sure!"

People truly cared about Changbin like a lot. They felt so down in the moment, because everyone let that to happen. No one stopped Felix from getting hurt by the bullies, no one cared about Felix like they did about Changbin. All of the people in the room felt sick, because of the fact that they hurted Changbin by hurting Felix.


Changbin went inside the room and saw the person he was looking for. He quickly run up to him and grabbed his shirt's collar and looked deep inside he's eye's.

Changbin: "Who of your boy's hurted my Felix?!"

Changbin was almost screaming, everyone in the building could hear that.

Hongjoong: "Changbin, please calm down?"

Changbin smirked, because of the control he had in the moment. He was speaking with the head of the school's bullies.

Changbin: "If not?...you gonna hurt me, you gonna tell one of your friends to beat me up huh, just like they beaten up Felix?"

Changbin now was crying, he never thought he would be able to stand up to someone, especially Hongjoong. They used to be best friend's in the middle school, but because of the fact that Hongjoong chosed his future like this, Changbin ended their friendship. Hongjoong never hurted Changbin and would never do that.

Hongjoong: "You know that i will never hurt you my friend!"

Changbin: "Friend?...no, we are not friends Hongjoong, you stopped to be my friend when you beated up Kihyun right in front of my eye's, he was my friend as well...no!, because you was jealous of the fact that he spend so much time with me, you just attached him. And even now! YOU beated up Felix, are you jealous again?, what's wrong with you!?"

Hongjoong: "Changbin"

Changbin let go of Hongjoong and kneeled down, Hongjoong did the same.

Hongjoong: "Changbin i never tried to hurt Felix, i never told someone to hurt him, i swear i will beat them up for doing that, but please calm down!"

Changbin tried to catch a breath and looked up to Hongjoong.

Changbin: "How can i trust you!?"

Hongjoong: "Because i always want to protect you! I beaten Kihyun because he was about to hurt you, he just used you, he wasn't your friend. At that time he was the biggest bullie in school, you was the only one who didn't saw that, you was the victim in he's eye's Changbin. I did what i was supposed to do."

"Changbin have you ever thought about why everyone like's you, or the fact that no one ever hurts you, what's the reason of that?"

Changbin: "What?"

Hongjoong: "People doesn't hurt you, because they are scared of me...they think i will kill them if they touch you...and that's the true!"

"Even if you hate me Changbin, I don't care!...You are still my bestfriend!"

Changbin was thinking a lot, he didn't want to trust this guy anymore, but part of him believed Hongjoong's words. Changbin stood up and turned around and before he went out of the room, he looked at Hongjoong.

Changbin: "I forgive you"


Story will start to get intresting... I don't know how many chapters this book will have. Hope you don't mind, this never ending story 😅 ....Fine, fine it will end.

Hongjoong ⬇️...The boy in my profile photo haha.

The boy in my profile photo haha

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