~Oh no!~

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Minho: "I said so..." He happily jumped around them.

Jisung put his hand around Minho's shoulder to keep him still.

Jisung: "So how do we find Felix, he could be anywhere in this city...even out of the Seoul"

Changbin took his phone and tried to text "Felix" again.

Y/n: "What are u doing?"

Changbin: "Will kindly ask their location to get my boyfriend back"

Changbin said faking his soft voice. Ready to try everything to get Felix back.

Jisung: "But u know, if they took him away from you they are not gonna tell where they are hiding"

Changbin sighed.

Y/n: "You can try at least..."

Changbin nodded and opened the messages with Felix.






Changbin: "Oh shit!..."

Minho: "What, what?...tell us"

Changbins hands were shaking like crazy.

Changbin: "I...I think it's Lix"

Jisung: "No way!"

Changbin: "Wait, i will find out"





Is that you Felix?

Changbin please help and get me out
of hereee

Felix where are u?

I'm hiding...i quickly took my phone while
mum and dad were in the kitchen talking

Calm down baby! Breath


Where are u?

Changbin i can hear them

No...Felix run

Have no way out, doors locked


They are close Binie, I'm scared

Where are u?

I don't know

Are u far away from home?

I don't really know...

Binie they are in the room i hiding


i lovbwjdj nml kvkkkkk

~Target~ Changlix Where stories live. Discover now