~Is this a joke to you?~

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Felix: "No, it can't be..."

Felix let go of Changbin's hands and stepped back a little bit. He didn't know how to feel in this moment. He's best friend for so long, the only person in Felix life who was the most important for him. He's friend Gyu, who actually was his only little happiness before he meet Changbin, all this time was boy in front of him.

Seo Changbin is GYU.

Changbin: "Well, it's true... I'm your Gyu my Bokie!"

Felix was still speachlles after news he was hearing.

Felix: "For how long do you know that?"

Changbin went closer to blonde boy to comfort him, he knew that Felix was overthinking everything in he's mind, but Changbin wanted to be close to Felix right now.

Changbin: "I found out that some day's ago"

Changbin took his phone again in his hands and opened his chat with Bokie.

Changbin: "Is it true that you talked about me, when you texted this?"

Changbin felt his heart racing faster when Felix looked in his phone.



Why don't you feel right lately,
and whats the reason of it?

Please tell me :)

Ohh, about that...

There's this boy.

A boy?


Is he hurting my Bokie?

No no, it's nothing like that!

It's different, because he's
actually nice to me...

Someone is nice to me Gyu!


Changbin: "If you don't feel right around me i will not bother you Felix".

Felix: "Don't know what to actually think right now"

Changbin: "Then don't think about anything baby"

Felix jumped out of his thoughts of that nickname and stared inside Changbin's eye's.

Felix: "Changbin stop pretending like we're on a date, it's not the right moment".

Changbin looked suprised at younger's coment, but responded immediately.

Changbin: "I'm not pretending anything...wait you thought all of this was just a joke?"

Felix: "Wait, Binie"

Changbin: "Is this a joke to you Felix?"

Changbin said that louder, that actually scared younger a little bit.

Felix: "I didn't though that you felt something towards me!"

He now had tears in his eyes. Felix wasn't expecting any of this. He's only friend made him feel bad. He felt like everything was his fault. Felix life was a total disaster, he felt like everyone's life will become the same if they will be aroud him.

Felix knew that he fucked up things. This friendship, if you can even call that. Felix didn't even know what real friendship means. But when his with Changbin, he slowly starts understand. But he didn't knew that friendship could make your heart flutter, that was the only thing he's heart did, when Changbin was around.

Felix don't want to hurt Changbin at the end, because he don't know how to deal with his heart and emotions...he knew that he would only hurt Changbin.

Changbin: "I like you since we started texting from the first time, i loved helping you and hear all of your story's when you had a hard times, i loved to be someone who helped you to get through everything"

"And when i meet you for a first time, first school day, i couldn't stop thinking about you Felix...after i found out that you were Bokie all this time, i thought that it was finally my chance to change you and help you by protecting you"

Felix heart was breaking, he felt a single tear on his cheek, he wanted to hug a boy Infront of him and never let go, but he knew that at the and he would be hurt, he didn't want to create something that he would lose.

Felix: "Changbin I'm sorry, but i don't feel the same about you"

Felix lied. He wanted to cry so hard, he stood up and went where he's shoes was placed next to doors.

Changbin runned up to boy who now was crying. He hugged Felix from behind and placed his head on his back while closing his eye's trying not to cry.

Changbin: "Bokie wait, don't go!"

Felix felt warm in Changbin's touch, but tried to shake there feelings away. He put on his shoes and turned in Changbin's hug facing the older. And next 8 words what will come from Felix mouth will break two heart's.

Felix: "I think we we can't be friends anymore"

Changbin slowly let go of Felix waist and watched how one of the most important people turn his back on him. Changbin lose his long friend Bokie and the boy he truly liked.

Felix on the other side lost his only friend, the only person in his life,. Felix lose Gyu, he losed Changbin.

I hate this so much...I need some pain i guess.

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