~Nice story!~

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Chan: "Jisung what's going on?"

Minho let go of Jisung and locked the door's after all of the boy's were inside of the house. He passed by Chan and held his hand straight Infront of them to show were should they sit. After Chan and other boy's sat down on the couch in front of Jisung who sat on the chair.

Hyunjin: "I have a bad feeling, look at my arms... it's suddenly cold here!"

Seungmin: "It's actually hot in here..."

The room went silent and everyone was staring at Jisung. None of the boy's did understand what's this situation and what's that all about.

Changbin: "Jisung, do you have any secrets?"

Jisung looked up to meet Changbin's eye's full of questions. Next to him or more like on him sat Felix with sad face and head down, Jisung knew that he was hurting Felix by ignoring him and after thinking and talking with Minho they decided that Jisung have to stop hiding the true and reason why his acting like this.

Jisung felt Minho's hands on his shoulders what made him feel safe and comfortable in this position.

Jisung: "I guess..."

Chan moved his hands and rubbed his thighs, he was just so curious just like the other boy's Infront of Minsung.

Chan: "Then tell us please"

Jisung: "I will"

Felix looked up, still with that sad face and moved more into Changbin's lap for comfort. Changbin felt Felix heart to start racing, he tried to help Felix by lightly hugging his small figure. Felix cleared his throat, what made Jisung eye's land on him.

Felix: "Do you hate me Hanie?"

The question what was inside Felix head for to long finally was spoken out loud. He never asked that question in his life ever before, because he already knew the true and answer that everyone except Changbin hated him, but after meeting Changbin's friends he felt different. None of them was hating Felix and that's how his life was now, but the thought of someone in this friends group hating him, made Felix heart break. Felix doesn't care about others the way he cares about Changbin and friends.

Jisung went silent again and was looking for the right answer.

Jisung: "No Felix"

Felix: "Then why..."

Jisung: "Felix i would never hate you"

Jisung sighed and looked at Changbin.

Jisung: "But I'm sorry about you"

Changbin's eye's were locked with Jisung's. The past suddenly came back Infront of his eyes. All those thoughts what he tried to forger came back.

Seungmin: "What are u saying Jisung?"

Minho looked at Jisung for permission to speak.

Minho: "Do any of you know the story about two brothers?"

Everyone looked at each other for answer. Woojin, Hyunjin and Chan raised their hands.

Minho: "Oky the maknea like just don't know"

Changbin let go of Felix hand and raised his hand.

Changbin: "I don't know the story"

Minho: "oky then just listed"

Woojin: "I know all the story in my mind, do i have to listen?"

Jisung: "yes!"

Minho sat next to Jisung on the floor, however Jisung protested against that and made Minho sit in his lap. Minho smiled and kissed Jisung's cheek.

Jeongin: "Are we still listening the story?"

Minho: "Oky...How you already know, the story is about two brothers, one older and other younger. The first kid was born in year 1993, what means his 25. He born in really lovely family with two lovable parents. The kid had anything what he wanted, his family was rich... almost as rich as Changbin's. The boy's father was really successful business man who was head of more than 5 companies. Boy's mother was really famous story writer, she made story's for kids. They meet each other when they were young. After having a one child, the mother went to talk with her husband and both of them decided for another baby. The first kid was happy as well. After 9 month's of waiting for a baby they bought a little dog, so the baby would be living in safe place and safe home. The first kid was 7 at that time....Sadly the mother died after baby was born, she had some health issues. After that father was left alone with those two baby's. The death of his wife changed him completely. The father started drinking and didn't came home for day's. Lucky there was a lot of money in house so the older brother went to grocery store every day and took care of his younger brother. Time passed and two of the boy's were taken away from their father, because they lived alone by themselves. After 11 years the father committed suicide and at that age the older brother was 18 and the youngest one was 12. All of father's money went to them, they also get back their old home. Now the oldest brother is 25 and lives with his wife outside of town, but the youngest of brothers is 18 years old, who lives at the same house with the dog what his parents bought for him 18 years ago."

Seungmin: "Nice story!"

Jeongin: "Is that a real story?"

Minho nodded.

Jisung: "The oldest brother Kang Young-hyun better known as YoungK had a father's surname"

Changbin's eyes widened.

Jisung: "But the youngest brother took mothers surname..."

Minho held Jisung's hand tightly.

Minho: "Han Jisung"

I know this was really boring, but now everyone knows why Jisung wasn't happy about that baby idea...and after hearing from Chan that Felix doesn't even want to keep the child, that made his memories come back.

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