~I'm totally fine~

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Changbin was now staring at Felix stomach. The movement suprised the smaller one. He knew he felt something there and that something was alive. Changbin tried to clear his thoughts, maybe he just imagining things... Felix is pregnant, the thought didn't leaved Changbin's mind. There is a possibility, that it's true, but he don't know how to feel about this possibility. He's just there, staring at Felix with lost in he's eye's.

He was lost in his thoughts, when he noticed that Felix is slowly waking up from his nap. He kept staring at Felix stomach. There's no way it's happening.

Felix: "Binie"

Changbin didn't answered.

Felix: "Changbin?"

Changbin suddenly locked eye's with Felix one's.

Changbin: "Huh?"

Felix smiled and leaned closer to his boyfriend, he just waked up and already was missing Changbin's hugs. Changbin felt his heart start racing inside, but after Felix hug, he felt soft and hugged Felix back.

Felix: "Is everything fine?, you were staring at me and didn't react when i called..."

Changbin wasn't sure, so he decided that best for Felix was to don't know about what happened when he was sleeping earlier. Changbin didn't want to stress the blonde boy. Maybe it's not even true, but he's sure that he will do something about this. He needs to know the true reason of Felix sickness and it's finally the time.

Changbin: "Yea I'm fine, don't worry baby"

Changbin smiled awkwardly and looked at Felix stomach again.

Changbin: "How's my baby feeling, doe's your stomach hurt, is everything alright?"

Changbin cleared his throat, because of the way he said the first question. Changbin truly meaned Felix as his baby, but now he was stuck again in his thoughts.

Felix just laughed and shaked Changbin's hand's.

Felix: "Your baby is feeling wonderful today...i will now get up and have some snacks, because omg I'm so hungry!"

Hungry, hungry, hungry... Changbin's mind finally was clear. Felix, mood swings, hungry, sickness and stomach pain. Changbin now was 100% sure, that he was right about it. He jumped off the bed and run out of the room.

Felix: "Someone's excited today!"

He smirked and get up to choose some clothes to wear. Felix was excited to meet his friends and spend some good time with them and Changbin. After 10 minutes Felix was done with choosing and went down stairs, where he could smell the sweetest and most delicious smell in the world.

 After 10 minutes Felix was done with choosing and went down stairs, where he could smell the sweetest and most delicious smell in the world

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(Felix outfit, because YES BOY)

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(Felix outfit, because YES BOY)

When Felix went down he could see his boyfriend setting up plates for both of them with a little smile on his face. When Changbin noticed Felix, he looked up and he's jaw dropped.

Changbin: "Omg Yongbok, you look to hot!"

He was staring at Felix legs, because boy was wearing some black high shorts, his tanned legs were showing and Changbin could just get hard at the sight.

Felix: "Ohh... well i can change if you want!?"

Changbin rushed towards Felix and took his small hand.

Changbin: "No no... it's just, someone might steal you from me...and you are the most important to me, trust me Felix, i love you so much and even in the near future...don't worry babe, i will be by your side"

After Changbin finished talking, Felix quickly kissed Changbin's lips and sat on the chair.

Felix: "No one will steal me...no one wants me except you Binie, so don't worry!"

Changbin: "I can see how girls are looking at you Felix, and some of the boy's as well"

Felix: "Babe, I don't even like girls and i never would replace you Binie, don't even think about it...i love you to much!"

Changbin smiled and and kissed Felix soft blonde hair making his boy blush.

Changbin: "i know, i know... I'm too cool and handsome!"

Felix was about to hit Changbin when the smaller boy runed away and came back with the mug of the juice.

Changbin: "Now you should eat, and make sure you eat all of it, there's more over there if you want...umm, just eat a lot oky!?"

Now Changbin acted weird and Felix noticed that.

Felix: "Changbin...is everything alright?...you said i should stop eating that much, but now your almost feeding me by yourself"

Changbin: "I can feed you, you want me to feed you baby, i will help!"

Changbin was overacting, but he couldn't stop. He was too worried about Felix and their baby, he just want the best for them.

Felix: "Changbin I'm totally fine, i can take care of myself"

Changbin: "But it's my responsibility to take care of you both...i mean care of you!"

It just slipped out of Changbin's mount, but thanks good Felix didn't noticed.

Felix: "It's really nice of you Binie!, but you should take care about yourself as well and then think about me"

Changbin started eating his pancakes and now was little bit upset. He slowly looked up to meet Felix eye's.

Changbin: "I'm sorry Bokie, I'm overprotective... it's just i really wanna make sure your healthy and happy"

Felix smiled.

Felix: "Don't be sad, I'm truly fine and happy because I'm with you and Binie i truly love you as well!"

Get yourself a boyfriend like Changbin...

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