~He's gona run away!~

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Lucky for both of them, Felix and Changbin shared the first class together. They entered the classroom and went to sit at the back. Some of the students were staring at them. They seemed surprised to see Felix again, most of the students forget about him, and now seeing him again made most of them disgusted. Everyone knew that Felix was really rude towards all of the students, but they didn't knew that someone saved him from all of that, Felix no more was rude or anything, he was kind and adorable towards everyone who better knew him.

Changbin and Felix sat down on their chairs and put down their backpack's, when they both looked up they saw all eye's one them. Most of the students in the classroom was staring at Felix with mad look. Changbin had enough...he was tired of all the hate towards Felix so he did something unacceptable in this school. He took Felix hand and intertwisted their fingers while looking at the students in the room. Felix didn't really cared what others were thinking, he just did his own business, when suddenly Changbin grabbed his hand. He looked at Changbin who was just staring at the classroom and then he locked eye's with Felix one's. Everyone was still watching with questionable face's. No one was aware of the fact that they were close, not even close enough to hold hands.

Changbin smiled at Felix and moved forward to press his lips against Felix one's. It was quick kiss, what went three seconds. When they parted away from each other Felix hide his face in his palms, Changbin stared at every one with 'Don't touch him, he's mine' face.

Felix: "Why?"

Felix shyly asked. Changbin kissed Felix hand and intertwisted their fingers again.

Changbin: "It's nothing, I just wanted to kiss you"

He smiled and opened his notes and took a pen with the free hand.

Felix: "Everyone is looking at us, I don't like that kind of attention Binie!"

Changbin held Felix hand tightly and looked up, when he did, all eye's were no more looking at them. Changbin felt good, he knew no one will hurt Felix anymore. Felix was with him now.

Changbin: "Better?"

Felix smiled and quickly kissed Changbin's cheek.

Felix: "Better!"


It was the end of the classes and Felix was walking alone in the hallway while listening some music, these day's he was so into music. Groups he was into were GOT7 and DAY6, something about their music made him feel better. He really loved the fact that his love was into music as well and because of that Felix was now alone. Changbin had to deal with some small (not as small as him) problems in music. The school's boy group had a lot of work to do, but Changbin because of the stress about the blonde boy wasn't able to keep up with the boy's.

His bestfriends Jisung and Chan. Better know as J.ONE and CB97...was waiting for him in the studio. Changbin promised to meet Felix after one hour.

Changbin entered the studio and was attached by aggressive squirrel.

Jisung: "Changbin we were waiting for you, where have you been?"

Changbin: "Calm down, i was with Felix..."

Chan: "Where is he now?"

Changbin: "Waiting for me somewhere?"

Chan: "You left him alone?"

Jisung: "I want to see him again, why you didn't bring Felix here?"

Changbin: "He was oky with waiting for me to go home together"

Chan: "You sure everything will be fine?"

Jisung: "Yea, you know how students in this school react towards Felix, he might get hurt"

Changbin sat inside his comfortable chair and looked up to the ceiling.

"Everything will be fine...we should start working one the new song, i have some good lyrics, i just need your help Chan"

Jisung: "So you don't need my help huh?"

Changbin: "You can help...umm, help by watering flowers!"

Chan and Changbin were laughing about the squirrel boy, who pouted and went to water flowers, because he had nothing to do in the moment. Jisung always finished all his work really fast, because he was so passionate about music he loved...just like Chan and Changbin.


Felix sat one the bench and closed his eye's. He was drifting in sleep, when he felt that one of his earbuds fell out. He opened eye's and saw two boy's, who seemed much taller than him. Felix didn't understand what was happening until one of the boy's took Felix phone away. Felix tried to get up but other boy was pushing him down.

"Hey, give it back!"

Felix didn't want to cry, but he felt some tears running down his face. The boy unlocked Felix phone and smirked. He showed the screen to other boy who laughed right after.

"Hey Seonghwa...look!"

Seonghwa: "How cute...photo with you and your boyfriend"

Seonghwa pulled Felix cheek and smirked. Mingi took Felix phone and put it inside he's pocket.

"Will keep it"

Seonghwa looked at Mingi with wtf face.

"Why the fuck do you need his phone?"

Mingi: "Stop arguing about the phone, his gonna run away!"

Seonghwa looked at Felix who was crying and looked scared, hands tightly holding his backpack.

Seonghwa: "He won't"

Seonghwa pushed Felix away from the bench and kicked Felix in the stomach what made Felix scream in pain, but no one was around to help him. Seonghwa smirked and then started attacking Felix face. Felix couldn't fight back because now Mingi was holding his hands down. Felix was hurting so badly, his nose was now bleeding, he got some cuts on he's cheek because of the Seonghwa's ring.

Seonghwa: "Not so pretty anymore?...Changbin will never love someone so ugly like you!"

Mingi let go of Felix hands and stood up next to Seonghwa. He kicked one more time before throwing Felix phone at the ground. The phone's screen cracked right in the middle of the photo Felix and Changbin was in.


Sorry for making Mingi and Seonghwa the bad guy's, i really love ATEEZ and you should support them too...My bias is Hongjoong :)

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