~Where's Felix?~

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Changbin went inside 10 minutes before the school's bell rang, the sound of the school's bell was horrible, but most of the students was already get used to the sound. Changbin often wondered, why they don't change it.

He stood Infront of his locker and opened to get some book's out of there, he checked his phone and there were no massage's from Felix, so Changbin wondered that blonde boy is sleeping of watching some drama. He was thinking about his Bokie, when suddenly someone slammed the his locker. Changbin looked behind and was met with Jisung.

Jisung:"Hi Binie, Binieee"

Changbin let out a small laugh and put his book's inside his school bag.

Changbin:"Hi Hanie!"

Jisung watched how Changbin locked the small door's of his locker and put his hand around Changbin's shoulder. They both went to class and entered in the time, when that annoying bell rang. Both boy's sat right besides each other.

Jisung:"Where's Felix"

Changbin looked up to Jisung and was little bit surprised by the question.


Jisung:"I just thought that he's out of the hospital, so why he's not in school?"

Changbin:"Ohh, he's in my place right now, he still need some rest, that's why i take care about him"

Jisung:"What you're parents said about Felix staying?"

Changbin didn't even told his mum about Felix living there, but he knew that she would be happy for some good reasons.

Changbin:"She don't know jet"

Jisung:"You have to tell her Bin"

Changbin:"I will!"

The teacher entered the classroom with some paper works and looked around to class.

Teacher:"Are you ready for test?"

She asked to everyone, but there were different answers from each kid in the classroom, Changbin didn't really minded this test, mathematics was easy for Changbin, he was the smartest in the classroom. However there was this kid named Han Jisung who never really learned, he's light minded person, usually he didn't care about small things like grades, for someone education was the most important thing ever, but not for Jisung.

Jisung:"Save me Changbin!"

Changbin knew that this will happen so he let out a little chuckle and looked to his notes and then passed them to him.

Changbin:"Just take my notes, you are lucky enough that teacher let us to use them"

Jisung looked in Changbin's eye's and then to notes, he knew that Changbin was smart af, but that was to much, there were a lot of definitions of math formulas.

Jisung:"You sure, you know all of that?"

Usually teacher don't let students to share the notes, it's their own fault if they don't wrote down or don't bring the notes in the test day's.

Changbin:"I'm sure!"

Changbin smiled and wrote his name down, Jisung did the same. The test for Changbin was so easy, that he finished in the middle of the lesson. He looked around and saw his friends struggling, what made him sad, they were like Jisung, but not all of the lessons. No one liked mathematics except Changbin.

The teacher left the classroom because she needed to copy some more paperwork for the next lesson, but thankfully those were not tests, but class work.

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