~Pool party~

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(So this is basically Chanlan special chapter, but of course i will including Chaglix, because i miss them...also this will be much longer than my other chapters)

Dylan's pov

Y/n: "Dylan please take your bags, we don't have much time, because our car is already waiting outside of the airport"

Dylan: "It's already here?"

Dylan took their bags of clothes and other things from the line. The airport is really busy today. A lot of people go away for holiday's, but Dylan and his sister y/n just came back from one. People keep pushing past people. Some of them late and try not to lose their flight.

Y/n: "That's because we're little bit late...now hurry up, because he can't wait for us all day, the ticket cost money"

Dylan: "I'm coming, I'm coming" Dylan rolled his eyes. He was carrying both of their stuff. Looks like y/n put some rocks inside her bag, he didn't remember it was that heavy.

Y/n: "3 minutes Dylan! Hurry up!" Y/n went past people who wasn't extra nice this morning. They finally made it till the exit. Dylan being a gentleman opened doors for y/n, but got stuck when group of old ladies went through the doors. y/n having bast time of her life couldn't stop laughing. The old ladies thanked Dylan who just staid there frozen.
"Ohh, you are such a nice boy!" "Look how nice this young gentleman is" "Thankyou young man" Dylan just quickly bowed, when old woman was out of his way and continue with running towards y/n, who already was waiting by car.

Dylan: "Im so tired" He whined and throw the bags in the back of the car. The car ride to their place wasn't far so he was happy to get in and finally go home. Not even 10 minutes later, the car pulled in front of their home. Dylan took the bags and run towards house, leaving y/n paying for the car. Dylan thought why no one couldn't come and get them from the airport, did they friends already forgot about them.

It's been long since he saw everyone including Felix, Changbin, Jisung, Minho...But there was some one who he was keeping touch with. Bang Chan. Dylan and Chan developed some feelings for each other, however those two haven't got even one date. Mostly because not long after everything was alright again Y/n and Dylan decided to go away for a while. The reason was to meet their parents, but both siblings still find time to have a great time. Almost every day Chan would call or text Dylan. That made him think that older boy still want to do something with him. It's finally the day, they both can meet again. Also without anything what would distracted them, because how far as Dylan know, Felix is save, everyone doing great. He just can't wait to see them all again.

Y/n took out the key's from the bag and unlocked the doors. The house was empty, what made both of them little bit sad. Everyone probably is busy at the moment. of course siblings informed people that they are coming, but none of them got reply.

Y/n "They all probably just busy now, we gonna meet them soon" Y/n smiled and went inside. It was little bit cold, because house is placed where a lot of trees are around, what means there's no sunlight what could make the air warmer. It's fine tho. It's great time outside, you almost even wanna swim in this hot temperature.

Dylan: "Let's set our things back...after that i will take a nap, I'm tired" y/n nodded. They didn't do anything much today, just relaxed after trip.

~Next day~

Chan's pov

Chan:"So Dylan and y/n is back in Korea, we should think about something" He's currently sitting in Jisung's living room while Minsung is making cold drinks for them all. Chan turns his head and sees Minho lifting up and down his eyebrows.

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