~Felix would never~

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Changbin let out a little scream and covered his mouth with his hand, the sound made others jump out of thoughts and look at him. Changbin was now trying to find a place where to sit down still staring at the bright screen. He didn't blink or breath, he just started at the message.

Y/n: "What...is that him!?"

Y/n run up to Changbin and tried to look into his phone, but before she did Changbin moved a little bit away and hide his phone away from everyone's sight. Y/n understood that he needs some privacy. Changbin's eye's started to tear up again, but he tried to keep calm. He just get up and left the room. Jisung tried to run after him, but Changbin locked himself in Jisung's bedroom. He could hear his friends voices from the other side of the room but he didn't cared at that moment. Changbin's legs went weak and he sat on the floor and rested his head against the doors. The boy's and y/n was aware of the fact that Changbin wants to be alone. They left shortly after Changbin let out some quiet sobs.



Hi It's me Felix

If you are wondering why i left, it's because
i don't love you anymore

I actually never did

It was way too hard for me, you did hurt me
and now look at me. I'm disgusting. It's your fault

Chanbin...forget about me like i will about you


Changbin's eye's never left the screen. So many thoughts went through his mind. Did Felix really felt like that all this time. Was Changbin really that bad type of boyfriend. He though everything was perfect, just like both of them together. Happy family. They have not yet born baby who Changbin will probably not ever meet. Why this was happening, what went wrong, can he change some things to get better or it was already over and done.




Is that really how you feel about me?

It's that so easy to say...i never loved you,
because i know you did.

Look I don't know what's the reason of this,
is it the baby? Is it me, my working hours? Why?

If that's really how you feel i will not stand in
your way...just please, when time comes,
let me meet my child. I have to see that beautiful
creature that i love before i go.

Love you.


Changbin felt like someone was stabbing him with knifes. Everything hurted, but mostly his heart. He locked his phone and stood up to leave the bedroom. Changbin slowly walked to the living room where everyone was talking but went silent after noticing Changbin standing in the doorway. He looked broken, but outside looks couldn't tell how much broken he felt inside. He slightly smiled and went inside.

Minho: "Binie, is Felix alright?"

Changbin looked up and sighed.

Changbin: "Better than alright i guess..."

Jisung: "Why, where is he...what did he said?"

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