~You know you saved me?~

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Changbin hugged the blonde boy and placed him face to face in his lap. Felix was still crying and held his face with his palms.

Changbin: "Lixie tell me...what exactly do you remember?"

He held Felix cheeks to make Felix calm down a little bit. However Felix stayed silent and didn't look up to meet Changbin's eye's.

Changbin: "It doesn't matter what you remembered, I'm here with you... please don't cry Felix!"

Felix didn't said anything.

Changbin: "You know i love you"

Felix finally looked up to meet Changbin's eye's and jumped on him. They both fall down and Felix hugged Changbin like the life depended on it. The older softly held Felix head against his chest and other hand on his back. And finally Felix broke the silence.

Felix: "Thankyou Binie"

Changbin: "Huh?"

He lifted his head to look at the blonde one.

Felix: "Thankyou for staying with me"

Changbin: "Of course baby!"

Changbin removed some hair from Felix forehead and slowly leaned down to kiss it. Felix smiled at the elders touch what made Changbin's world to explode from the boy's cuteness on top of him.

Felix: "You know...i never thought, that i would fall in love with the school's most popular, richest boy...i always hated that these boy's were superior and to much overrated by people"

Changbin chuckled at that.

Changbin: "You thought that i was one of them, like the bad guy, bully?"

Felix: "Yes"

Felix said that so quietly that Changbin almost didn't hear it.

Changbin: "I hope you know now, that I'm not like others..."

Now Felix chuckled.

Felix: "I knew that since the firt day o meet you...and i love you Binie, i really do!"

Changbin's couldn't resist the cuteness from Felix, so he leaned against the headboard and lifted Felix up to his lap again.

Felix: "You know you saved me Binie?...you made me a good person, person that can finally open up to new people around me."

Changbin leaned Felix neck down by his hand and placed soft kiss on Felix lips, they weren't salty from crying anymore, they were sweet and soft. Felix deepened the kiss while playing with Changbin's ears making the smaller one smile in the kiss. Changbin quickly parted away and put his hands on Felix waist.

Changbin: "No...baby, you were the one who saved me!"

(a/n: Don't read if you feel uncomfortable, there will not be anything dirty, just little bit!)

Changbin chuckled and quickly flipped them around so Changbin was on top of Felix now. Felix had those big eye's and he started at Changbin who had his hands in both sides of Felix head. He felt Changbin sitting on his hips what made him let out a small moan because of the feeling. Changbin wasn't sure what was that, so he looked down to meet Felix eye's, he looked hurted?

Changbin: "Omg, what happened baby...is something wrong?"

He didn't know what to think so he just stared at Felix. Felix eye's made they way down on his and Changbin's hips, so Changbin understood right away what he was doing.

Changbin: "Ohh sorry baby, i didn't notice that i was..."

Felix: "It's alright Binie, don't apologize"

Changbin: "But i..."

Felix: "I dont mind that...i like..."

Changbin now was red as tomato, Felix just made him blush.

Changbin: "You like what?"

Felix wasn't sure about the situation they were in, but he felt good, like everything was right.

Felix: "Just keep doing that"

Changbin did what blonde boy asked, he moved his hips a little bit, and felt something under him growing what made him look at Felix again. Youngers eye's were closed and he let out small moans. Changbin finally understood what he was doing in the moment. He made Felix hard bye his hips.

The sight Infront of him turned Changbin on, so he leaned down to place kiss on Felix lips. Felix opened his eye's and leaned into the touch. Changbin smirked against Felix lips.

Changbin: "Am i making you hard baby?"

Felix let out a small sound and nodded.

Changbin: "Answer"

He pressed himself harder on Felix member.

Felix: "Y..yes!"

Changbin stood up on his knees and looked at the blonde boy. Felix was breathing fast, he looked at Changbin with lost look.

Changbin: "You really want this?"

Felix: "Y...yes!"

Changbin: "You want what?"

Felix: "I want you"

Changbin's cheeks set on fire, so does his body, and his mouth suddenly goes dry. But he tried to not think about it, because he remembered that they were not alone.

Changbin: "Felix..we can't, my mother might hear or see us.

Felix sighed and looked away from Changbin.

Felix: "I know we can't, but i would love to..."

Changbin bites his lips as he stares at his lover's sinful lips.

Changbin: "I'd love to kiss you and make you mine, but i still feel like you are not ready..."

Felix turns to Changbin and sinks his fingers in Changbin's soft hair and connects their lips. It's one moment before he feels the other capturing his lips as well, his tongue exploring his mouth so skillfully, not too fast, not too slow, enough to drive him crazy.

The doors suddenly opened, because Changbin forgot to shut them before. Someone came in and closed them with big sound. Changbin let go of Felix lips and jumped off of him. He looked away from Felix and saw his father standing in the room.

Father: "Hello Changbin"


I think I'm not able to write something more than just kissing, don't know why...sorry about that.

Someone's home from the business trip huh!...😅

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