~I'm glad to help you!~

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Changbin woke up with big headache, he could feel the pain in his head and cheekbone. For moment he forgot why he was even there, he could feel the cold ground. Someone was shaking his shoulders what made him to open his eyes fully. There was a girl, kneeling in front of Changbin. He moved his hand beside his head and felt blood.

Changbin frowned at the stinging feeling and moved on his elbows. The girl noticed that Changbin was awake and slowly tried to stand up, but he grabbed girls wrist making her jump a little bit.

Changbin: "Where did he go?"

Girl: "Sorry?"

Changbin let go of her wrist and tried to stand up, but his head was spinning what made him feel on the ground again. The girl sighed and helped him get up and placed Changbin on chair.

Changbin: "The boy...he was here"

Girl: "Wait, i will be back"

The girl went to close the doors, because the caffe was already closing. She came back with cold water bottle and sat Infront of Changbin. He looked so lost in thoughts. The girl lightly touched his hand to comfort the boy. Changbin looked up and the girl smiled.

Girl: "What were you asking?"

He sighed again and removed his hand from the table to place it behind his head. Changbin remembers, that the men made him feel and hit his head. The girls smile dropped when Changbin removed his hand.

Changbin"Where did they go?"

Girl: "Who?"

Changbin: "The blonde boy and two others, guess his parents..."

The girl tried to remember, but couldn't. She was cleaning the kitchen when she heard a loud noise and went to check, only to see young boy leaning on the floor.

Girl: "No one was here when i came, i was cleaning the kitchen...my working hours ended"

Changbin: "His name is Felix, are u sure u don't know him...his spending a lot of time here, I'm sure y.."

Girl smiled again and placed her hand on Changbin's shoulder.

Girl: "I know Felix, he and the squirrel boy hang out here all the time!"

The girl was staring at Changbin and noticed how handsome the boy actually was, he had really beautiful and sharp eye's, but soft at the same time. She removed some hair from Changbin's forehead and lightly touched Changbin's cheek not wanting to hurt the boy.

Girl: "Did he did this to you?, i though the boy was real softie"

Changbin sighed and tried to smile. He didn't care that girl was touching him, that actually made him feel better, he was glad that someone was there with him.

Changbin: "No it's not his fault, i was just dumb..."

He remembered the scene in front of him, when the woman was asking Felix about Changbin. Felix just stood there and couldn't say anything, couldn't save the situation and run in Changbin's arms to hug and kiss him. Instead Felix just stood there and didn't said anything, watching how the big men hurted him.

Girl: "What are you thinking?"

Changbin sighed again.

Changbin: "Felix"

Girl nodded and stood up.

Girl: "Come on, we can find your friend, my work ended...i have nothing to do!"

Changbin: "Boyfriend"

Girl stared at Changbin and meet his eyes.

Changbin: "Sorry, if you don't wanna talk with me, you can go"

She sighed and held Changbin's hand. She was kinda disappointed that he had a boyfriend, because boy was so handsome. Why always handsome ones are taken or gay. She smiled and lifted Changbin up.

Girl: "I don't care that you have boyfriend, we gonna find him, come on i have to close this place"

Changbin smiled and hugged the girl, what little surprised her. The boy sure looked soft even his looks were kinda scary.

Changbin: "Thanks for helping me!"

Girl: "I'm glad to help you!"

The girl unlocked the doors and let Changbin out. She switched all light off and locked doors. Looking around she was searching for Changbin, but soon enough she noticed that he was leaning against the wall and texting something. She run to him and held his arm. Changbin didn't mind, he though that girl was so cute.

Girl: "What's your name by the way?"

Changbin looked up and smiled a little.

Changbin: "Changbin, what about you?"

Girl: "My name is Y/n!"

Changbin: "Beautiful name for beautiful girl"

You blushed a little bit and started to walk.

Y/n: "Where should we search first?"

Changbin looked down and you noticed that he had tears in his eyes. You stopped and held him.

Y/n: "What happened, Why are u crying Changbin?"

Changbin: "He's parents...they...took my Felix away"

Y/n: "Aww Changbin"

You hugged the boy again feeling bad for him.

Y/n: "You do love him don't you"

Changbin: "More than anything, he's even pregnant with my child"

Y/n: "Wow, now that i think, i remember he was pregnant, Changbin that's so cute...you will be father!"

Changbin: "I know, but i have to find my Felix first. I know that his parents are not the best one's, I'm scared that they will do something to my baby"

You smiled a little bit.

Y/n: "It will be fine Changbinie! We will find your soon to be husband"

You smirked and that really made Changbin smile.

Changbin: "Oky, but first i have to deal with that squirrel boy Jisung, he will kill me when i will tell him everything"


Y/n has entered the chat! 😂😂😂

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