When He Finds You

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Song: We Hit A Wall 

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Leo was on patrol duty to scan anything that was around the city for him to stop it. He was about to head back underground when he heard a scream that came from a woman running away holding something close, she stopped and place them in a box. As Leo followed her in a cornered alley, he looked at the other direction to see the purple dragons were surrounding her.

"Please...leave me alone!" She pleaded.

"You should've thought about walking on another turf." Fong sneered as he got out a knife and stabbed her as she fallen on the ground. Leo took the action to jump in and stop the dragons from doing anything else as they ran away like cowards.

"Are you alright ma'am?" He asked kneeling down next to her to see the blood still oozing out of her stomach.

"Would you please take care of Y/N?" She begged.

"I...Yes." Leo sighed at the sad mother passed away responding 'Thank You' to him. He remembered where she placed her in as he walked over to see a you wrapped in a blue bunny blanket with bunnies printed on it.

"Hello Y/N. My name is Leo and I will be taking care of you." Leo promised as you leaned against his plaster smiling a little. 


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Raph had to leave the lair and wander around the sewers to cool off after having an argument with Leo. He was clearing his thoughts out when he heard a crying coming from one of the tunnels when he turned to a small baby wrapped in a red-orange fox blanket crying for attention. He walked over to your small form and cradle you in his green muscular arms.

"There, there. No more crying." He whispered in a calm soothing voice. 

You stopped crying to see him holding you as he smiled down at your cute form. He said," You are a cute baby. What's a baby like you doing in the sewers?" 

"Never mind that. I'll take care of you kid." He said as you giggled in response making Raph smiled more as he carried you back home in his arms.

" He said as you giggled in response making Raph smiled more as he carried you back home in his arms

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It was a late hour in New York City, Donnie was out on his own trying to get more information on the Kraang to create a substance of retro-mutagen for April's father who happened to get mutated into a hideous bat. (Remember that episode anyone?)

He was already at T.C.R.I. when he saw the Kraang carrying something in its hand.

"Kraang the next experiment for the test is 060345." Kraang said.

"Indeed this is going to be a work of art Kraang." Another Kraang said.

The Kraang carrying the objective in its hand pulled them out as he heard a screech of a cry coming it as he saw the sight of you being harmed by those droids. He knew what you were use for and wanted to stop them before you become any mutant.

"Hold it Kraang!" Donnie yelled as the two droids glared at him.

"The hold it Kraang does not need to be stopped by the one's known as the turtles." Kraang said.

Donnie used his staff to hit the kraang droids head off and knocked the other one out as he caught you in his arms. Your blanket was purple with teddy bear prints around it. 

"This has gone too far already. Your coming with me." Donnie said carrying you in his arms on the way back to the lair.

" Donnie said carrying you in his arms on the way back to the lair

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Mikey was going up top to get some cheese pizza for him and the bros. He then heard the sound of crying from a dumpster nearby as he ran to go check it out. When he ran over to investigate he gasped at the sight of you crying all wrapped up in a orange  blanket that balloons and cake as a design. 

"Hey little baby don't cry you're safe." Mikey cooed as your eyes open to meet with his blue eyes. Your curious eyes lay upon him as he giggled.

"Why would someone put you in a dumpster? No baby should be thrown away like that. I'll take you home and convince my bros and master that I can watch you." Mikey said as he glanced down at you sleeping in his arms returning back to the lair. 

May 6, 2019

🍍This is the first chapter for today guys and it took me a lot to write down to make it good. More will be coming soon and I hope that you enjoy your day. BYE!🍍

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