He Takes You Home

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Song: Kamikaze 

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Leo arrived carrying you home in his arms when he somehow tripped over on a pizza box Mikey left on the floor when he ate pizza. He landed hard on his bottom causing you to cry as he saw Master Splinter and his brothers standing there.

"Why did you bring home a baby Leo?" Donnie asked.

"Leonardo explain." Master Splinter said in a stern tone.

"You see, I was on patrolling duty tonight when I came across to see a woman got killed by the purple dragons and she asked me to watch over her child." Leo explained.

"You must take her to the orphanage." Master Splinter said.

"But Sensai, I promised her mother that I will watch her. A promise must never break, when their love ones say their final breath." Leo said holding you close as Splinter eyed him knowing that his son was serious about this.

"She may stay. But, you must take responsibility to be watching her at all times." Splinter said as he walked away letting his brothers introduce themselves to you.

"What's her name Leo?" Mikey asked.

"Her name is Y/N." He smiled down at you.

" He smiled down at you

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Raph held you close on the way back to the lair when he saw Leo walking up towards him in a displeased look on his face.

"Raph, you've been gone for too long and Master Splinter wondered if you were-Why do you have a baby in your arms?" Leo asked.

"A baby?"Donnie and Mikey asked at the same time Master Splinter came into the room seeing the sight of you in his arms.

"Raphael? Where did you find the child?" He asked.

"I found her in one of the tunnels while blowing off some steam." He replied. "But, I would and may I ask for your permission to watch her?" 

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