Pacifier Issue

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Song: Pacifer Her

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Leo was watching his favorite show 'Space Heroes' he was on a new episode on a special Friday! You were on the floor sucking on your pacifier and playing with Winnie The Pooh and friends. Raph walks in and took notice of how long you've been sucking on it from time to time for the last 12 months now.

"Leo, shouldn't she be over that thing by now?" Raph asked.

Leo looked over to your direction still sucking on the pacifier while playing with your toys.

"She'll be ready whenever it's time to get rid of it." He replied as Raph slapped himself in the face.

"She won't when she gets too attached to it." Raph remarked.

Leo knew that he was right and you have been sucking on it for quite a long time, and that needs to be stopped.

"Right. Uh, Y/N please give me the pacifier." Leo said as you crawled away from him as he chased after you. "You have to give it to me. You don't need it anymore."

"WAH!" You snapped back throwing a fit as he sighed holding you in his arms to carry you over to the couch turning the next channel on Nick Jr. playing 'Max and Ruby'.

As you saw the bunnies on the screen your crying stop causing you to giggle and it was just the right moment for Leo to take it out of your mouth while you were distracted and throw it in the trash.

As you saw the bunnies on the screen your crying stop causing you to giggle and it was just the right moment for Leo to take it out of your mouth while you were distracted and throw it in the trash

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You never like it when someone takes away your pacifier and that was when Donnie informed your dad that it was time for you to stop sucking on it.

"Okay sport, its time to give up the pacifier." Your dad said as you crawled away making him come after you. He picked you up making you start fussing as he took the pacifier out of your mouth. You cried louder as he threw it away as an idea popped in his head. "Y/n? Do you want to go visit my pet turtle Spike?"

He carried you into his room to meet his turtle Spike who sat on a pillow beside his night stand. Spike lifts his head up to see you as your cries eased as he threw away the pacifier and watch you play with his pet turtle. 


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You were on the floor playing with a toy that your daddy had given you to entertain you while he was working on his next project when he's out on patrols. Your uncle Leo came in the room to have a little chat with Donnie for a bit and noticed you on the floor sucking on a pacifier. 

"Donnie, isn't she ready to let go of that pacifier of hers?"Leo asked.

"I don't know. She seems to enjoy it as long as you don't take it away from her." Donnie shrugged not looking up at his brother.

"She needs to get off it before she gets too attach." Leo said as your daddy looked over at you in the corner of his eyes thinking about what he should give you so that you won't cry when he takes it away from you. He began to think about what he should do to get your attention and an idea popped in his head.

"Oh Y/N?" He called your name as he picked you up in his arms as you curiously stared at him. "Daddy is going to trade you pacifier to a Popsicle." 

You didn't know what he was trying to do only thinking that he was going to hold on to your pacifier for a safe keeping. He took it out of your mouth and walked into the kitchen to get a Popsicle for you to enjoy. Mission accomplish.

 Mission accomplish

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You and Mikey were watching 'Blues Clues' and playing together. You, however, were sucking on your pacifier and Donnie specifically told him about a week ago to get rid of it before she grows addicted to it. Just as your daddy was about to say something your uncle Donnie walks in.

"Mikey, I told you to get rid of the pacifier." Donnie scolded.

"Uh..." Mikey said as Donnie sighed.

"She needs to get off it." He said as Mikey shrugged as he took out the pacifier out of your mouth making you cry.

"Put it back in! Pacifier her! She's getting on my nerves!"Raph yelled from walking in and covered his ears as Mikey places it back into your mouth to stop your crying. 

"See? She needs it." Mikey said.

"How about give her something not too small though." Donnie said.

"Ooh! I know!" Mikey handed you over to Donnie to get squeaky toys from his room and run back carrying them and place them on the floor.

"Where did you get all of these from?" Donnie asked setting you down to let you crawl over and explore the squeaky toys. 

"I found them up on the surface and brought them back here." Mikey replied. 

Surprisingly, you took the pacifier out and place a squeaky pizza toy in your mouth giving your dad the chance to throw it away when you no longer need it anymore.

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