Milestones Pt. 1

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Song: Play Date

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You were with your daddy in the dojo watching him train while you sat on the floor playing with the toys he bought over for you. You played with the toys and then grew bored with them that your attention was on you're father. You crawled over to the wall easing yourself up to stand up straight as you took a couple steps forward you began to walk! Your daddy was so focus on his training he would take a glance over at your direction and then his eyes widen to see you not there. He was about to panic when he looked over his shoulder hearing little foot steps behind him as he saw you walking towards him while holding your arms out.

"Y/N your walking!" He cheered picking you up and spinning you around with delight. 


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Your daddy has been trying to get you to walk all day and nothing wasn't working for you. 

"Y/N, baby, just walk to daddy." He asked getting a little irritated as you continue to sit there doing nothing. "Never mind. I'll be right back." He left you on the floor to go get a comic book to read and for your luck you found one on the coach. You wanted to read it and that made you crawl over to the side of the couch to lift yourself up to hold your balance as you walked over to the book and pick it up. 

"Y/N! You're walking!" Your daddy rushed over to pick you up throwing you in the air as you giggle at his triumphant.

"Y/N! You're walking!" Your daddy rushed over to pick you up throwing you in the air as you giggle at his triumphant

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You were sitting on the floor playing with the toys your daddy had given you while he was working in his lab. While sitting on the floor you were growing bored and wanted your daddy to play with you. You crawled over to him only thing next to him was a chair as you balance yourself to stand straight as you climbed up on the chair and sat beside him. Your daddy didn't notice you there as you poke him.

"Mikey, I am bu-Y/n! H-How did you get here?" Donnie asked frantically in happiness.

"She walked genius." Raph said as Donnie smiled hugging you in his arms.

" Raph said as Donnie smiled hugging you in his arms

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You were sitting on the floor watching your daddy play video games. You wanted to play with him too and you saw the other controller on the other side. You got holding the side of your dad to help you balance and walked around him to get the controller. Donnie came into the room and noticed that you were walking.

"Mikey! Get off the game and look at Y/N. She's walking!" Donnie cheered.

Mikey paused the game and looked over to see you were not by his side, but instead standing on the other side.

"MY BABY CAN WALK!" He cheered.

"It took you long enough to realize that she was walking instead being brainwashed into video games." Raph said.

"Who cares about video games? My baby is walking!" Mikey cheered that surprised Donnie and Raph about how much he cared about you.

🎼I did it again today! This is part one of you walking and I am excited for part 2! BYE!

May 11, 2019🎼

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