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    Maybe it's too soon, it's only been a year since I've come to the palace, maybe I'm not ready. What if I just waited another year for this? I mean what exactly is the rush? I can feel the sweat against my palms and my heart race by with each second. I wonder if everyone else can hear how loud my heart is beating? A loud knock against the door makes me jump and almost fall to my knees. I walk towards the door and ask who it is.
"Jamie." His deep voice says. I take my hand from the door knob and press my hands against the wood. I take a deep breath and lean my head against the door.
"Yes." I whisper.
"I can feel how nervous you are baby." His voice soothing to my ears.
"I'll be fine, just pre-wedding jitters." I shake off.
"Just open the door, I won't look at you."
"It's bad luck Demitri." I confess.
"I just want to hold your hand before I finally make you mine." He says. I smile to myself and open the door just enough to fit my arm out of it. I feel his large hand wrap around mine as he lays a tender kiss on my hand.
"Just seeing your hand I know you are beautiful. And in just a short few minutes my thoughts will become a reality. Are the girls behaving and dressed?" He asks.
"Of course, I'm waiting just before we have to leave the room to put their dresses on, but their hair looks great and no bursts of tears yet, although Mercy has nonstop been wanting her daddy's attention."
"I think I can spare a few minutes with her." He jokes. I pull my hand away and look around the room for the girls since It's oddly quite.
"She's sleeping." I tell him.
"Then I guess I'll have to wait to see all my girls in a few minutes." He says patiently.
"I love you Jamie."
"I love you Demitri." I close the door and turn back towards the mirror. I stare at the laced white gown attached to my body, and the thin material laying over my face. The door opens and I throw my hands up and a blanket covers my gown Incase at Demitri again, but it was just both of my mothers, I sighed and dropped the blanket and watched both of them smile happily. My mom from earth hugs me tightly and wipes her tears into her tissue, while Helena just stands back and adores me from a far.
"Is everything ready?" I ask?
"Almost." Helena says.
"What's not ready?" I worry, both of them look at each other the smile at me with a small hint of worry.
"I want to try something, it never worked with just me, but now their are two of us, so twice the power." Helena says.
"What is it."
"I want to bring back your father, when the king killed him he was only sent back to or lands, but it was eternal he could never leave once killed, I've tried for decades but I wasn't strong enough, but with you we might be able to-"
"I'll do it." I nod confidently. I walk up to her and grab her hands and give her an assuring smile.
"What do we have to do?" She runs out the door and within the next five minutes comes back with candles and lays them around the floor. She takes my hand and guides both of us to the middle.
"Stare into my eyes and repeat the words after me okay?" I nod my head and tightly hold her hands I take a deep breath and wait to follow her lead.
"Leonida aperuerit mihi luce mortis perpetuae lucis referantur." She says, I mumble the Latin words around until I remember each word. I nod my head and stare into her eyes we both being chanting the words loudly and watch as the candles around us light up. The lights turn off and wind surrounds only us. We say it louder repeating it until we are pushed apart. I fall to the floor and watch the candles fall besides me spilling wax. I stand back up and look for Helena to make sure she is okay.
"It didn't work." She says defeatedly.
"How do you know?"
"He would be here, and he isn't." She says and wipes her fallen tears. I grab her hands and reassure her that no matter what he's still here and protecting all of us.
"Can you both give me a moment so I can wake the girls up, it's time for my wedding." I smile, the both leave the room and I walk over to the couch where both my babies lay. My blonde future Queens lays curled up next to her my beautiful princess, Mercy's dress is a light pink with a big bow on the back while Mercy's is a light purple, both my girls are growing up too fast. I tap Mercy on her shoulder, she whines and cuddles closer into Raven.
"Baby come on, you have to throw the flowers!" I shout excitedly trying to get her up and let her be in a good mood, she wipes her eyes and moves her hair out of her face and slides off the couch.
"You look beautiful Mercy." I tell her watching her walk towards the mirror to check herself, making sure she's presentable, something her father does. Typical. I lift Raven up and caress her face, I cradle her although she's getting very heavy.
"Mama's Girl!" I smile and kiss her face, her hands grab my face and when I pull back she's wide awake, her face erupted into a big smile and closes her eyes as I shower her in kisses.
"Are you ready too sweet girl?"
"Yes mama." She says, I let her down and she goes next to her sister and try's to copy her older sister. I stand behind them and quickly capture the moment on m phone to cherish forever. Both of them make everything better.
"Ready?" I reach out for their hands and walk them towards the door, we walk out the hallway and down towards the main doors of the reception. I hand both of them their buckets of flowers and tel them to stand in front of the door until the music starts to play. I take a few steps back and wait as well for the music to start.
"Do you mind if I walk you down?" An older man with light brown hair and blue eyes says holding his arm out for me.
"Who are you?" I ask curiously, yet take his arm into mine. As he proceeded to answer my question the music started and the doors opened, Raven shuffled out the door first throwing the flowers carelessly while Mercy gracefully walked down the isle and threw even handfuls on both sides, I take a deep breath and follow the gasps and bright lights into the room filled with every creature who is our new allies or old allies. But my eyes only follow to Demitri, his black tux with a silk red vest. My heart clenches at the sight of him, he's everything I never would have thought I'd deserve. He looks magical. The man hands me off to Demitri and sits down in an empty seat in the back of the reception. I turn towards Demitri and already just want this wedding to be finished.
"Am I allowed to kiss you yet?" I whisper. He chuckles and shakes his head.
"Thank you all for coming to the castle and witnessing the love and sacrifice we are making here tonight with King Demitri and Ms.Vonkade. The two decided on just heading towards the vows and I do's so shall we? King Demitri, you first." He takes a deep breath and releases in of my hands and reaches into his pocket for a piece of paper I'm assuming. He unfolds the paper with his fingers and smiles at me.
"I think I've been saved. The moment I met you I was faced with daily challenges and endless late night sleepovers. I hated my life before you, it was completely by the books and boring. You've changed my life, literally. I'm great full for three blessings, Mercy our first, Raven our second, and you my last. You are my best friend and evidently my soul mate. I'll love you forever no matter any curse planted against us or any spell you throw my way. You were mine before I knew love itself." The urge to kiss him has only gotten harder, the blurry eyes of mine burst at the seams with tears and surly enough my future husband is here to catch them.
"My turn. I don't need a paper to express the love I have for you. Demitri, king of vampires. My love for you can only be expressed into three things, Mercy, Raven." I detach his hand from mine and bring it to my stomach.
"And him." I look towards the crowd and watch as both of my moms smile widely at the excitement, I swore them to secrecy.
"I don't think I would be as happy as I am when I'm with you. My love for you is too strong to express with just my words Demitri. I'm am so intoxicatingly in love with you." I cry happily. He places both of his hands on my stomach and a tear falls from his eyes too.
"Do you take Jamie-"
"Yes!" He says loudly make the priest jump back.
"And do you-"
"Just say we can kiss!" I shout happily and look at the priest in a hurry.
"Where are the rings?" He asks.
"Raven!" I shout excitedly and watch Mercy help her off the bench and runs up with the pillow both of our rings lay on. Her small feet struggle up the stairs but she brings them to us either way. I bend down and kiss the top of her head gently and grab the pillow from her hands.
"Mama's Girl." I whisper and watch her laugh. She runs back down to my mom and sits on her lap. I take Demitri's ring and he takes mine. I slide his ring on his finger quickly and he acts just the same.
"You May now kiss the bride!" The priest shouts. I feel like a child kissing for the first time except this time in from of everyone. He softly placed his hands in my hands and brings my face towards his. I push my lips into his and pull on the end of his neck closer towards me. I kiss him like I've been dying to do the entire time. He pulls away and holds my hand and turns us towards the large crowd of closer friends and family.
"I present you with or new Queen and my wife Mrs.Vein!" Demitri shouts loudly, the crowd erupts into applauds as we come down the stairs. Mercy runs up to us and hugs Demitri around his legs, he picked her up and I walked over towards Helena and picked up Raven, I grabbed Demitri's hand and walked like the family we are out of the room and heading towards the ball room.
"Everything's perfect." I tel him once we are finally alone, even if the girls are clinging to us.
"You're perfect." He says and looks at me and hold the door open for us.
"You're actually pregnant?" He asks, the faintest hint of excitement in his voice. I place Raven down at our table and nod my head. He puts down Mercy and picks me up and twirls me around the room.
"How long have you known?" He asks?
"Today is four months."
"Why did you wait so long?" He asks with disappointment.
"I wanted to surprise you, what better way then on our wedding." I tell him.
"Fair." He says and kisses my forehead. People start crowding inside and finding their seats and being mingling.
"I love you." I tell him.
"I love you." He replies. I hold him in my arms as both of us watch people surround us with love and happiness.

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