Chapter 6

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"Pearl she's already getting so big!" I exclaim holding her close to my chest, that fresh newborn scent is still on her and it's addictive. Pearl is in the shower washing up while I watch Lenora. Pearl hasn't left Lenora since she was born, I'm surprised she let me watch her even if it is for a few minutes.
"I know, she's getting a little tan, must be from my side since Lincoln looks like he could use some sun light. Which brings to mind how incredible he's been since she was born. Even during his crazy schedule he still helps me with her, he could be half asleep and still feed her and give me a break. I didn't realize how much of a turn on he's become since he's gotten the new title as daddy." She laughs.
"I agree 100 percent, seeing how soft Demitri can be with our girls and how warm he is towards them when he's typically a cold deviant man is the biggest turn on in my life." I laugh. I hold Lenora out in front of me and take in how much her black hair has grown. She smiles up at me and closes her eyes falling back asleep. The water shuts off and no sooner does the curtain open. Petal steps out with the towel wrapped around her and quickly gets dressed.
"We are looking for a place to move into, we agreed we don't want to stay at the castle, this is your home not ours." She says kindly untangling her hair with a comb. I place Lenora in her bassinet and stand besides Pearl crossing my arms.
"You're going to leave me in this gigantic castle alone?"
"I don't think it's physically possible for you to ever be alone in this castle, I don't want to leave you but I want a place where my kids can grow up and feel free to do or be whoever they want, it gets sometime uncomfortable living besides the King and Queen, even if the Queen is your only friend." She says quietly looking down into the sink and leaning her hands against the counter.
"I understand." I mumble. She just wants her own home, where she isn't told to do anything for others besides her own family, and living besides the King who was and sometimes still is severely unpleasant can be unbearable.
"You aren't mad?" She confirms looking up at me for reassurance.
"Not in the slightest." I smile.
"Have you decided where?"
"Lincoln found land for sale, a huge size of land, it's right besides this lake, and it gives a great view of the mountains, it's gorgeous, I'll have to show you before we do the layout of the house." She smiles, she's finally done playing the part of a simple maid to the King, after I was crowned Queen I demanded our guards get higher pay and better hours, watching Parker and Lincoln endure this gruesome hours with me without sleep or food was torture. So once Lincoln and myself talked Pearl out of this dreadful job she's become a stay at home wife and mother, when she's free which is always she comes with me as my witness to events and meetings, plus it's just fun, and she's been a severing for god know how long.
"I'd enjoy that, well, I better attend to Demitri, their was something he wanted to discuss, I'll see you all for dinner?" I ask.
"What time was it again?" She walks out of the bathroom and lays back in her bed and rolls Lenora's bassinet closer to her.
"We will be there." She smiles and places Lenora close to her boob to feed her. I close the door to her room giving them privacy and make my way to Demitri's office. As I'm passing the girls room I check on Raven to make sure she is still asleep after spending time with my mom, but what catches my eyes was my fathers Henry was hovering over her taking in her features like I do almost every night. But then I gets chilling sense, coming from her room, and chill that would make any blizzard quake in its wake of destruction.
"Sickening vampire. Soon." I hear him say, I quickly collect myself and knock on the door alerting my presence, he calmly steps back from her and smiles at me lovingly.
"I was just checking up on my granddaughter-"
"Raven." I tell him finishing his sentence, I pick her up from her crib even though she was in the middle of sleeping perfectly fine, but what he whispered to himself didn't sit well within me. He smiles at me and walks out of the room with no more words. I caress her head and shush her back to sleep as I quicken my pace to Demitri. 'Sickening vampire. Soon.' What does that even mean? I rush into his office before knocking and interrupt a meeting I was supposed to be at. All heads turn towards Raven and I, my eyes are bulging out of my head and I only give focus to Demitri who stands before all of them in mid sentence.
"I need to speak with you." I rush out in a soft whisper not daring to wake this little beast in my arms. He curtly nods his head and follows me into his private office area and shuts the door, I cast a sealing spell from any prying ears who try to listen in and lay Raven in the couch.
"Why did you take her from her crib, your mother spent an hour getting her to take a nap?" He says as I turn around.
"Shut up for a minute okay?" I pace back and forth and mumble to myself thinking.
"It was nothing. I'm just over thinking it. Maybe I misheard something." I say.
"What's going on?"
"When I tell you, you can't freak out okay? Promise me. Please!" I emphasize on the please.
"You will get mad and try to kill them, and I cannot have another persons death on your hands because of me."
"Promise me!" I shout.
"I promise." He says stepping in front of me, it haunts my steps for a moment before I try to go around him, he holds my shoulders making me look directly at him.
"I went to check on her before the meeting and my- Henry was in the room, I thought he was just bonding with her, but then I heard him whisper sickening vampire followed by a soon. I didn't want to leave her in there with him, I'm not sure what it means but Demitri before he even said a word it felt cold in the room, demonic cold Demitri."

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