Chapter 9

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I thought what happened last night meant he would stop being so distant, but frankly I was wrong. I woke up with both the girls but no Demitri in sight, he must have snuck off early this morning. I sighed laying back down and cuddling with Mercy until she groaned and pushed me away from her and faces the opposite direction. So I flipped around as well and cuddled up against my love bug. I always try to make an attempt to give lots of love to Mercy but she always pushes me away and begs for attention for her father. She's always been a daddy's girl since day one, and I think it has to do with the five years of it just being him who was in the picture. I feel her move around besides me and then a sigh.
"You okay?" I ask her mumbling a bit.
"Where's daddy?" She whines.
"He went to the bathroom, let me go see what's taking him so long. I lie, I stand up slowly not waking Raven and shuffle out of the room heading to his office. That's where he's been hiding out lately. I barge in with no notice and see him passed out at his desk, his head laid on his hands and his hair sprawled out. I push his shoulder, he jolts awake and looks straight at me.
"Why are you in here?"
"I needed the space." He lies.
"Mercy is whining for you to come back into her room. If you don't want me there it's fine, I'll take Raven into the room to sleep." He yawns and stretches out of the chair and walks towards the door holding it open for me to follow.
"Don't wake her up as you pick her up." He mumbles before speeding to their room, I still my motion and stare at him as he says those simple words that break my heart. I force the oncoming tears to surrender and fix my appearance before I walk back into the room. He's already on the floor besides her and scooping her into his arms engulfing her with his scent. She snuggles up to him and puts an arm over his shoulders and takes a deep breath. I look over at Raven who lays off to the side on her stomach, he's mad at me I keep telling myself. He doesn't mean to take it out on them. Soon everything will be fixed, but for right now I pick up Raven and hum in her ear as I walk to our bedroom where I lay without my husband. I look down at Raven who's tucked under the thick red quilts. He black hair wild just like his. How can two be so alike yet completely distant? That's how I feel right now, my husband can't stand to even sleep besides me anymore. And it's because of my father who's intentions are more than friendly. I rush to the kitchen to grab her sippy and a glass of water but come to a stop when I hear shuffling come from Demitri's office, wasn't he just upstairs with Mercy? Why would he come back down here. I walk into his office but I don't see him, I see my father rummaging through his desk. My reactions are loud and his head shots up with a guilty look. He comes from behind the desk and tries to comfort me.
"Artemis you have to let me explain." He says. I stay back until we are both in the hall way and just shout out of instinct.
"Demitri!" I screamed pretty sure the entire castle could hear me. Henry winced and took a step back giving me a few feet. I hear heavy feet pounding against the floor and rush behind Demitri as he runs at his high speed down the stairs. The wind pushes me back a few steps but a get a grip and hold onto his shirt. He turns to me and looks for any sign of marks.
"You were right, he's not safe. He was in your office going through your things, I want him out." I speak loud enough for Henry to hear. Demitri nods and turns back towards Henry who scowls at Demitri.
"Artemis let me explain please." He pleads.
"Go." Demitri says calmly.
"What's going on here?" All heads turn towards Helena who's tying her rob and coming to stand besides Henry.
"Your husband was in my office digging though my private work, I had my suspicions about you, but I never brought them to light out of respect for her and because your daughter begged like hell for me to keep my mouth shut. I want him gone, now." Demitri says. Helena gasps and stands in front of Henry.
"No he isn't leaving." She says.
"I want him out, guards!" Shouts Demitri.
"If he leaves so do I." She rebutted, this time instead of Demitri firing back I do.
"You'd leave your family for him?" I step from behind Demitri and stand tall besides him.
"We started this family." She says grabbing his hand.
"Mom, he's dangerous." I tell her but she laughs.
"He was in Demitri's office and that makes him dangerous? Artemis hear yourself, is this you talking out him?" She asks.
"Me mom! I wanted to believe he was good but he doesn't accept the girls, he doesn't accept Demitri, he doesn't accept me!" I shout.
"You're his daughter why wouldn't he accept you?"
"Because I'm in love with a vampire. I started a family with a vampire, I married a vampire, my friends are vampires. He believes they are filthy blood sucking spirits!"
"That's not true is it Henry?" Helena for a second doubts her loving husband and questions him.
"No of course not, I love her and my grandchildren." He snorts.
"You're nothing but a liar." I sigh.
"Go, before I am have you sent back." I insist.
"Artemis think about this." Helena says.
"Enough thinking about this, he's gone, so what's that make you?" I asked her, look between her and Henry. I feel my palm get sticky between Demitri's but his grip never falters.
"Gone too." She whispers, her eyes meet mine and all I see is betrayal and heartache. Just as things became good, everything was ruined yet again. But this time it wasn't caused by me and Demitri. Just our family. They walk away leaving us alone in front of Demitri office. I let go of his hand and begin my journey back to the bedroom.
"I'm sorry." I barley hear.
"Me too." I tell him.

I wanna write a short thank you to all my dedicated readers who take the time and effort to remind me daily that you love to read my small little stories. It warms my heart reading your comments and seeing your votes. You all inspire me to do better with my writing. Thank you guy love y'all sm!! 💖💖

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