Chapter 20

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I watch as the clouds grow almost black and feel the sparks fly through my body, I look down at my hands and then back up at him as he stares at me ready for a fight. I throw a burst of energy in his direction and watch him blast the same energy in my direction, both fighting each other's. I push harder and scream as I feel more energy course through me. Too much for him to handle wish blasts him against the cement wall not too far behind him.
"I'm too strong Henry! Give up!" I shout. I walk towards him ready to give him another blow when a sharp pain stabs into my leg. I scream loudly feeling the stab again, I look down and see Helena repeatedly stabbing me.
"Confodere eius." I mumble, watching the knife slowly turn in her hand and down to her chest. Slowly as she fights the urge I push harder. Wind knocks me off my feet, losing my balance and my control again my mother, I come crashing to the ground until I stop moving. Henry holds me down while Helena runs next to him holding my hands down. He stands up and starts whispering words. I fight Helena but she pushes harder against me.
"Ready to die?" He asks. I can feel everything flashing through my eyes in a heartbeat. Everything that led up to this moment. How I was chosen, I stood in the line with the other 19 girls, careless as could be, fully knowing I was not fit to give the king an heir, my head kept down, but then when he reached me he chose me, he eyes spoke of honor and respect, yet his background came from wealth and harsh punishment. I hated him then, wanted nothing more than to see him dead. I still remember how just seeing him caught my attention. When I became pregnant with Mercy, how sick I was, I don't know when I realized how in love with him I was, I wouldn't say I realized I was until the night Raven was born, when all I saw was him, she was the spitting image of what I wanted, yet what I hated to admit. And now, here I am, fighting for him, for the family I never thought we would create, I'm laying here, sacrificing myself to keep them alive, if you asked me seven years ago would I risk my life, hell even five years ago, my answer would be different, but now? I live and breath for them.
"Wolf wolf bitch." I muttered staring into Helenas eyes. A wolf came and snatched her from my body and took her far into the woods, all you could hear were her screams as she was being torn about, shred by shred, nothing left except the bones. I could stare at Henry all day if it meant I could see his face as he heard his wife getting mauled by wolves, at least a dozen of them. Sweat dropped from his neck onto his shirt as he stared into the woods until her screams faded. He zoned back in on me and never let the grip he had on me go.
"It makes it that much easier to kill you." He says. I push him off of me and punch him in the face, watching blood fall from his lips.
"You punch just like your mother." He says.
"Too bad she isn't here to agree with you." I reply. He faces turns from a smirk to complete and utter anger. He screams as fire falls from his hands and across the field towards me. I use a force field to stop the fire and quickly fix my wound on my leg.
"I've come down to the only thing that can make you die." He says and steps forwards. He hands come up and swipe across the air. Air is caught in my lungs and I try to scream, but nothing comes out, not even a gasp, I fall to my knees, feeling the sweat bead down my face, my hands fall to the floor so I can catch myself. I gasp for air and hold my stomach, I cry in the small gasp I can make and bring my hand to my view. Blood is complete covering my hand, I can feel the slice he makes with each finger across my stomach, getting closer and closer. I try to use my hand as a stitch and hold myself together but the pain is unbearable and the swiftness with each pierce is no use. I watch the blood seep through my shirt and onto the floor in large portions.
"You. Th-think this this, is, wh-at, k-k-kills me?" I gasp barely able to form a sentence. He stood cutting and steps right in front of me and bends down to come to my level. He stares at the blood covering my body and the blood falling from my lips and smiles delightfully.
"I know this kills you, and the beast inside of you. Next is your husband." He says.
"If you were as you thought, why didn't you see this coming?" I ask.
"What coming?"
"All of this, it's like you're just realizing what's happening. I hope you know, I saw the end, and it wasn't to pretty. For you." I cough, I scream at the slice I feel ripping through me. I hear a thump under me, I'm to paralyzed to look down. But could feel what's happened by the sound of his laugh.
"I won." He smirks.
"Art!" Demitri screams, I weakly stare at him and watch his face turn bright red, he races over here and catches me before I collapse, I stare at him feeling the blood trickle down my lips to my neck. I look over and see the cord on the ground, connected to such a small and tiny baby, barely breathing on the ground besides me. I carefully pick him up and lay him on my chest.
"What did he do?" Demitri cries.
"Shhh. Don't look at him okay, look at me okay?" I mumble, feeling lightheaded.
"I believe in you, hey, don't like at him please, look at me, finish this." I keep speaking to him before Henry ends him as well, my hand connected to Demitri's, I use every ounce of power I have to strengthen Demitri, but I didn't have time, Henry was already pulling Demitri off of me. I instinctively cover the baby, even though he's dead. I watch as Demitri puts up the biggest fight I've ever seen someone who's lost a lot within five minutes do. But when I told Henry I saw the end I wasn't lying. I just needed a distraction to get enough of the baby's power to destroy his.
"furtum vires dabit mihi, dum flammas suffocant explodit mihi." I whisper. I could hear him choke on his own spit, my eyes are too heavy, but hearing him choke before Demitri is all I needed. I hold my son in my arms lonely, feeling the wind slow down, and the sun peaks behind the clouds. I may have lost everything but my family is still living in my legacy. I feel the blood fall from my stomach. And what feels like an eternity is finally out to rest.

FINAL CHAPTER WILL BE SOON, don't think I left you with this, I'd never be so cruel, but I will have you thinking, I wonder what you thinks going to happen next.

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