Chapter 10

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I lay the girls into bed and kiss both goodnight, today has been a long day, between my mother and father being escorted out of the castle by multiple guards, then helping Pearl and Lincoln move into their new home, Pearl boxes everything and Lincoln and a few others moved everything to their house while I babysat Lenora while gossiping with Pearl about today's events.
"So did Demitri finally forgive you after finally seeing he was right?" She asks as she folds up he last bits of their clothes and puts the in different boxes.
"I think, I haven't spoke to him after and I've avoided his stare which seems to be working for now until I got to bed, then I have to face him."
"How's Raven? I heard her powers are a little rough since she doesn't understand them." She laughs.
"She threw a tantrum because I wouldn't give her a third cup of blood, she was copying off of Demitri who was on his fifth, which may I say is absolutely ridiculous, but I told her two is enough and if she wanted actual food she is more than welcome to take little bites of my steak, but no, blood only mama, she says." I laugh and continue.
"Demitri laughed when she said that, I think that hit his pride since Mercy only drank blood when she was really thirsty like dehydrated thirsty, but when I told her no for a second time, the little witch froze my hand as I went to grab the sippy from her." Pearl laughed so hard she snorted.
"I couldn't believe she actually froze my hand and took the sippy. Now thankfully I can undo whatever her and Mercy do but still, she didn't even say sorry, she slid out of her chair and say besides Demitri knowing he would let her drink it. When I tell you by the time she finished her third bottle I think she was blood drunk, the girl could barley keep her head up." I laugh picturing her little head falling over onto Demitri's side and dropping her cup in the floor. That night I had her sleep in our bed worried she would get sick, I lift Lenora up and burp her after her bottle. Pearl taps up the last five boxes and sighs looking around the room.
"I wanna thank you."
"For what?" I ask her.
"Giving me a life that was more than the Kings maid." She confesses. I stand up still burping Lenora and step closer to Pearl.
"You did this all on your own."
"I've known Lincoln since I've been here and he never even glanced in my direction until you showed up, then he was forced to talk to me. Then Demitri, he gave me no respect for years, and then once Mercy showed up after you left, he cared about me, and let me rest and fed me, and then when you came back he gave me a place to call home, and a family." She smiles and tucks a strand of her hair behind her ear.
I wrap and arm around her and hug her tightly.
"I love you Pearl, you're my best friend, I'd do anything to make sure you had the world, you deserve it." I sigh taking a deep breath and releasing her from our hug.
"You're my best friend too." She says.
"Will you guys be back for dinner?"
"I think I'm going to cook us a meal for the first time. I wanna make history in our home and I want to make a cooked meal for the best guy in the world, we have a child together and he's never even tasted something I've made." She laughs.
"You wanna rethink that one Pearl." Lincoln's smooth voice enters the room and all eyes fall into the sweaty tall sweetheart who walked in. I feel the blush creep in knowing all to well what he meant and become even redder when I see the embarrassed look on Pearls face. She slaps his chest and kisses his lips as he grabs the final boxes.
"But I'd love a meal you cooked, as long as it's rare." He grunts and runs out of the room at lightening bolt speed.
"When will I get over the fact that my boyfriend doesn't enjoy normal food? Everything is blood to him." She grumbles.
"It took me two kids to get over the blood. But something Demitri really enjoys is a steak obviously rare but blood poured on top, also give him a cup of it too, so then it won't feel weird that he's drinking his dinner instead of eating it with you."
"That sounds disgusting but also perfect." She says making a disgusted face.
"Trust me, once she starts craving it you will get over it quickly, and soon enough you'll be letting him like it off your chest." I winked, her face scrunched up and she looked like she wanted to throw up, she looked at my chest then back up to my eyes. I cried out in laugher and handed her the baby.
"Don't knock it till you try it." I tell her. She covers the babies ears and whispers.
"Blood and sex will not mix in our bed."
"I said that too, and now, it's like I can't live without it." I whisper. She gasps and makes me laugh even harder.
"Okay go, I don't want to hear anymore." She says pushing me towards the door.
"No, I'm sorry! Don't kick me out yet!" I shout holding onto the door frame laughing as she uses her empty hand the push me out. I give up quickly and stand in front of the door before she shuts it on me.
"Visit me everyday even when I'm busy, I'm gonna miss you, tell Lincoln I'll see him tomorrow." I shout through the wood separating us. I turn around and headed to settle in the girls.

Pearl left about thirty minuets ago. I walked away from the girls room after I shut the door and headed to my own, not knowing if he's waiting for me or still ignoring me. I embrace the unexpected and open the door. Dozens of candles are lit illuminating the room. Rose petals spread across the bed, and him standing outside by the balcony in just black dress pants and two wine glasses. I gasp at the picture before me and feel the tears well up in my eyes. I kick the door with my foot behind me and kick off my heels and walk over to him reaching for the glass filled with water. He turns towards the view before us and pulls me into his side. I take a sip of the water and stare at the minuscule sunset the wind picks up and swoops into my face, before I could move it he does it for me. He cups my face and holds me gently.
"I love you." He whispers.
"What's all this?" I ask him.
"I've been a terrible husband and father lately, I let my anger once again get the best of me, I saw how hurt you were this past week and it killed me, I know I had to make it up to you."
"You're so sweet." I smile pecking his lips.
"Sweet is how I want tonight to feel, and if tonight is anything like your pussy then I am in for a hell of a ride."

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