Chapter 1

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The evening is going well, everyone eating and dancing. Our first dance was magical, he was the only person I saw in the room, his smell calmed my nerves as eyes glowed on us. After the dance he was cornered by other royalty. I walked back to our table to finally sat down.
"Jamie!" Helena yells frightened, her face looking blue and her body shaking. I immediately stand up and shuffle towards her. Our bodies collided and she starts stuttering and taking large gasps of air.
"What is it mom?!" I grab her arms to still her as worry crept into the air.
"Where is he?" She gasps tears in her eyes. I stare at her confused and shake my head slightly not understanding.
"He- He was walking with you, he walked you down the aisle!" The man who walked me down the aisle. I look around the room looking for the stranger but I see nothing that resembles him.
"I don't know, who is he?" I ask. She cries happily yet is still shaking.
"Henry, your father." He voice shakes, she wipes her tears and take a deep breath, her shakes aren't because of fright, she shaking from overwhelming excitement. My father is here, the spell worked. That man who walked me down the aisle was my father. Helena takes a final breath and turns towards the crowd and mixes back inside of it. I turn back towards my table and see Demitri sitting their drinking a glass of wine and looking directly at me. He moves his cup from his lips and tips it towards me. I smile sheepishly and walk towards him. I stand behind him and bring my hands to his shoulders rubbing them gently.
"I have some news." I whisper bending down to tell him in his ear. He sits his cup down and replied with a yes.
"The man who walked me down the aisle is my father." He grabs my left hands and brings me around towards his front and pushes me down on his lap. I turn my head to meet his and his smile grows bigger once my eyes meet his.
"That's good news baby." He kisses my lips and holds my face in front of his not risking the chance of me pulling away.
"Where are the girls?" I tell him turning my head to the side.
"I head pearl take them to their chambers for bed."
"Pearl is supposed to be here Demitri." I growl. I push off of him and fix my dress. He grabs my hand before I walk off.
"Where are you going?"
"To the girls and telling Pearl to bring her pregnant self back down here, with her fiancé Demitri. We talked about this, no work while pregnant." I reprimand him. He stand up and buttons his suit. I look him from head to toe and almost forget what I was supposed to be doing.
"Fine, I am sorry, I will not do it again, but let me come with you." He says. I grab his hand and lead him out of the ball room and upstairs towards the girls room. His hand cold interwoven with mine. His large frame stands besides my small one. I smile up at him as we walk up the stairs and lean into his arm.
"You're handsome when your brooding." I murmur. He laughs loudly and brings his arm around my waist and pulls me tighter into his body. We walk into the girls room and see Pearl sitting in the rocking chair reading both of them a story. The girls head turn towards us and get hyper. Pearl closes the book and stands up slowly and holds her large stomach.
"Demitri walks towards her and grabs her arm to help her up and leads her out the room and hopefully down the stairs. I sit down in the chair and shush both of the girls. Mercy whines and Raven laughs and lays back down in her crib.
"Did you have a nice night Mercy?" She wraps her blankets around her just up until her chin and nods her head staring at me.
"Does this make you Queen mommy?" She asks, I scoot my chair closer towards her and brush my fingers through her hair.
"It does." I smile.
"You looked really pretty mommy." She says and closes her eyes, she pops her thumb in her mouth and sucks on it, a habit I broke when I was 11. I look over at Raven who is standing up in her crib and bouncing.
"What are you doing baby?" I ask, she squeals and falls back into her crib. I stand up and get her settled under her blanket and give her, her stuffed dog. Demitri walks back inside and has a warm bottle of milk in his hand. He look at Raven in her crib and hands it to her and kisses her forehead.
"Goodnight baby." He mumbles. He walks towards Mercy and kisses her forehead after moving her blonde hair out of her face and also whispers and I love you. I turn the light off and wait for Demitri to meet me in the hall and we both walk back to the reception.
"You complete me, you know? After everything we went through, you are my better half." I tell him. He stops me at the bottom of the stairs and stands before me holding both of my hands.
"I didn't think in a million years my fate would turn to something like this, I thought I'd be just another king serving till my supposed son was ready to take the throne. But you gave me a different destiny Jamie." He says and kisses my lips gently. We can hear the faint laughter of everyone inside and the loud music that is now soft and slow.
"Dance with me?" I ask him. We take our place and I lean my head on his shoulder and exhale. My peace is within. Nobody hear to stare at us and judge our terrible dancing skills. Just us. If it were up to me this large wedding will have never happened but Demitri insisted that every species and realm know the new queen. I look up at him and kiss him feeling his cherry red lips pressed against mine. His stubble free face smooth in my hands. His hair in one place which I will not attempt to move. His red eyes bright and beautiful.
"Excuse me? I hate to interrupt but I do not know where I am." We break apart from our kiss and look at the man who is apparently my father. Demitri stands before me for protection and speaks rather soft to him.
"You must be Henry." He says. The man nods his head and smiles.
"Your wife Helena is inside. May I assist you in finding her?" He asks Henry.
"That would be fantastic." Henry follows Demitri after he lands a kiss on my cheek and leaves me in the stair case alone. Henry is my birth father. Henry has been trapped for centuries now, and now he's returned. How the hell does any of this make sense. I walk back into the ball room and dance and thank many people for the literal most magical night of my night.

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