Chapter 5

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"Shh mommy will hear us." The faint whisper of Mercy breaks my sleep. I stay quite and wait for what's to come. I hear the soft pattern of my sweet Ravens feet and then soon feel the bed dip.
"I'll help you Raven." I hear her say and feel the bed dip again closer towards my feet. Raven sighs loudly and I feel the bed slowly shifting between Demitri and I. We just went to bed barley two hours ago, to say we kept each other up late is an understatement. Relaxing is one thing but distressing with your husband surely is more satisfying than reading books outside, spending hours alone naked wrapped in soft silk sheets with your partner is incredible. The moments from last night we shared is something I'll never forget, our first time as husband and wife. My partner for life. I feel the blankets lift and feel Raven slide in besides me and then the blankets reach even higher as Mercy climbs in besides Demitri, thankfully before we went to sleep we slipped on clothes, I slipped into his suit shirt and my underwear and he just threw on his boxers. I can hear both of their soft breaths. I feel Raven play with my hair, i can imagine her laying her looking at me with the pacifier in her mouth and she brushes my hair out of my face, those beautiful red eyes staring at me, waiting for them to open. I bring my hand up to her body and slowly towards her face and open my eyes. Her small smile brightens my day already, her messy hair all over the place from her previous sleep. I look over to see Mercy snuggled up to Demitri.
"You wanna eat?" I ask Raven and watch her shake her head yes, I stand up and put on some pants and my slippers, I pick her up and place her on my hip as we make our way down to the kitchen. Multiple people run past us and quickly catch my attention. I stop mid walk and turn around, quickly after another woman runs past me. I grab her arm and pull her back towards us and question her whereabouts.
"Pearl is in labor." She says nervously, I gasp at the news and practically sprint with a baby on my hip back to our room.
"Demitri!" I shout excitedly and place Raven back on the bed, I run to the opposite side of the bed and push Demitri Till he's awake. He groans in annoyance and turns over. I counting to push him until he shouts but opens his eyes that are bloodshot.
"What?" He says bewildered. I have the biggest smile on my face and feel about ready to scream.
"Pearl is in labor!" I shout excitedly almost doing a small dance in front of him. He lays his head back down and shots me a thumbs up. I roll my eyes at his attitude but push him again. He opens his eyes and waits for more words to fly out of my mouth.
"Watch the girls for me?" I say but comes out more like a question.
"Okay." He says and closes his eyes.
"I mean it Demitri, Raven is hungry!" I shout.
"Loud and clear woman." He mumbles and turns back towards Mercy and wraps his one arm around her. I watch as Raven scoots closer towards them and grabs Demitri's arm to bring it around her as well, he pulls her closer into them and suddenly my heart is warming. Even as miserable and tired, he is still a good father, I'm falling more in love with him watching this. I quickly focus my attention on Pearl and run towards her room. I hear the multiple voices coming from her room and soon followed by her shouting for them to stop touching her. I walk into the room and see her in her bed, she laying in a robe and a What seems Lincoln's shirt and her underwear, her brown hair is covering her face with a slick coat of sweat. Her face is red and she already looks tired, four people are in the room besides Lincoln and I. I walk up to her and wipe her face with the wet rag besides her. She looks up at me and a look of relief appears in her eyes. She closes her eyes and puts her hand against mine.
"Thank you." She mumbles tiredly, she drops her hand and looks at Lincoln and take a deep breath as another contraction surpasses.
"How far long is she?" I ask the doctor in charge.
"8 centimeters you highness." He says.
"Okay two more to go, you got this Pearl." I shake off. She looks up at me and nods her head hopefully believing my words.
"How you doing over there dad to be?" I smile, he looks like a typical new dad, his hair already disheveled, his eyes wide and stressed pressed right against his face.
"Worried out of my mind." He says smiling hesitantly. Pearl grabs his hand and holds it close to her face.
"What does this mean Jam- I mean Artemis?" She asks.
"What do you mean?"
"Our child isn't exactly normal, what's the side affects?"
"I've never dealt or experienced this before, but let's not think about that okay? Let's welcome your baby girl with open arms." I tell her.
Here hours passed and baby Lenora has arrived, she's absolutely beautiful. Curly black hair with big grey eyes. I left an hour ago to give the new parents time alone with their baby girl who they have yet to put down. The girls are being entertained by my mother and I'm with Demitri.
"I saw the baby." He tells me as we finish our walk from the garden.
"Isn't she beautiful?" I gush.
"Lenora is a nice name." He says. He sways my hand with his and leads us towards the pond.
"The council isn't pleased with their baby Artemis." He says sadly.
"You know how they are with change, they don't like it, and we've never had a half human half normal vampire child they are worried for the people."
"We can just keep tabs on her, show them she's not harmful, she's barley a day old and they already have a problem with her?"
"They've has a problem with her since Pearl broke the news." He says and throws a rock into the pond, we sit down in the bench and watch the ducks swim by.
"They aren't going to hurt that baby." I whisper, I look towards him and grab his hand and place it in my lap.
"Just imagine if it was us Demitri, and they tried taking him from us before he was even a day old, Hell I know how that feels, Mercy wasn't even an hour into the world and she was ripped from my arms, this isn't happening to them." He looks down at my stomach and back at the pond.
"You're right." He says and pulls me into his side, I place my legs over his and scoot closer into his lap.
"Ever since the girls I feel like we've never had time just to ourselves." He says.
"I agree." He kisses my forehead and takes a deep breath and looks directly into my eyes.
"I wish back when I first met you I just ran away with you. Sometimes I'm selfish and wish we never had kids, I just want you to myself." He confesses.
"But don't think that's me hinting in a way I regret our kids, they are my world, I just, miss our days full of each other and nobody else, I don't just worry about you now, I have two daughters who filled my heart when I thought I couldn't even have you. I thought I would have had a son and just been with Corella, but after you, everything's changed." He says. I kiss his lips softly and feel content.
"No stress baby, remember that." He says.
"With you protecting me I'll never be stressed." I smiles

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