Chapter 8

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Is this where the honeymoon phase ends? It's been a week since I told Demitri about what my father said while Raven was sleeping and now he barely looks at me let alone talks to me. He's pretty much avoiding me, I hate it but I understand him at the same time. He is always in control, he solves the problems, he makes the hard decisions. But now he isn't alone in the decision making process and his problem has to do with my family. I don't want a war between my family. That's the last thing on my mind and I know what Demitri will do, he will confront my father, anger already pouring out of his pores. The last thing I want is my family to be put at odds, I have to handle this smart and quietly, what if my dad didn't mean it like that? What if he just said it and quickly wished he hadn't? But like I said it's been a week and nothings happened, I've kept to the agreement with the girls always being watched around the clock, my mother has gone home back to earth for a while and Helena has been occupied with Henry, I haven't had much time with her since the night of my wedding. Raven is with Demitri while I am watching Mercy during her horseback riding training. She's just finishing up and soon we can head back to prepare for dinner. Her long blonde hair tied back away from her face, she's got the biggest smile while riding Lemon, that's what she named her horse  when we announced we had gotten her a horse. She has spent everyday since we got him to tend to him, she's very loving and compassionate, unlike her father. He took time to love. I stand up as she hands the horse over to her instructor and kisses Lemon on the cheek and heads my way. I hold my hand out and walk back towards the castle.
"Mommy grandpa Henry said he wants to take me and Raven to go get Ice cream in town."
"Does he now?" I smile.
"Can we go? Please?" She asks squinting from the bright sun shining down on the both of us.
"How about another night?"
"But he said I could get any flavor I wanted." She sighs.
"How about me you, dad and Raven go to bed early tonight and watch whatever movie you want with any snack you want?" She stops walking and answers.
"Any snack? Even candy?" Crossing her arms.
"Even candy." I agree.
"What about chocolate?"
"We must have chocolate! That is the key ingredient to a perfect sleepover don't you think?" She smiles and jumps as she walks back into the castle through the garden doors. 
"A sleepover!!" She shouts twilight in the room.
"Now, you go get ready for dinner and I will talk to daddy about all the junk food we must have at our sleepover okay?" She squeals and runs out of the room and hopefully to her room where a maid is waiting.
I head towards Raven and Demitri to grab Raven to prepare the both of us for dinner. I open the door and see both of them on the floor, each have a yoga pad under their bodies, Demitri is holding a plank while Raven lays on her back reaching for her toes. Neither notice my arrival and I just watch them silently. He stares at her as she grunts to touch her toes. She was so close to reaching her big toe until she fell over on her side facing Demitri, who falls into a fit of laughter and falls over too. He picks her up and lays on his back while she's facing him with her body up in the air. She giggling like crazy and swinging her feet all over in the air. He tilts her face down and kisses her all over and places her back on the floor. He stands up and rolls up his mat and tucks it back where he found it and does the same with Ravens. I walk over towards them and grab Raven from his arms, startling the both of them. He looks at me with a mute expression and walks towards the door.
"I promised Mercy a sleepover tonight, she wants chocolate and candy." I tell him.
"Tell her not tonight, I have a meeting early in the morning."
"But I promised her." I tell him, he rolls his eyes and pushes his hair off his forehead.
"Tell her we will do it tomorrow." He says.
"You said that yesterday Demitri!" I complain.
"Yes because I was busy."
"When did you become so busy for your daughter?"
"When I became king Artemis."
"Listen, I get it you're mad at me, but to take it out on Mercy isn't okay, fine whatever you don't want to be apart of the sleepover fine, don't be." I storm out of the room and upstairs towards our room to grab my clothes and head into the girls room. I take a quick shower with Raven and quickly get dressed in their room. I brush Ravens hair into two small pigtails and place her in a black small onesie and slip on adorable sunflower shorts. I am wearing a loose lavender sweater with dark blue jeans and white flats. I keep my hair down and head to the dining room where most of my family were waiting. I place Raven in her height chair next to my seat and look over to make sure Mercy was settled besides her. The only person missing was Demitri. He hasn't come to dinner for three days now.
Our food was served and I made little to now conversation with anyone dining with us. I barley at my asparagus and steak and just waited for both the girls to finish before I excused us. After dinner I took the girls to their room which was ready for a sleepover, I had the maids set up the T.V. With all of Mercy's favorite Barbie movies and all types of goodies for us to munch on. I lay out Mercy's pajamas and help Raven get dressed into a clean where onesie for her to sleep in. I leave Raven on the floor to play with her toys while I run to the room to grab my pillows. I turn on the lights to grab my pillows from the bed and am startled when I see Demitri laying in bed already. He's facing the window away from me and is breathing slowly. I quietly grab my pillows and tiptoe towards the door.
"Where are you going?" He whispers.
"To the sleepover you wanted no part of, enjoy your sleep." I tell him and shut the door. Once back into the girls room I set up our little bed area on the floor and flick the lights off and lay between the both of them and hand Mercy the remote.
"What's it's gonna be babe?" I ask her, she flips through a few movies and finally chooses one.
"Princess and the pauper!" She presses play and hands me the remote. I put it down and grab the bowl of popcorn and a sippy of blood to give to Raven and let the movie begin, the door to their room opens and in comes Demitri with his pillows and a blanket that isn't from our bed.
"Daddy, you made it!" Mercy says and slides over to make room for him. He sits besides Mercy and brings her arms around my shoulders and pulls me into his arms. I try to lay comfortable without bothering Mercy and lean my head into his shoulder. I feel his lips press against my forehead and a sigh from Ravens lips. We all watch the movie in peace and or at least tried to watch the movie, every single one of falls asleep halfway into the movie. I know he is angry with me and is upset with me, but his emotions towards me shouldn't affect our time with our daughters, and tonight showed me they won't.

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