Chapter 7

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I finally stop talking and watch Demitri's eyes almost turn black, he rushes to the door almost breaking it off the handles but fails over and over again. I forcefully pull him from the door and explain the protection spell I used, in case he ignore my plea for a promise and lost control.
"You want me to sit in here while he secretly whispers to our daughter?" He whispers angrily, even in the heat of the moment he refuses to get loud with me while either of the girls are in the room.
"I want you to calm down! Please. Just let me figure it out okay?" I brush my palm against his face and wait for him to calm down.
"I want Mercy with someone at all times, Raven stays with either of us at all times, or with your mother and I mean human mother, Helena is to involved, those are my terms." He says.
"Okay I get that, just don't do anything to him, I mean it."
"Fine." He says and takes a deep breath, he kisses my forehead and holds me for a few seconds. Sometimes I wonder what life would have been like if I'd never left that house a few years ago, I'd probably attempt suicide while he lived lavishly with our daughter and Corella.
"Okay so do you want to go back to the meeting? We can leave her in here while we are both out there." I ask him.
"Yeah let's go, and just an advancement, none of the council have agreed to Lenora's life." He says gruffly. I break the seal and follow Demitri out of the room and back into the room full of sad old vampires who whisper amongst themselves.all attention is turned to us as we take our seats.
"So where were we?" Demitri starts and the conversations begin. One of the elders speaks first and settles all whispers.
"The creature needs to be handled, we cannot sit here and allow such atrocity to happen right under our noses." Other heads nod in agreement.
"But look at her, she is just like a normal child, you wouldn't even think she were a vampire without the hair, she doesn't even have red eyes."
"We do not know what is to come with thin the following years, yes she is good right at this moment but who's to say she doesn't kill every last one of us when she's older?"
"If I didn't see it fit for Lenora to be alive I would have made sure years ago, are you considering my lack of judgement?" Demitri questions.
"Demitri we don't think you have a lack of judgement but you are close to both guard and maid, your to emotional to decide right and wrong."
"I treated that woman like a maid up until delivery, I kept Lincoln as Mercy's guard even when his wife was home throwing everything she's tried to keep down up. I didn't just allow this creature in without fully knowing who her parents are and knowing she is safe for my people, trust me when I tell you, everyday for the last month, Artemis has kept and eye out for anything abnormal, and that creature like we've known all along, is just a baby." Demitri says.
"I'm tired of these rules you all follow, aren't you ready for a new change in style? I mean look at who's talking, the carrier who is actually supernatural with not one but two daughters who carrier this thrones bloodline, now if that doesn't tell you change is forthcoming I don't know what is. Now, please do not be shy or make a hasty decision, those who are for the baby to stay raise your hand, those against please keep your hand down." I begin with my hand in the air followed by Demitri's hand, we stare around the table and watch as all the eyes look across towards each other, for a moment I began to suspect the worse until one hand rises about their head. I nod my head and smile and soon another follows and before I know it every single hand besides one has been raised.
"Cromwell, still not in favor?" I ask lowering my hand.
"The rules are the rules for a reason, I see no valid reason in changing them." He argues.
"Rules are always made to be broken." I remark. Demitri calls the meeting to an end and watches everyone collect their belongings and exit the room. I remain in my seat and tap my finger against the hard oak table.
"When will we tell Pearl and Lincoln the news?" I ask.
"Whenever you want." He says and brushes by me towards his office without another word, before the door shuts I catch it with my hand.
"Are you mad at me?"
"At you? The mother of my beautiful daughters, the Queen to my kingdom, the wife of, well me? No I could never, but the daughter to a man who has made not one single good impression or even an attempt to like me, yes pissed even." He says and sits down at his desk.
"Demitri I don't want you to worry over this I have everything covered."
"Really covered as in the girls being watched around the clock, no that's not covered that security, and we wouldn't need it if we knew who he was and his motives."
"He's my father and he doesn't have any, I brought him back here remember?"
"A father who would rather see his grandchildren gone then in his presence." He mumbles.
"Demitri, please?" I beg.
"Can we talk about this later? The last thing I want is for her to wake up, especially in here, I have lots of work todo right now." He says pushing my hand off his leg.
"Do you want me to take her?" I ask ignoring his ignorant gesture.
"She's safer with me." He remarks. I feel like I've just been punched in my stomach, I step away from his desk and turn around to grab the door handle.
"Just don't do anything please." I whisper and walk out of the room.

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