Chapter 15

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"Missing?!" We shout at the same time. Demitri is up sooner than I am but none the less same. We both storm out of the room following the guard up into the girls room. We made sure once we got home they were in they're rooms, a maid was reading them a bed time story, they can't be missing. I can feel as my heart pound out of my chest with ever stair I climb, my girls are in bed, my girls aren't missing. I get to the room after Demitri bolted into the room, neither of our girls in sight. Demitri is speaking to multiple guards while I cradle both of their blankets close to my face inhaling there scents. My girls can't be missing they couldn't have left this castle, not my smart Mercy nor my wild Raven. But where else could they be if not in here? I zone out and stopped listening to the voices in the room and stared at their empty beds, they were supposed to be safe in here, this is there home, they were supposed to be protected and I let them down.
"Artemis." I didn't realize Demitri was calling my name till he grabbed my shoulders and stood in front of me and said my name again.
"Artemis." I break out of my own thoughts and stare into his eyes.
"I'll find them, don't worry."
"Don't worry? My seven year old and two year old daughters are missing from their beds, their home. Don't worry Demitri! I want everyone in this castle fired, hundred of staff and none saw who took my children! None! I'm  looking right along with you, I'm not on the side lines, I'm getting them back, so do not tell me not to worry!" I shouted, everyone jumping at my harsh words except for Demitri.
"Art you don't mean that." He says quietly.
"I do! All of you! Go! Now!" I shout watching all the men rush past us. Demitri stands in front of me silently and I watch with large angry eyes as everyone slowly disappears. I'm breathing heavy and waiting for him to say what he has to say. He stares down at me, his face low.
"Artemis.." He whispers placing one hand on my cheek.
"No." I cry.
"You gotta relax Artemis, we will find them, but firing everyone won't solve anything."
"You fire people all the time. Move, I need to go and look for them. I can't sit here arguing with you. It's not right to them."
"I'll come with you." He says. Following me out their room rushing to change from this dress into my normal clothes. How did I let this happen? How did I let them disappear without a trace? I quickly unzip this dress and jump into jeans and a sweatshirt and shoes. I don't wait for Demitri and run to the front of the castle.
"Artemis! Where are you going?! We need a plan!" Demitri shouts grabbing my arm after chasing me. I yank my arm from his grip and start hyperventilating.
"Demitri...they're missing...they're, they're not here, they aren't home with me." I gasp pacing. I place my hand on my chest and take deep breathes but nothing works.
"Please calm down." He begs putting a hand on my stomach. He's talking about my stress, doctors said it was bad for the baby, but my other babies are missing, why have this one if I can't even take care of the ones I have now?
"I need to find them Demitri, Jesus Demitri Mercy's only seven and Ravens two! Two Demitri! How will a seven and two year old get back home safely if I'm not searching every crevice in this god forsaken town!"
"Don't look at me like that okay, I can't sit here and argue with you, not right now, not while my children and missing, they are more important, I'm sorry." I start running in the first direction I'm in and don't stop until I find them, I can't. I leave Demitri by the castle alone on the other side of town as I search farther inside the woods. I place a hand on my small bump and apologize deeply for what's to come, or what won't.

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