Chapter 13

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All eyes point to the woman besides Casper and his eyes almost fall out of his head from the words spitting from her lips. I smile happily and look at Demitri who isn't to fond of this foul mouth warlock.
"Let them in. Now Casper!"
"As you wish Davina." He groans. Their faces on the mirrors fade and the room gains space once the mirrors are no longer surrounding us instead two entry ways are to our left and to our right.
"Which one do we go through?" Demitri asks
"Neither. It's a trap. No coven makes entering their home easy. We have to go through the mirror." I point to the large mirror hanging up against the wall.
"But it's just a mirror."
"Demitri, my love. You noticed how all of them were in mirrors? Mhm yes you did, if thy used a mirror to see us then we need a mirror to see them. The real coven is in the mirror." The realization smacks him in the face and he laughs graciously to himself.
"That doesn't make sense but makes sense. What happens if someone breaks the mirror."
"Simple fix really. All you need is one witch or warlock who isn't trapped to create a new mirror everything would be the same still just a new mirror."
"You know a lot about this coven don't you?" He smiles and puts his arm over my shoulders.
"That I do." I smile and kiss his lips. I press my hand to the mirror and watch it ripple as I press further inside. I hold tightly in Demitri and push both of us through the mirror. I stumble a bit through the mirror but thankfully Demitri is quick on instinct. He grabs my arm from face planting onto the hardwood floor. I stand up right and shake off what could have been a nasty fall.
"Thank you." I mumble and peck his lips. I fix my clothes that crumpled up and stood back besides Demitri.
"Artemis." The woman in the mirror smiles. I extend my hand but she throws out both her arms and wraps them around me bouncing back and fourth ecstatically. I feel Demitri's glare in the stranger hugging me but he restrains from causing a scene and waits for this woman to quit touching me. Once she finally let's go she stands back and smiles at Demitri and holds out her hand for him to shake. I nudge him forward and watch him hold out his hand in return.
"Nice to meet you King Demitri." She says as she shakes his hand.
"You as well.."
"Davian! Ha probably should have started out with that. I'm Davina, Casper's Wife." She chirps.
"Nice to meet you Davina" I smile back. She leads us out of the empty room and leads us upstairs.
"Your parents room is here. Your mother has been gone for over a few centuries but your father Henry remained here. He spent most days and nights here keeping whatever contact he had with your mother alive in this room. It was quite sad if I'm being honest, to think, our most powerful warlock was hopeless and unable to return to his wife, your mother is basically God around here, completely powerful, way too smart, she's like the Queen of the coven, when a witch or warlock want to challenge our head of magic we have battles, multiple tests to prove who's more superior. Nobody and I mean nobody had ever challenged your mother. But Casper, Casper took over once Henry disappeared. Is that why your here? Is he okay?"
"My father is fine, we were able to return him back with my mother. Now why does my mother and father look like they have aged but all of you look to be in your twenties?"
"Well when your in another dimension your age tends to quicken unlike ours when we are at the coven, but your fathers a different story, he tied himself to your mother before she was taken to the Vampires territory so as she aged so did she, he mainly did it to keep his own spirit alive but also if worse came to worse, if she died, so would he, same goes for your mother."
"So if something happens to one it happens to the other?" Demitri asks. We both turn to him and she nods her head confirming his answer. He face is filled with questions and ideas, I can see it. Hopefully she doesn't pick up on my husband as well as I do.
"Off to more things?" She asks closing the door to my parents room behind us. The room was white, the purest white ever, nothing compared to my mothers house now. Photos were everywhere of them, happy, in love, rulers of their own world. And now, centuries have gone by and they finally connected again.
"Please." I nod my head, she leads us down the hall and many frames hang multiple men and women in single frames.
"Who are these people?"
"People before us who either created the coven, protected it, or ruled it." My parents we're at the end of the hall.
"Here is our spell book room. Every new witch or warlock who's learned the true meaning behind our magic comes here and chooses their very own book. Completely empty and waiting for fresh new spells." This room is calling to me, hundreds of books stacked up on chairs and tables and another hundred are spread across the wall waiting for someone to choose them. I run my fingers across all the books sitting on the shelves and walk deeper into the room.
"I brought you here because I think it's time you picked yours Artemis. You completed tasks that no beginning witch could complete you outsmarted the covens traps without truly knowing them. So please, pick one to take back home with you, it would be an honor truly."
"Really?" A gasp ready to burst in tears. My very own spell book. I could create any spell in the world and it would be mine enclosed in just a simple book.
"Yes." She says. I let go of Demitri's hand and scan all the different colored books and sizes. I finally fall onto the perfect book for me, literally. I tripped and fell over a stack of books and landed on the most perfect one. It's brown with gold little specks on the corners and is small enough to fit into my purse, easy to keep with my at all times. I stand up and pick it up with me and turn towards Davina and Demitri.
"This one." I smile.
"Leave it to you to pick the book we've kept hidden for years." She laughs.
"Why hidden?"
"The book comes with a wand, nobody uses a wand, well nobody can control it well, so we kept it hidden away and only few people are able to get the wand."
"Well it's just a coincidence then, I don't see no wand." I shake off.
"The wand is established after the first spell you create."
"Wow is right. So, do you still want it?"
"More than anything."
"We have one more thing we have to do before it becomes yours."
"What is it?"
"Give you my blessing." Davian steps forwards and places her hand over the book and the gold on the edges glow. When she finally moved her hand my name is written in gold ink across the cover.

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