Chapter 19

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Everything's coming down to this final moment, everything I've lived for is for this final moment, and now it's here. I stand here before both my parents, my two children and my husband. Dead bodies lay surrounding us, all of our people, our friends, bleeding to death.  The girls stand frightened behind my mother, blood smeared across my clothes, the sweat sticking to my body, Demitri's shirt is ripped on the sides, but both my parents don't have a mark on them, the blood on me isn't even there's, it's my families.
"Mercy baby?" I call, a breeze sweeps by, the coolness relaxes my body until it stops. I see her blond head peak from behind Helena.
"Come here my love." I smile and bend down. I look at my dad and watch him shake his head, my mom grabs Mercy and holds her back, Mercy cries out and stays behind her. The blood in my body burns hearing the cries of my daughter. I stand up marching towards them feeling the flame ignite in my eyes hearing her soft cries. My hands open at the shock radiating from them.
"Give me my daughter now!" I shout lifting my mother out of the air, a purple flash flys out of my hand and onto her body, pushing her towards Henry, whom without a doubt stood to help her up after she's fallen onto the ground. I grab Raven and grab Mercy's hand and run towards Demitri, he grabs Mercy tightly, kissing her eagerly, tears falling down his face,  and I look back at my parents, while holding my sweet Raven and smelling the scent of her, the fine scent of honey and roses mixed. Soon Henry checks my mother for any marks and then was beginning to focus back on us. I hand Demitri the baby and kiss him quickly.
"Go, I can handle this." I whisper. He holds stares at me worried and shakes his head.
"Please, I can save you, I can save them." I tell him.
"Art, once I'm in the castle I can't come out to help you."
"I won't need help."
"What about the baby?"
"My only concern is you, and them, if he survives this, then he does, if he doesn't, it meant risking him to protect you. Please hurry, I love you all so much." I smile.
"I love you mommy." Mercy says and wipes the stranded tear running down my face. Demitri runs faster than his normal vampire speed into the castle and soon enough it's just the three of us out here. I stand my ground and stare at them, the wind picks up around us and the clouds get darker with each passing minute. I can hear the growls of the wolves in the distance, and sometimes the sparkle of fairies in the air.
"Artemis, you've caused quite a scene, pushing your mother like that." Henry says.
"The scenes about to get a lot bigger." I spat.
"Corrumpam vineam eius." I shout, watching the floor break and the earth tie my parents down to the ground feet first, they put up a fight but the more they move the tighter the vines get, reaching all the way up to there necks. I walk up to them slowly and graciously.
"It was once said you were the most powerful in the coven. It's a shame your own blood is challenging you for that title." I watch the looks on there faces go mute. Helena stands still while Henry grows frustrated and begins fighting the veins again.
"Subjugale mutum." Henrey says. My lips fade and I can't open my mouth.
"My sweet Artemis. I only allow what I want." I hear a snap and watch as each vine growing around him turns black and snaps off of him.
"Between us, you're barely at you peak, but between the two of us against you, you aren't even a level one witch. I'm the strongest warlock known to have lived as long as I have, you want to have me killed? Impossible." He eyes go black and his veins turn red as the bulge from his arms. An electric bolt is sent flying into my chest flying me across the street into the gates of the castle. I hear my mother scream and when I rush up I see her looks from the vines and far in the opposite direction just like me. Henry is in complete shock and confusion and runs to her. I stand up and brush off the dirty that has covered my ass.
"Cessare faciam spiritum" I crunch up my fingers and watch as he struggles for air, Helena grabs a hold of his face and whispers words, green light ignited from her finger tips and onto his face.
"It's no use! You aren't strong enough!" I shout, watching my hand turn white from how hard I'm squeezing my hand.
I run towards them and have both choking on the ground within seconds.
"Hate to break it to you father! But your level one daughter is kicking your ass." I whisper kicking him in the ribs. I'm pushed back and I fall to my knees. I cough dangerously loud, feeling blood rise from my throat. I spit the blood out and keep coughing until I feel light headed, I stare at him knowing he's causing this.
"I'll kill you Artemis, don't make me." He say while I spit the blood out of my mouth.
"And you will kill her too." I gasp watching Helena wipe the blood falling from her lips. She stares at Henry and then towards me.
"Henry, she linked us together." She says spiting more blood from her mouth.
"Easy fix my love give me your hands, the coughing starts again before I could get up and I fall over onto my side holding my stomach as I start choking on the blood. I can barley hear him chanting a spell over my coughs until I hear a thud of another body. My coughing fades quickly and I stand up achingly.
"What did you do!" He growls stepping up to me and grabbing me by the throat, he hand tightens around my throat as he lifts me off the ground, his face red, eyes black, spit falling out of the sides of his mouth. I look down at Helena surrounded in blood just like I was not too long ago trying to catch her breath while choking just like I am now.
"Only thing I knew that would protect me, you play dirty, I must get that genetic from you sweet ole dad right?" I laugh.
"Don't squeeze too hard or you will kill her too." I smirk.
"What did you use, why can't a break it!"
"I'm stronger than you, face it, you spent years trying to get to your beloved Helena back instead of strengthening yourself, if you're so powerful why did you see this coming? This war? Do you know who wins? Cause I'm pretty sure it's me." I grab his wrist tightly and feel the flame ignite and burn him quickly leaving my red hand mark on him.
"You thought I was weak, think again Henry, I'm everything a witch born from the leaders in a coven would be. Unstoppable."

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