Chapter 3

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"Good morning mommy." I look out from the bathroom and see Mercy rubbing her eyes while holding a stuffed bear. I wipe my face and turn towards Mercy. I pick her up and lay her in the bed with Demitri who is still asleep. She turns into Demitri's side and falls back asleep. That's her routine every morning, wakes up at the same time I do just to sleep besides Demitri, the biggest daddy's girl I've ever met. She plays with his hair while she sucks her thumb and has her eyes closed. I leave the room after I put on my black robe and slippers and walk into the girls room to check on Raven. She still asleep but I pick her up and move her into the room with the other two just Incase she wakes up Demitri is on automatic baby duty. I place a pillow on the edge of the bed so she doesn't roll off and walk to the kitchen and then to the dining hall.
"Parker! How have you been?" I shout running into the dinning room and hugging the life out of him.
"How have you been?" I ask eagerly again.
"Great and you?"
"Fantastic, glad to have my body guard back." I tell him, I walk into the kitchen and look back to see the grouch himself smile.
"Good morning everyone." I smile and watch the staff greet me as well.
"The King and the girls are still sleeping but I give it ten minutes and Raven will have Demitri up, so I'm going to need breakfast out and ready, two cups of O neg for Demitri and a small sippy cup for Raven and the usual for Mercy and I. Thank you!" I walk back out of the kitchen and head the the guard staff and make sure everyone has been feed properly and given their breaks. The halls are less dirty and filled with light. The men sit perched on benches sleeping and others leaving to fill a duty.
"Everything well?" I ask the head guard in charge. He jumps and turns around and nods towards me followed by a yes. I look around the dimly lit room that could be a little more tidy and walk out before I begin cleaning the mess. I walk back down to the dining hall and silently listen besides the door. Demitri is in the room with both of the girls and he sounds utterly frustrated. I hear raven squeal followed by a loud noise and then Mercy laughing as well.
"Girls please?! I'm begging, just wait for the food to come, where is your mother?" He stresses. I laugh quietly and peek inside watching him pick up Ravens toys. I walk in the room as he stands back up and places them on her tray. I walk up to him and grab his hand, he turns around and meets my smile. I brush my hands through his black hair and lean into his broad chest.
"Good morning husband." I sigh and kiss his cheek.
"No wife should ever kiss her husband on the cheek." He says and presses his lips against mine. I squeal as he presses his hands into my hips and pull away.
"I see the girls are rowdy as usual."
"If they're anything like their mother of course, only you would be up at the crack of dawn." He says sitting besides Raven.
"I'll have you know, Mercy came in at the crack of dawn by to come down here with her mother but to go back to bed with her daddy, so, I disagree." I reply and sit besides Mercy. The food is brought out within a matter of minutes and the girls eat silently while I stare off at Demitri like a teenage girl. I'm brought out of my daze by other voices followed by a laugh. I look over at the door and see my moms and my father walk in and greet the girls and Demitri except my dad who bluntly ignored Demitri. They find seats around the table and eat food as well. Demitri gives me an all knowing glare and nods towards the door. I wipe my mouth with the napkin in my lap and excuse myself from the table rather abruptly. All eyes are on me and even Raven thought that was rude by throwing her cup. I glare at the bossy two year old and bend down for her cup and softly place it back on her tray. I walk out of the room and stand besides the door waiting for the King himself. Not seconds sooner and I bring hauled into his shoulder and upstairs back in our room. I groan internally at the dramatic entrance but refrain from any unnecessary comments. I fix my rob and look at him questionably.
"We need to talk."
"I see." I reply.
"Your father, he doesn't like me."
"Demitri. I don't believe that." He's just adjusting, I mean the last time he was here your father had our entire family separated."
"And now your excusing his behavior. Back then I would have had him killed." He growls and shuts the door.
"But you've changed, for the better, you're a better man now Demitri, don't let your feelings get in the way of this. He must think you're just like your father." I tell him. His eyes deepen into another shade of red and he claws at the walls leaving scratches.
"I'm nothing like my father nothing! Who is he to judge me?" He says.
"I agree Demitri but just give him a chance, we haven't even spoken to him yet, we just have to clear up the air okay?" I ask and walk up to him grabbing his hands, I stare at the purple veins poking from his skin and then up to his eyes. I tug on his hand and plead with him.
"Something isn't right Artemis."
"Artemis?" I ask.
"It sounds better, like the Queen you're meant to be." He says with a smirk.
"Fine okay." I smile I pull him out of the room after he's stopped shaking and think about what he said. 'Something is off.'

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